Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1265: What is she looking at

"He, because the power is a fire system. But this fire power is not the same as a normal fire power. His fire power absorbs the energy of the sun. The temperature of the released power is a few degrees higher than the normal flame. Thousands of times. "Dong Lijia explained at this time.

"The fire can make the skin black like this?" Lin Wenwen looked at Luo Yuanjun with a novel look.

"Even when he doesn't use abilities, his body is transformed by the energy of abilities, and he will absorb the energy of sunlight. Even the skin under his clothes is the same black," Dong Lijia said with a smile.

After Lin Wenwen looked at Luo Yuanjun for a few moments, the freshness passed quickly. Anyway, human beings will awaken various abilities, and some changes in the body are normal.

Then she turned her head to stare at Dong Lijia and asked, "Is it possible that you can't even open your eyes because of the power?"

"Well, he's not. He's changed his personality. You think he's still the tender little fresh meat seven years ago." Dong Xinxin couldn't help but laugh when he heard what Lin Wenwen said, then said.

Lin Wenwen looked at Dong Lijia's dress slightly, and now in addition to herself, Deng Chenfei, who is tall and tall, is wearing camouflage. Dong Lijia wore a white casual suit with a light brown slim sweater underneath the jacket. It looks very elegant and handsome, that is, the pair of fox eyes smiling like a mask, making people unable to understand his eyes and thoughts.

Temperament is quiet and elegant, but still gives an illusion of being inaccessible.

It can be said that he is now dangerous.

Lin Wenwen stared at him and did not see any scenes. That is, he cannot predict what will happen in the future.

Suddenly thought of something, she turned her head and looked at Deng Chenfei.

She remembered that before returning, she saw a picture of Deng Chenfei and Lin Feng appearing together, and her elder brother looked very anxious at the time.

Thinking of it about Lin Feng, Lin Wenwen focused his attention. She watched Deng Chenfei squint her eyes, suddenly a flower in front of her eyes. A picture soon appeared ...

Deng Chenfei's place seemed to be walking around in a large factory, and suddenly a loud bang made his place explode into a sea of ​​fire. Then a large group of crooked and terrifying creatures appeared in the sea of ​​fire, and they rushed towards Deng Chenfei.

Deng Chenfei could only turn around to find a passage to escape, and soon he rushed out of that place. On the outside, there were more creatures just now.

At this time, Lin Wenwen suddenly noticed another place not far from Deng Chenfei, where several people were surrounded by a large group of monsters that looked like each other, but those monsters seemed to be blocked by something and did not touch it Several people.

And one of those people is familiar to her, and that is her sister-in-law Cheng Wangxue. And she still couldn't move freely, because her hands seemed to be tied behind her. The people around her were wearing a balaclava and could not see who they were.

The picture came here and suddenly disappeared.

"Xiaowen ... Xiaowen?" There was a sudden cry from Dong Lijia in his ear, and Lin Wenwen suddenly woke up.

Lin Wenwen turned to look at him subconsciously, a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes, but soon came back clear. She immediately turned her head to look at Deng Chenfei again.

Everyone else looked at her in confusion, even Deng Chenfei, who was staring at her, was no exception.

But this time she stared at it for more than ten seconds, still seeing nothing.

"What is she looking at?" Dong Lijia finally couldn't help but asked Dong Xinxin.

Dong Xinxin shook his head.

Dong Lijia thought about it, and suddenly his smile became a little weird and said to Lin Wenwen, "Don't watch, he likes my sister."

Dong Xinxin, Lin Wenwen, and Deng Chenfei turned their heads and looked at him momentarily: ...

Dong Lijia looked at the three of them in wonder, and said, "Well? Isn't that what it meant?"

Lin Wenwen slumped his sleeves and said to him with a smile: "Do you know that talking will be beaten? When will I see this kid?"

When Dong Lijia saw the movement of her sleeve, she immediately thought of the situation that she was often abused in the gym three years ago seven years ago. He turned his gaze silently to the ceiling.

However, Lin Wenwen looked back at Dong Xinxin and Deng Chenfei, and then turned to look at Luo Yuanjun. Can't help but ask, "Well, although I can see that your two boys have a little interest in Xinxin before, but look at your current picture ... it seems that nothing has happened!"

Because since she just came in, Deng Chenfei and Luo Yuanjun have kept a normal distance from Dong Xinxin. The atmosphere of pink bubbles and dog food did not come out.

"Oh ... why did you drag me on?" Dong Xinxin kicked Lin Wenwen's feet with some embarrassment.

After sharing a body with Lin Wenwen, I also know something about Lin Wenwen. After Dong Xinxin recognized various post-apocalyptic changes, he became inexplicably dependent on Lin Wenwen. It is not the same as relying on Dong Lijia, because Lin Wenwen is the only girl who did not abandon her because of her size. And she also helped her to lose weight.

She hasn't shown much in the past seven years, all of which led Dong Lijia and Deng Chenfei to work. Only the core talents in the corpse corps knew Dong Xinxin's existence, plus the three men protected her very well, and many outsiders had never heard her name.

After Dong Xinxin kicked Lin Wenwen, she asked her, "Do you stare at him? Is there anything wrong?"

Lin Wenwen nodded to her: "Well, my ability has just risen to the second level. So the picture I see is not very clear ..."

In the picture she saw just now, her sister-in-law was there. And the situation is still very bad, no wonder Lin Feng looked so anxious before.

Only Dong Xinxin understood what she said. The other three men did not understand what they were talking about.

"What picture? Can you stare at what he can see?" Luo Yuanjun curiously turned to look at Deng Chenfei and looked at Lin Wenwen again.

"You can see very important things!" Lin Wenwen heard his words, turned his head and stared at Deng Chenfei seriously.

Although Deng Chenfei's face was expressionless, his eyes were slightly curious. It's just faint, and people who don't know him can't see it.

"But it seems that both of you are chasing new things openly?" At this moment, Lin Wenwen suddenly looked at Deng Chenfei to the left and Luo Yuanjun to the right.

If it was not chased publicly, Dong Lijia would not have said so just now.

With this question, Deng Chenfei looked at Dong Xinxin a little awkwardly, and then looked back at Dong Lijia silently.

Lin Wenwen finally knew why it had been seven years, and Dong Xinxin hadn't married yet! It turns out that someone's sister control properties have not changed yet!

Dong Lijia said with a smile: "What do you want to see? My Xinxin is so petite and so cute! Only strong people above level 7 can protect her! The two of you have been stopped at level 5 and ca n’t even get up to level 6. So I think Don't even think about it! "

Deng Chenfei: ...

Luo Yuanjun: ...

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