Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1224: It sent a bird

Lin Qiao hugged Xiaoteng slowly up the stairs and climbed to the top of the wall, then walked to look at the strange cat outside.

"Hoo-hoo-coo-" When Lin Qiao appeared on the top of the wall, the weird cat yelled at Lin Qiao with his neck stretched out, and then bowed his head to bite the big bird under his paw, and then dragged violently. The giant bird took two steps forward to lay down.

It may have been bitten by its mouth. The bird was struggling on the ground and wanted to fly, but it couldn't fly anymore.

"It looks like a cat! It only recognizes you!" Qiu Lili said when she saw the strange behavior of the cat, and went to Lin Qiao's side.

She had been observing for half an hour, and the strange cat was sitting still. However, as soon as Lin Qiao came, it immediately moved.

At this time, Lin Tengteng in Lin Qiao's arms might have smelled something strange. He woke up with his eyelids moving. Then he opened his eyes, and now he was in his mother's arms. Looking around, I found that my position was a bit high and a little empty.

Just as he turned to look down the strange breath, a flaming beast appeared in his eyes.

However, at that moment, the strange cat suddenly yelled at Lin Qiao again: "Giggle--"

Then it pushed the big bird forward, then suddenly turned around and then flung its tail, six legs bent and then leapt forward. Instantly disappeared in place, leaving only a half-dead bird still there, occasionally moving its wings.

"Ah! It's gone?" Qiu Lili screamed in surprise, eyes wide open and slightly opened her mouth to watch the strange cat disappear. Then he looked at the giant bird that was left in place: "It left the prey and then ran on its own. Does it want to give us this bird? Is it so?"

After speaking, she turned around and looked at Lin Qiao in confusion.

Lin Qiao also looked at her with certainty and looked outside the base and said, "It seems ..."

Xiao Tengteng noticed strangers around him, so he didn't speak out. He just rubbed his eyes and crawled to Lin Qiao's chest, hugging her neck.

Lin Qiao changed his posture in accordance with his movements, and then looked back at him. Q: "Sufficient sleep?"

Xiao Tengteng hugged her neck and fell down again, squinting his eyes and not responding to Lin Qiao's words.

"What about the mutant bird below?" Qiu Lili asked Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao handed Xiao Tengteng to Qiu Lili: "Xiao Tengteng, let Sister Lili hug me, I'll go down and collect the bird and come up again."

Qiu Lili unconsciously stretched out her hands to take over Xiao Tengteng's soft body, and then watched Lin Qiao leap off the wall and land next to the bird, and then the bird disappeared when she reached out her hand.

"Okay, the gate can pass." Duan Juan next to him turned and shouted at the gate below the wall.

"Yes." The captain of the goalkeeper immediately responded and sent someone to open the door.

After Lin Qiao came up, he hugged Xiao Tengteng and said, "Go back."

"Did it come to send a bird?" Qiu Lili said curiously to Lin Qiao.

"Maybe." Lin Qiao responded casually.

But she wondered in her mind, why did the strange cat send a bird? Is this a gift? but why?

And it does n’t eat meat, why does it send them meat?

The strange thing that the strange cat sent a mutant bird to the base of the base quickly spread around the base. Everyone was curious about this kind of thing, and they were also curious about why this strange cat did it.

"Have you heard? A weird cat with six legs and blood red and no hair sent a big bird to our base. It would be great if the bird was not mutated. But this behavior is like a kitten raised in the family , From time to time, they will catch a bird or mouse from the outside. But what is the purpose of this strange cat? "

"Who knows! But I heard that it didn't mean to attack the base. Such a friendly mutant beast was encountered for the first time. I just heard that it looks too ugly and doesn't look good."

"How do you know it looks ugly?"

"I know the soldier guarding the gate. Hearing that the cat is very big and has no Maoye and blood red. It feels ugly to think about it, and it has two horns on its head. Teeth are especially long ... "

When Lin Qiao returned home, Xiao Tengteng said to her, "Mama's cat seems to like you."

Lin Qiao looked at him strangely: "How do you know? Can you sense it?"

After she was sitting on the sofa, Xiao Tengteng climbed to the side and sat on the back of the sofa. Said: "No, I can't sense its thoughts, but I can feel from its breath that it is courting you."

Lin Qiao smiled and said, "Do you know why it does this?"

She could feel the sight of the strange cat just petting the owner, but she didn't understand why.

Lin Qiao thought about it, she hasn't done anything for that strange cat? Why is it tangled up?

Xiao Tengteng rolled her eyes and gave her: "How do I know this? I'm hungry and I'm hungry ... Ma Ma, you go and cook for me."

Lin Qiao looked at him silently, and only responded, "Okay, I know. Wrap the quilt, be careful."

Xiao Tengteng said indifferently: "I'm afraid of cold, I won't catch a cold!"

The strange cat on the other side did not go far after leaving the sentient base. Instead, they hid a few hundred meters away and watched the direction of the base quietly. It wasn't until Lin Qiao saw the giant bird that had been carried down from the top of the wall and took it away. Then he turned to look at the other direction, which was the direction of Wushan planting base and military area. But it only glanced over there, and this time it really turned away.

And it finally looked at the direction not far away, a snake, a dog, a mushroom, and a little tiger were watching it quietly. Although quiet, the look was somewhat alert.

Especially the last look at the strange cat before leaving, making their necks stand up. They didn't relax until it had gone completely.

"嗷嗷 嗷 ——" Seeing that the big cat was gone, the little tiger ran behind Erwang's ass, and then bit his tail and dragged it back.

"Wuwang!" Erwang immediately screamed back at it, and in the next second he dragged his tail in a circle. Of course, the little tiger was dragged round and round by its tail.

At last the little tiger let out a whine and rolled out two more times.

"Yiwang Wangwang!" Erwang rushed in front of him, lowered her forelegs, and screamed at the little tiger with her hips tilted.

The little tiger was not afraid of it, and immediately rose up with its four claws to open a pair of fights and howled at Erwang.

The black snake next to him saw that the big cat with much greater coercion was gone, and immediately the two of them played on their own. Glancing at them coldly, they turned away and slipped away.

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