Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1251: Meet Du Kunsheng (plus one more to macuy)

"Okay, no problem. If it's all these pure grasses, then you lose 30% of you." Xiao Yunlong nodded, then turned to look at Lin Wenwen agreed.

Lin Wenwen smiled and said, "Thank you for your cooperation."

At this moment she suddenly said to Xiao Yunlong, "Yes, can you bother me for a favor?"

When Xiao Yunlong heard that she wanted to help herself, she stood up and walked back to her place. Asking her, "What's busy?"

Lin Wenwen took out a piece of paper, put it on the coffee table at hand and said, "Help me check a few people, it should be in your base."

Meng Yue walked over and picked up the paper she put on the table, opened it and looked at it: "Dong Xinxin? Dong Lijia? Do you have any questions about them?"

Lin Wenwen looked at her: "What? Do you know them?"

Meng Yue shook her head: "No, it's pure curiosity. I'll check it for you."

"Thank you." Lin Wenwen nodded to her with a smile.

Then Lin Wenwen stayed in Haicheng, waiting for Meng Yue to help her find someone.

At this time, in the Huaxia base, Lin Qiao and others like Li Cheng and Wu Chengyue lived in the embassy building arranged by Huaxia.

In the lobby of the embassy, ​​he also met Du Kunsheng, the current leader of the Black Dragon Base. The man was still handsome. When he laughed, it was quite sunny, and he was reduced by a lot of age. He was obviously a man in his early thirties, but he looked just like a young man in his twenties. It was just that the gloomy temperament on him didn't weaken much when he didn't laugh.

"It's been a long time, and the leaders Wu and Lu have arrived. But you are not the last one. There are still no people." Seeing Wu Chengyue and Lin Qiao appear, Du Kunsheng stood up and greeted them with a smile.

"The last one is still here at Qingshan Base. It is estimated that he is also very busy at the base now." Wu Chengyue smiled at Du Kunsheng.

Lin Qiao has not seen Du Kunsheng before, but now he is the first time to see him. Du Kunsheng also met her for the first time, and both sides just smiled politely.

"This should be the beauty leader of the Zansei base I heard recently, hello. I'm Du Kunsheng at the Black Dragon Base." Du Kunsheng looked at Lin Qiao with a lot of interest. Although his eyes were a bit rude, but Nothing bad.

Before that, he was really interested in this newly emerged female leader, because he was curious what kind of woman the woman chased after by Wu Chengyue. I see you now, I feel really beautiful, and my temperament is very good. Moreover, her figure is still very hot. Even if she wears a special military uniform for the leader, she can't cover the high bulge in front, the waist pinched by the belt is gripped, and her legs are straight and slender.

Such a stunner, no wonder Wu Chengyue will chase after.

Lin Qiao also looked at him with a smile: "I had heard that Leader Du was a strange person, but I did not expect that you did not give up the Black Dragon Base and left like Gao Haoyun last time."

Du Kunsheng heard a mere smile and said, "Hey, am I the kind of person? Fortunately, I didn't run like Gao Haoyun myself, otherwise I wouldn't end up like him?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Even if he doesn't leave, his end is dead." Lin Qiao knew he was joking, and he replied casually. Then he said, "Well, why do we say a dead person here? I don't know if Du Shou is here, what's the news?"

She talked as she walked to the sofa and sat down, looking up at Du Kunsheng.

Du Kunsheng understood that she was asking about Huaxia's news, and she sat down and said, "Although I also want to know their plans, but unfortunately I haven't found any news about them. I heard you are there. Underground creatures are the first to appear. Have you researched any ways to deal with them? "

He was referring to the group of underground orangutans, which was indeed the first to appear.

Lin Qiao nodded: "The ones that first appeared to us, although they have a strong attack force. But they have a big weakness, that is, they can't come out during the day and be exposed to the sun. So they didn't come out unbridled and invade Our base. As for effective methods, there are some, but it is not convenient to say them now. "

Du Kunsheng heard her last words, his eyes lightened slightly. But after seeing Lin Qiao refuse to say, he nodded in understanding.

After thinking about it, he jumped on another topic and turned to look at Wu Chengyue: "However, Haicheng has terminated cooperation with Huaxia last time. I didn't expect that they could ask Wu to come over this time."

Wu Chengyue looked at him with a smile on his face: "I was also surprised. I thought they would isolate us."

When Du Kunsheng heard this, his expression was gloomy for a moment. "They really want to do this. Before, his mother wanted to threaten me to stop trading with you, but I just ignored their threats. Well, I have to wait and see what they are going to do next, As a result, they didn't have time to shoot, and suddenly there was something underground. "

"Si Kongchen has done this kind of thing?" Lin Qiao was a little speechless when he heard his expression, and looked at Wu Chengyue.

It seems that Si Kongchen also wants to control the Black Dragon Base in his Huaxia hands.

Wu Chengyue smiled and looked at him. "It seems you didn't agree, but he shouldn't let you go like this, right?"

Du Kunsheng sneered, spreading his hands: "When Gao Haoyun had cooperated with him before, he had already planted a lot of people in. But when Gao Haoyun left last time, I took the opportunity to plant those people who were Si Kongchen. It ’s all cleared up. Now that he does n’t have our intelligence, he wo n’t be too anxious even if he wants to do anything. And it ’s not too late. It ’s estimated that they are still planning something, which is caused by these sudden emergence of a lot of strange The creatures are upset. By the way, I heard that he also went to the Northwest a while ago, but it seems to have returned without success. "

With that, he looked at Lin Qiao again, the smile on the young handsome Jun's face seemed a little gloating.

Lin Qiao and Wu Chengyue both understood that he was referring to the incident where Si Kongchen wanted to attack Dong Xiaowei, but because Lin Qiao appeared, he got nothing, and hurt his assistant instead.

It is estimated that Si Kongchen now has a lot of opinions on Lin Qiao. It seems that Si Kongchen will not have a good attitude towards her this time.

"I just happened to pass by. Who told him that Si Kongchen had bad luck?" Lin Qiao spread his hands with a smile.

Du Kunsheng said: "But I did not expect that there were already nine level abilities, and Lan Lu still had such a hand. It's not easy!"

Wu Chengyue said at this time: "The Qingshan base has not been easy, otherwise they would not hide until now."

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