Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1303: A sudden attack

Just as Lin Qiao and others were about to leave the magma cave, the magma in the underground magma pool started to move again.

The same snoring sound made everyone stop and look back. The situation was the same as before, and a few big bales began to swell below, and a lot of flowing magma was lifted.

"Well, here again." Kong Qingming said, staring back.

"Willn't this come to tease us again?" Li Yan said, looking at the situation below with some suspicion.

Others were obviously not as nervous as they were just now, but still kept their due vigilance.

Lin Qiao narrowed his eyes and stared down. A large number of red energy bodies were rolling, which should be the magma's fire energy. However, among these flowing energies, there are still a few deep red, circular shaped energy clusters are slowly ejecting.

The energy contained in these energy groups is very strong, but the breath revealed is not strong.

Just now Lin Qiao thought these things would come out directly, so he didn't use his eyes to observe the energy below. In the end, I did n’t know what happened to these things, so I went back in half.

This time I don't know if it will still be the same as before, but it is halfway back and retracted. Still directly exposed.

But regardless of whether these things will come out this time, Lin Qiao is not ready to let them go back. Because of the energy contained in those energy groups, she was able to go back and upgrade several Level 4 fire zombies to Level 5.

"Don't bother you!" When these things reached almost two meters in height, Lin Qiao suddenly sang to them. Then she shot herself, and flung out a few black flames.

And just as Lin Qiao just shouted, these drum bags suddenly rushed out of the magma underneath, and rushed towards their position. It happened that Lin Qiao was also waving black flames at this time, directly blocking the things that rushed up with magma and wanted to attack them, and then Lin Qiao controlled her black flames soaring and rushed them directly The top of the thing was enveloped in a black flame.

The thing encased in Lin Qiao's black flames immediately became manic, and suddenly began to struggle to swing left and right.

The crowd then realized that these bulging things were still underground.

Lin Qiao controlled the black flame rolls when they were about to devour, but felt that the energy mass on these flowers suddenly exploded, and instantly made her black fire devouring dozens of times slower!

Watching these things start to shake left and right because of Lin Qiao's attack, the roots underneath are firmly stuck to the bottom of the lava pool.

"Well, even the leader's fire can't burn them, it's terrible." Li Yan said, watching the situation below.

Duan Juan disagreed and said, "No, it doesn't burn. It's because the speed is slow, and the ghost will finally move."

Because of Lin Qiao's ability to attack, these raised bags finally responded. You should know that Lin Qiao's black fire power can devour everything in an instant, but now her power attack effect has been cut by half.

Lin Qiao reached out and grabbed the black fire that enveloped the drums immediately. With the fierce shaking of things in the fire, the black fire she controlled still stuck to that thing.

After a while, these shaking things stopped slowly, and Lin Qiao beckoned and wrapped the bags around the unknown objects to spread the fire.

I saw the black fire wrapped around, and finally revealed the contents. What appeared in everyone's eyes was actually a few huge dark red flowers.

"Yeah? It ’s a flower, is it a mutant plant?" Kong Qingming made a noise immediately after seeing these big dark red flowers.

These flowers are very bulky, and the one with the largest light is two meters wide in diameter. The stamen is a black hole, and the teeth are not grown in the position of the stamen like the flowers of other mutant plants on the ground. Their teeth grow on the petals of ...

The shape of this flower is more like a lotus flower, with a circle of triangular petals, and white thorns with thick fingers on the edges of the petals. And the petals are still opening, closing and closing, biting like a cannibal flower.

Even more peculiar is a small red flame from the tips of the petals of these flowers.

"Variety cannibals?" Li Yan stretched his neck and looked down at the large dark red flower that was the prototype.

Duan Juan said: "This is the real spark. It's beautiful to remove these teeth."

After seeing these sparks face to face, everyone didn't feel any threat. Began to watch Lin Qiao clean up these magma sparks.

Plants that can grow under the magma are still mutated, which is not easy. I don't know what these flowers looked like before they mutated. It must have been the mutation of the virus before they became this look.

Under the flowers, of course, it is not a normal rhizome, but a huge stone chain connected like a stone, and the flowers on the top of the stone chain. Then the megalithic chain formed by these stones will flutter on its own, and it is not known whether the flower on the top controls the stone or the stone controls the flower above.

It is also because of the strong energy contained in this special stone, that it was not dissolved by Lin Qiao's black fire energy so quickly.

The spark of the stone, which was exposed to the eyes, stood crookedly under it, and the flames on the petals seemed to be extinguished. The original Zhang Hehe's motion was also much slower.

Lin Qiao squinted and looked at the condition of these flowers, and found that their energy had been swallowed by the black fire just now, and it was not as strong as before, and the energy was concentrated at the position where the bottom of these flower plates and the stones were connected.

Just as Lin Qiao was preparing to pluck these strange flowers, suddenly the entire magma cave shook.

"Boom boom--" Everyone shook, and then began to shake.

"Well, what is the situation ??? It will not be an earthquake!" In this case, the first thing everyone thought of was an earthquake or a collapse, and immediately looked up nervously.

"Look below!" Long Qingying suddenly pointed down and pointed at the lava pool.

Lin Qiao's gaze was silently staring at the beginning of the undulating magma pool. It wasn't as if they had been bulging one by one. Instead, a large unknown object arched directly in the middle of the magma pool.

"Huh ~ hh ~ hh ~ bang ~ bang ~" And those dark red sparks that had quietened suddenly suddenly rushed up crazy. The stone-like rhizomes under it grew up from the bottom of the magma, not only these, but also many of these flowers from the bottom of the magma.

Then the flowers were shaken violently, and they slammed directly on the surrounding rock wall. Even bite the stones on the rock wall with flowers.

"Kacha——" Several stones were bitten off from the original very hard stone wall, and they fell into the lava pool.

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