Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1295: Boiling river water

Lin Qiao confirmed that the tunnels on both sides of the boiling water river should continue to go down, and then controlled the ability under his feet to go up.

Just as she was preparing to come up, Long Qingying and others waiting on it felt that someone seemed to be coming from behind.

The crowd looked back carefully and found that the breath had disappeared.

Standing together, Long Qingying and Kong Qingming glanced at each other, with a flash of unknown expression in their eyes.

Duan Juan said angrily: "Some people hid behind us, but deliberately let out breath to let us find out. What do you want to do?"

"They weren't hiding from the sneak attack, that was some kind of conspiracy." Kong Qingming glanced back and guessed.

Long Qingying snorted coldly: "Hum, if that woman dares to make something, she will have good fruit to eat."

Because their leaders already knew each other's plans, the leaders must have had a way to clean up the woman. However, in order not to let the other party hear too much information about them, Long Qingying didn't say it explicitly.

Several people at the Qingshan base quietly looked at this side and looked at the other side silently, staring silently at the development of the situation.

After speaking, everyone was not looking at the rear, but looked back, because Lin Qiao's breath had begun to rise.

Lin Qiao quickly appeared in front of them, first raising his eyes to scan the passage opening behind them. Then he looked back and floated in the air and said to them, "It's about 1,600 meters down. It's a river of boiling water. The temperature is also very high, let alone the water, and don't fall into the water if you don't want to be cooked There are holes and passages on the banks of the river where other creatures have been active, and we stop by the shore. "

"Understand." After Kong Qingming replied, he waved at the person facing him, and then he jumped first.

Others followed the next leap, and at the same time he also leapt to the base of beings. The Aoyama base did not hesitate, and immediately jumped down.

Everyone counted the time and depth of their own decline, and then suddenly shot at the same time when they felt that the next heat was getting higher and higher.

Each person fired a metal arrow connected to a wire rope, and the arrow ‘噗噗 噗 ——’ penetrated the rock wall on both sides and fixed it. Then they clasped the buckle in their belt to the belt, and then used the pulling force of this copper wire to fling themselves to the side of the rock wall and hang by the wall.

Kong Qingming was pulled by a wire from his waist and hung on a wall more than ten meters away from the river. He pedaled on the wall with one hand and held the wire with one hand. He turned his head and looked down. Although he had level 6 ability, his eyes evolved a lot. But at this moment, in addition to a surge of heat rising, there was also a fog, which was not very clear.

After looking at it twice, he took out his flashlight and turned on the light, and it really hit the surface of the water. And the water was bubbling.

None of them are wind-based, and their powers have not reached the seventh level and have no ability to levitate in midair. If it wasn't for Lin Qiao reminding them to prepare, if it jumped straight down, they must not fall directly into the water and be scalded and matured?

At this time, the others also fixed themselves to the wall and hung up. After seeing the situation in the river, they carefully slipped down to the wall.

Fortunately, they are wearing special boots under their feet, and the soles are made of metal. This kind of hot ground will not burn their soles.

Lin Qiao landed on a protruding rock on the shore and couldn't help throwing his jacket into the space. Because it's really hot!

In fact, if it wasn't for fear that the mist would enter the body from the skin, other people would have wanted to take off their clothes. But they don't have the immortal body like Lin Qiao! So I just watched Lin Qiao take off his coat and put on a ponytail in a military vest.

She turned to look at the cave on the other side of the wall. There were several at a distance, as well as across the river.

Lin Qiao looked left and right, then picked a hole with the strongest smell and pointed it out: "This way."

The crowd jumped straight down, but the dog at the Qingshan base was not, it slid up by grabbing the wall with its paws! And the sharp claws completely clasped this very hard rock wall without loosening it. After falling, it first stood and shook its head for a few sneezes. He almost threw the beast muzzle over his nose.

This mouthpiece is a respirator specifically designed to prevent the inhalation of harmful gases.

Lin Qiao glanced at the dog that was quiet and there was no sense of existence, and then thought about his own zombie dog that was all day frantic. She sighed silently, and she also raised the house, but fortunately, there was a very obedient Dahei staring at the goods. Otherwise, Lu Tianyi's kid is not mad at him every day.

Her gaze immediately alerted the dog, and she turned her head towards her in an instant. But it was not serious for three seconds, because it couldn't help sneezing again in the next second.

After everyone was ready, they all adjusted their body temperature with energy energy, and walked in the direction of Lin Qiao's finger.

After leaving the river, the temperature immediately dropped a lot, and the ground and wall in the cave they walked in were flattened and smoothed.

There are still many strange animal paw prints on the ground.

"We are now more than four kilometers deep from the surface. There really are many living things in the ground." Kong Qingming took a flashlight up and down, left, right, and left, and his eyes looked closely, and said in his mouth.

Lin Qiao was walking forward, and when he heard what he said, he said directly, "The smell here is very strong. At least more than 20 different large creatures walk through this passage."

If it was before the end of the world, under normal circumstances, living things below the ground several thousand meters would be scarce, let alone being large.

"Twenty species? So many?" I heard she said that they had walked through at least twenty kinds of large creatures in the passage of this hole, and Kong Qingming's beautiful face was stunned for a second. Then I immediately thought of the ghosts that are emerging on the surface, and there are more than twenty kinds ...

While watching the environment and suspicious signs in the cave, the crowd moved forward vigilantly.

And then a group of people appeared at the hole above them. Xie Longyun, who took the lead, looked around and then looked down. She could feel a bad feeling in the darkness below, obviously there would be hidden dangers in the situation below.

She took a step back, then pointed at one of the six power class winders and said, "Go down and see the situation, as soon as possible. Don't let the group go too far, and don't let them notice us clearly. . "

"Yes!" The man nodded and jumped out after releasing his power.

He is windy, and the wind blowing from the gap below is very strong. Therefore, it is the most convenient and easiest way for the wind-powered person to go down.

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