Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1309: Enter another world

Of course, there are no architectural civilizations underneath, some are strange plants. Under that kind of dim light, the plants mapped to them present a kind of gray and dark painting style.

Everyone leaned to the edge of the hole and looked curiously at those strange and strange plants with huge leaves, like a tree, not a tree, a shrub or a shrub.

Although these things have large leaves, their growth direction is not as straight as a big tree. But twisted and twisted, growing horizontally.

And above these plants, there is a thick mist. Just like the top of Lin Qiao's space, the fog here is not white. It is a layer of dark purple gas, and these gases are still rolling clearly. There are many cyclones on top, like tornadoes. These cyclones are connected from top to bottom with certain plants on the ground. At a glance, dozens of meters can not be seen at a distance of several tens of meters, and it can not be seen clearly at a distance behind.

Lin Qiao and the others walked out. There was a distance of more than ten meters below the entrance of the cave before they reached the ground.

She could feel that the dark purple dense fog on the top was actually a strong energy. It's the kind of energy that invades Yuan Tianxing's body!

"It seems that we have to split our actions here, remember this exit first. If you can't find anything else, then try to get up from here." Lin Qiao looked around, then turned around and said to everyone.

"I see." Kong Qingming nodded, he knew that Lin Qiao was ready to release the people in the space to move.

Lin Qiao glanced at Lei Cheng and disappeared into the space in front of everyone.

She stood in front of the building, and then shouted, "Gather!"

Suddenly, a pile of zombies emerged from or near the three buildings. Some came out from the back of the building, and some jumped from the top of the building. Others were waiting in the lobby on the first floor of the three buildings. When she called, she was ready to step out.

Lu Tianyi waved his hand at the dozen or so level three or four zombies over Caidi and said, "I didn't call you, don't come over."

The dozen zombies who were about to come over saw him say this, and looked at Lin Qiao to see that she did not look at him. They stopped and looked at Lin Qiao's direction hesitantly.

Lin Qiao looked at Caidi because of Lu Tianyi's voice, then nodded: "Don't come over, it's nothing for you."

When Duan Juan and others saw Lin Qiao disappear, they voluntarily stepped back and vacated her disappearance. After a while, she came out with a bunch of people.

In fact, not all of these zombies were under Lin Qiao, and half were from the Qingshan base.

Immediately after coming out, the zombies were divided into two batches, one group leaned to Lin Qiao, and the other moved to Lei Cheng and others.

"Then we will go in the direction of the left first, and leave the rest to you." Lei Cheng looked at the zombies who had been quietly brought in by Blue Land before Qingshan Base and then hid in Lin Qiao's space. Lin Qiao said.

"Okay." Lin Qiao nodded briefly to him.

Lei Cheng and others did not have any procrastination. After she nodded, she turned sharply and disappeared into the strange environment in front of her.

Lin Qiao glanced at the hole and glanced at the rest of himself. He said, "Leave here first."

After that, she also turned and leaped up towards the right, kicking on a leaf that was two or three meters long but more than ten centimeters thick, and jumped to the other leaf and flew forward quickly.

Dozens of people behind her followed each other and quickly disappeared in front of the cave with her.

The plants here are generally very large. The leaves are several meters long and several meters wide, and the branches are twisted. There are vines spreading like vines but thick like snakes. The huge leaves were covered up. Whatever it looks like, thick, strong, thin, tall and short. However, it seems that the highest is not more than ten meters high, and there are some strange cyclones spinning down from above.

The ground is still a lot of strange grass.

The drop points of other people's actions are actually following the same plant leaves as Lin Qiao, others dare not step on them. Because they all know the plants here, and now this is an era of mutating everywhere, they will be relieved with Lin Qiao's leadership.

Lin Qiao took them around the cyclones connected from a high altitude, and after walking forward a certain distance, she stopped in the open space under a plant.

She looked at her feet and looked at her head. After observing left and right, she was sure there was no danger, and she waved to the crowd: "Pause."

The other person immediately fell to a safe place around her, watching Lin Qiao's instructions while watching the surrounding movement in secret.

"Xie Dong, you take five fifth-level followers with Kong Qingming. Lu Feng, you and Su Fangfang also take five fifth-level followers to act with Qingqing. Li Yan, you follow the Qingqing team. Others Follow me. Remember, safety of life is the first! More vigilance will give you a chance to save your life! "Lin Qiao assigned a few people and finally told everyone.

After all, this place, which is at least ten kilometers deep from the ground, has such a huge active space. Anything growing here is dangerous without knowing it! So be vigilant and don't take any action to cause some death traps.

"Yes!" Everyone understood what she meant, and responded in unison. Then they turned around in teams and left here, leaving Lin Qiao and those who have not been separated and the zombies standing in place.

There are also seven or eight five or six zombies such as Lu Tianyi and He Jiayun who remain with Lin Qiao. Human beings, Duan Juan and her team members Li Hongsheng and Ding Da are also equal.

Lin Qiao looked up at the top, and after thinking about it, he reminded Duan Juan a few words: "Your masks cannot be removed, the air here is poisonous."

Looking at the densely rolling purple gas on top of it, and those connected cyclones, Lin Qiao could feel the kind of energy emanating from these cyclones all over this space. If the masks on the human faces of Duan Juan were taken off, it would be bad to inhale the air.

"Yes!" Duan Juan, who was still wearing a mask, nodded.

Lin Qiao looked up and looked at the gas above. Intuition told her that these gases might be one of the reasons that led to the swarms of underground creatures rushing out of the ground.

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