Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1298: Scan with power

Just as Lin Qiao entered a hole and continued to explore, just outside the gate of the beings base, Lin Wenwen finally took Dong Xinxin and more than 10,000 people back to the base gate.

Lin Feng stood on the top of the wall of the gate and watched their team slowly drive under the gate, and then came down from the top of the wall.

Lin Wenwen took Dong Xinxin and others up to greet him, pointed at Dong Xinxin and said, "This is the Xinxin I mentioned to you in the letter."

Then she turned her head to Dong Xinxin and others to compare Billin Feng: "One of the deputy leaders of the beings base, you should know me and not introduce it."

Everyone smiled at Lin Feng and nodded.

Lin Wenwen then pointed to others and introduced to Lin Feng: "This is Dong Lijia, Deng Chenfei, Luo Yuanjun. These are the heads and deputy heads of several other corpses."

"Hello, welcome to the bases of all beings." Lin Feng nodded to them and said hello. Then he continued to say to them: "I have prepared the place where you are going to live. Your people can now go directly to me and see if they are not satisfied."

After speaking, he turned and walked into the gate and raised his hand, and an off-road vehicle came over and stopped in front of him.

Lin Wenwen followed Lin Feng on the off-road, and Dong Lijia and others returned to their car and let the driver drive in and followed Lin Feng's car.

After their car entered, the rear team drove in slowly. No one has to go into the testing room for testing and just let go.

"They didn't do virus detection because of our relationship? Wouldn't it be too casual?" Luo Yuanjun stretched his head and looked at the door behind him. Seeing that the door was open, the door stood on both sides and on top Rows of erect soldiers. The strange thing is that these soldiers are wearing sunglasses, maybe because the sun is too big?

He said as he thought, looking up at the sky again, and then immediately hit the eyes with gray.

None of them knew that this process could be skipped by all living beings bases. After all, it is very important to check whether the virus is infected in other bases. People who carry the virus should not be put into the base because of negligence. In case of infection, it will cause panic.

Because this zombie virus is completely a death virus, as long as it is infected, it will only become the end of the zombie.

Dong Xinxin said to him: "Maybe Wenwen has any special arrangements in their base. After all, we have brought so many people. If we exclude the tests at the door one by one, we will not be able to check them tomorrow morning."

"Well, it's also ... but they can open a few doors ... well, that's also very troublesome." Luo Yuanjun thought Dong Xinxin was right, and nodded when he thought about it.

After all, in other bases, they are lined up to dawn. Like the Huaxia base, those who go to the Tianhuo base and Tibetan Cloud City to get there will have to stay in the open space outside the base gate for a day or two before entering the base. Because they have to wait in line for inspection and disinfection, etc., it takes only a few minutes for one person to enter, and there are only five inspection rooms on one gate. And there are a lot of people in and out of Huaxia.

However, they did not expect that when the other car came in from the gate, it was scanned by a personal detector.

The area of ​​the No. 1 base of the Zhongsheng Base was not small. In order to provide more places for accommodation in the future, the planning scope was large. After the fence was built, the base began to repair various house buildings, etc. Now there are not many people, and there are also many empty buildings.

However, the more than 10,000 people brought back by Lin Wenwen this time had to be directly divided into one or two communities in the outer area to live out for them.

Soon after arriving at many locations, Lin Feng and Lin Wenwen got off outside a community.

After Dong Xinxin came down, they pointed to the community behind them and said to them: "This is the second district belonging to our base. Here and here are all the districts outside the second district. I will give you a floor plan for you. Look at the arrangement yourself. Because you are so rushed over, we can only trouble you to arrange it yourself. After you stay, you can give us the household information. "

"Why? Just live directly? You don't arrange for people who come in to do a virus test?" Hearing Lin Feng said, Luo Yuanjun spoke first.

Others looked at Lin Feng in wonder, waiting for his answer.

Before Lin Feng said, Lin Wenwen beside him smiled and said, "It's been checked."

As soon as she finished speaking, Dong Xinxin and others immediately turned their heads and looked at you blankly. I looked at you, and I looked at it. Then all looked at Lin Wenwen together.

"Checked ????" Dong Xinxin opened his eyes wide and looked at her confused.

The smile on Dong Lijia's face also cracked, and the narrow slits of his eyes opened, revealing his eyes. Lin Wenwen looked puzzled: "When? How do we not know?"

Lin Wenwen smiled quietly, but looked at them secretly.

Lin Feng explained to them at this time: "Don't worry about this, someone will scan all of you when you enter the city gate. Well, because his power is very special, as long as he is within a long distance from him Can sense the presence of the virus. "

He could only describe the Zombie Army as a special power.

"Is there such a power? It's so easy to use!" After hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone in Dong Xinxin showed a strange expression on his face.

Lin Fengdao: "After all, you have too many people. It is too time consuming to go into the inspection room one by one. So please ask him to stand at the gate and watch you come in."

Lin Wenwen also nodded at this time: "Yeah, so I didn't make you too much to save time. Let's go and see where you live."

Said that she walked into the community, this community is a garden community, there are more than 20 buildings inside, very large. Each building has a dozen floors, and there are four suites on each floor. Each suite has three bedrooms and two living rooms and can accommodate many people.

Dong Lijia took the floor plan and interior plan here, and looked at the surrounding environment while walking.

Others came together to look at the drawings in his hand, and calculated how many people would live in each suite.

"These rooms are not small. There are three rooms and two halls. There can be two people in one room, and one can live in six. Now there are no shortage of houses, so there is no need to live too crowded." Lin Fengbian accompanied them Said while walking.

There are four suites on the first floor. If there are six people in each suite, twenty-four people can live on that floor. A building has sixteen floors and can accommodate more than 300 to 400 people. This neighborhood has more than 20 buildings that can almost accommodate 10,000 people, and there is another neighborhood next to them.

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