Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1236: Conspiracy

"Wu Chengyue is not so easy to deceive, you take care of it." Xie Longyun's words made Si Kongchen frown, and after warning her, she stopped speaking.

Xie Longyun just evoked **** and delicate red lips, and smiled lightly: "In a smart man, there will be times of confusion in front of a beloved woman. Unless he is not sincere."

Si Kongchen looked at her doubtfully: "How do you know that he is sincere? In case that woman is not so important in his heart?"

Xie Longyun raised her eyebrows and smiled confidently: "Thanks to my understanding of him, it wouldn't have taken her a whole year if it was not sincere. Believe me!"

Si Kongchen looked at her silently, and said nothing.

At this time Xie Longyun asked him again: "Then how are you going to restrain that woman? I don't think she is a simple-minded person. Besides, we are planning to rob her prey not long ago, she must have been alert to you in her heart."

Si Kongchen said blankly: "So what? At our site, I have a way to solve her. Haven't I received a medicine that can bring enhanced powers from abroad that has been limited? Even if I tried it, it worked. Don't believe she can hide. "

Xie Longyun frowned Xiumei slightly, and said, "I know you have this medicine, but how do you use it on her? Don't tell me what is mixed in her rice or water and eat it. I want to get close to her and not be lifted. It's too difficult to suspect. "

"Who said I want her to eat? Nothing, as long as she smells it." Si Kongchen suddenly sneered, looking down at the documents in her hand, but her expression flashed gloomily.

When Xie Longyun heard it, his expression froze instantly. Looking at him with a little surprise: "Smell everything? Is your medicine so powerful?"

"So I said I've tried it." Si Kongchen raised her expressionless glance at her.

Xie Longyun raised his eyebrows again and looked at him: "Did you also try this? The effect is obvious? You are also an eighth-level ability, can you still get this medicine?"

Si Kongchen shook his head, and said with a sense of excitement about getting a good baby: "This is the medicine I paid for in great value. This is not something I can exchange with them casually. And I have made people Its ingredients have been researched. Unfortunately, we do not have a few special ingredients in our country. If we want to continue to get this medicine, we must continue to cooperate with them. "

Xie Longyun: "Oh, it seems that you also spent a lot of money to get this medicine, right? But they can both develop drugs of this level, it seems that the development is much faster than us. But since you You got the drug, why not just kill the woman? "

Si Kongchen continued to look down at the file: "I can kill if I can kill it, but they can only use this potion at a special time. Because the effect is not great, and when facing the eighth-level ability, time It's only five seconds. And this can only limit her ability for a short time, but it can't limit her action. If nothing unexpected happens, she can't escape. But I can't guarantee if she has any other means of life-saving. ... but at least it has restricted her, and it is enough for your plan to continue. "

Xie Longyun nodded. Suddenly said: "Since you have such good things in your hands, then give me something that I can use on Wu Chengyue? Wouldn't it be easier?"

Si Kongchen sighed and leaned her body on the back of the chair. Looking up at her, she said, "I will definitely give it to you if there are many. The problem is that I only exchanged two copies and they would not give them any more. I have already given one to the institute and only The next one. It ’s small and I ca n’t share it with you. ”

Xie Longyun left the corner of his mouth with dissatisfaction, and complained, "Why don't I think of a way to get back a little bit more."

Si Kongchen said: "I also think, but their production is not much. So they don't want to give me more."

"Well, then, we will act as planned. I'll go back first." Xie Longyun said a word before turning around and leaving him.

The next day, Lin Qiao did not arrive at Huaxia's base dozens of kilometers away. It was felt that the breath of Wu Chengyue and others was coming.

"I'm here!" Xiao Tengteng also felt Wu Chengyue's breath far away, and then, with some excitement, he darted out of the window like a bear with a thick coat of clothing.

Lin Qiao smiled slightly, squeezed his face and said, "What are you so excited about? How many days have you separated?"

"Because I'm here, I don't need to drink unpleasant porridge anymore! I want to drink congee porridge!" Xiao Tengteng glanced at Lin Qiao with a scornful glance, and once again clearly thought of abandoning her uneatable man. Taste can kill people's cooking!

In fact, he has already become accustomed to Wu Chengyue's cooking, and his appetite has been raised.

"I think you've got an appetite for it! How can I make it so unpalatable!" Lin Qiao said unwillingly.

"As long as you have a taste of porridge every day, will I get tired of it again?"

Indeed, Lin Qiao's craftsmanship is not so unpleasant as he said, but from morning to night, every day is a kind of porridge and the taste is the same ... Wu Chengyue used to change the flavor and cook for him. Baby porridge, is Lin Qiao's tolerance for so many days already his limit? It's just torture!

Lin Qiao: "..." I have nourished my appetite at such a young age. How do I support her in the future?

"Then you have to get used to my craft, because you can't be with that guy every day. Otherwise, what will you do when you are with me in the future?" After thinking about it, she felt that she had to appease the child's appetite I can only come back a little bit.

Xiao Tengteng was told by her and found it to be the same. All I could do was stare at her silently, but in the end I still wanted to be a little better on my stomach and said, "Then ... then, can you change some tricks for me? Are you tired of eating one every day?" "

Lin Qiao smiled: "I try my best, you wait."

Do not know why, Xiao Tengteng saw her smile suddenly had an unknown feeling.

After Lin Qiao and others returned to the base of beings from Huaxia, Xiao Tengteng finally knew what culinary dregs were. I was forced to take a long time to train from a kitchen killer in the frying kitchen to a person who can barely enter the kitchen. Can I make something delicious in a short time?

Xiao Tengteng, who was forced to try vegetables every day, regretted that he had no medicine to eat, because his stomach was very strong. Do n’t be afraid to eat anything, just the tongue is abusive ...

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