Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1279: How did you die

Yue Xiaoxian shrugged and said to her, "What's so weird about this? Oh, leave me alone, and talk about your relationship with that woman?"

Jingyan looked at her for a few seconds before asking her a question: "How did you die?"

Yue Xiaoxian asked her with a look of frown. Then he sighed and said a little lowly, "Am I? I was used as a meat shield to prevent the zombies from being pushed into the zombies."

Jingyan found a flat rock and sat down, then said, "I'm not the same as you. The woman was my cousin just now, because of her, I became a zombie."

Yue Xiaoxian nodded: "Oh, it's relatives. Then what? Why did you become a zombie because of her?"

Jingyan's eyes became a bit cold, and she said, "You were pushed into the zombie group by others blatantly, and I was secretly smeared with zombies' blood on the wound when I was injured. Then slowly my whole body It became cold and turned into a zombie. "

"Is that the woman just now?" Yue Xiaoxian asked her curiously.

Jing Yan shook her head: "No, she was just the one who secretly instructed. It was the others."

Yue Xiaoxian said, "Wow, then you just killed her so easily? Do you dispel hate in your heart? If you knew it, you would catch her alive first, then torture her and die before you hate it! But isn't she your cousin? Why should you Harm to you? Is the relationship between you two so bad? "

Although she asked like this, she probably already guessed a few possibilities. Not for food, but probably for men. Otherwise, the woman wouldn't do it secretly.

Jing Yan shook her head: "My relationship with her was normal, it was a good or bad one. After the disaster came, because I awakened the power first. I also protected her and her at first Family went to the survivor base together, but then met another group of people, one of them was a man who was also a power person, and he was the strongest. This woman looked after that man, but that man and Don't like her. "

"Did that man look after you?" After listening to her, Yue Xiaoxian could almost guess the next story.

The woman liked the man, but the man liked her cousin Jingyan. Love but not love. After a long time, I started to be jealous and hate Jingyan.

Now in the last days, all family and friendship are made of plastic. It's broken for you in minutes.

In fact, that woman looks after that man, and she wants the status of the other to maintain her status in the last days. Because Jingyan said that the man was the strongest at the time, it must be a leader. The benefits of following a man who leads the entire team can be imagined.

So after the man saw Jing Yan, her cousin began to be jealous of her. Only then did she find a chance to hit her.

Jingyan heard her words silently.

Yue Xiaoxian asked curiously again: "Do you still know the news about that man? Is it in Huaxia?"

This woman came from Huaxia, indicating that the people in that team should have finally arrived at the Huaxia survival base.

Jingyan was silent for a few seconds before she said, "He's dead."

Yue Xiaoxian looked at her unexpectedly: "Did you find out? You don't seem to have no feelings for that man!"

"Don't say me, what about you? Have you recovered your memory and never thought of going to get revenge on those who pushed you into the zombies?" Jing Yan didn't want to talk to her about the man more.

That man was dead and had no chance of becoming a zombie. It was entangled by the mutated plant, and even the corpse became the nourishment of that plant. So it doesn't make much sense to say more now.

Yue Xiaoxian sighed and said, "It is definitely false to say that you don't want to find it. I haven't heard back yet. I'm waiting. They'd better be alive so I can find a chance to kill them slowly! Let them Taste the fear of being bitten alive by countless zombies! "

Speaking of the last sentence, she suddenly smiled grimly.

Jingyan suddenly looked her up and down and asked her, "But weren't you pushed into the zombies? Why didn't you see any injuries to your body and face?"

Yue Xiaoxian sighed again and said, "Yeah, you did not see Jin Jiuyang's body. At that time, the attacks of the zombies were blocked by him. Fortunately, his face was not destroyed too seriously."

Jin Jiuyang is the male zombie who was with Qiu Lili next to her, and she was also her companion. When the two were pushed into the zombies, Jin Jiuyang protected all of her underneath, and later ran away those zombies because of the timely appearance of Qiu Lili. The two of them did not reach the worst point, but it was inevitable to change the zombies.

"Have you found any trace of the other party? Which survival base did you go to?" Jingyan asked her curiously.

Yue Xiaoxian said: "At that time, we went to the Dilong base, and now the Dilong base is dead. The survivors in the base have long been scattered to other bases."

Jingyan nodded: "It's a bit hard to find, and you have only recovered the memory in the past six months. If you can meet the current leader earlier and get the recovered memory earlier. Maybe find it a bit."

Yue Xiaoxian nodded, and she stood up: "Let's go and see what happened to the hard bones that even Lili hadn't even taken off, so far I haven't cleaned it up!"

Jingyan turned her head and sensed the breath of Qiu Lili and others, and found that although the breath of the person from Huaxia had disappeared, Qiu Lili and the others remained still. This shows that the person is not dead yet!

And Yun Meng's breath also disappeared, but maybe it wasn't killed, but in a state of invisibility.

With such a reaction, you know that the person over there has not been killed. Well, none of the four seventh-level puppets has gotten a seventh-level puppet yet! It seems this leader is quite special!

Jingyan also stood up, and the two turned around towards the battlefield and then passed over.

At this time, Yunmeng and the short man were deadlocked on the top of the building, and both sides were trying to test each other's breath. With the fog getting thicker, the short man gradually leaned towards the edge of the building and wanted to see if he could slip away.

After Yunmeng lay for a while, realizing that the other party couldn't feel himself in the fog, he started to move slowly.

"Are the two of them hiding and hiding in there? They haven't moved a bit for a long time?" Qiu Lili muttered curiously, staring with wide eyes and looking at the figure of that short man in the mist .

However, even if she had night vision, it would be white misty and no figure could be seen.

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