Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1335: Task change

Chen Yuting looked at him unexpectedly: "Well? Are they those in charge? You really believe them."

Let's not talk about Dong Xinxin, who is a little but not ordinary, the other three people Lin Feng should not understand them.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "If they recommend it, of course I agree. Seeing Wenwen's sentiment, I believe they should not recommend some bad people to us."

When Chen Yuting saw him say this resolutely, he couldn't help but ask him in doubt: "What did Miss Wenwen do to them? Or did she say something?"

Lin Feng just smiled at him and said, "Maybe Wenwen once helped them in a very important period."

The two talked, and Chen Yuting soon left his office to continue to deal with other things.

Lin Feng took out a pen and paper and wrote down the opinion that Chen Yuting had just raised. After this matter is handled, he will immediately start to do it again.

However, Chen Yuting had just left, and he hurried back again.

After watching Chen Yuting go out in less than half an hour, Lin Feng looked at him with some doubt: "What's wrong?"

"Well, it's still about the **** supplies. I just got the news just now. The person in charge on our side has to change this time." Chen Yuting also frowned slightly and walked in.

Lin Feng asked him: "Are you saying that Du Yuanxing wants to be replaced? Why?"

Chen Yuting said: "He just suddenly exploded with energy. He probably wants to be promoted. I heard him yesterday that he might break through recently. I didn't expect to come here suddenly today. I thought He said recently that it was within ten and a half months. "

Lin Feng's gaze narrowed, and then he showed a slightly happy expression: "Oh, is that guy finally going to be promoted? It turned out to be this way, then there is no way, really should be replaced. How is his situation now? Is Lin Hao over there? "

Chen Yuting nodded: "Well, it has already been sent. The situation is still not unusual, but there should be no major problems with Lin Hao. Now I just want to discuss with whom?"

Although there are a lot of zombies in the base of beings, there are really few humans. Several people, including Li Yuan, Duan Juan, and Long Qingying, followed Lin Qiao. There were Du Yuanxing, Lin Hao, Lin Wenwen, Cheng Wangxue, Xiao A, and so on. And Xiao A, also known as Qian Xiao Ai, is Lin Feng's team leader in inquiring about intelligence, so he is not with him now. Lin Hao is a medical hospital. Of course, such a task is impossible, so there are only two women left. Lin Wenwen has just returned, and she is not in combat. So the remaining candidates are Lin Feng's own daughter-in-law.

Cheng Wangxue is physically fit, and she is not weak. If it hadn't been with him, there would be a daughter. She will not just stay in the base now to handle the internal affairs of the base.

"Little A is not here, Lin Hao can't go. Wang Xue is quite suitable, she is a physical ability. But ..." Lin Feng quickly filtered through a circle of people in his mind, and the only people who absolutely believed were These ones. Other level 5 abilities have not entered the base for long, such as Qin Yu, Mo Yan, and others. They are not qualified for this kind of confidential task about materials.

"But what?" Chen Yuting asked with a puzzled look on his expression.

"Wangxue can't go out recently, so there is no way to take on this task." Lin Feng briefly explained a little when he thought about it.

Because I have heard what Lin Wenwen said before, I should focus on my wife and children at this time. So at this time, although he thought Cheng Wangxue was suitable for this task, he suddenly remembered what Lin Wenwen said. I always felt that there would be danger if Cheng Wangxue went this time, so he said it subconsciously.

Without Lin Wenwen's reminder, it would be possible for Lin Feng to let Cheng Wangxue execute directly. But now he is his wife, and the secret of the base. Neither can he relax, especially since he already knows that his wife's wife will have something bad happening recently.

Looking at Lin Feng's embarrassed expression, Chen Yuting glanced at him and thought about it. After thinking about it, he had a decision: "If not, just let me go. Anyway, I will be back in two days. In the past two days, please trouble me to watch more of the little things in the base."

If it doesn't work, let him go. He has level 6 ability. Definitely qualified. It's just that there are a lot of things in his own position. Although it is to share the affairs under Lin Feng and Yuan Tianxing, Yuan Tianxing is not here now, and many things are let him take over.

When Lin Feng heard him say this, his expression froze. Then a thoughtful expression appeared, and then nodded: "Well, you can go. Then I'll be tired and work overtime."

Seeing Lin Feng agree, Chen Yuting immediately made a decision: "Okay, then I will let Zhenzhen bring the documents to be processed in the past two days to you. She can also help. If you need anything, she can also let She did it. "

Shen Yuzhen was kept in the base by Lin Qiao because of her low level. She often ran to help Chen Yuting to deal with some small affairs.

In the afternoon, Chen Yuting led the team to leave the base, escorting the supplies and heading for Haicheng.

At this time, Wei Haichao of Huaxia Base also played a hole card hidden in Haicheng.

In a remote house in a certain outer area of ​​the Haicheng base, the two men met secretly here. One of the men spoke in surprise at this time.

"What? Do you want me to mix into that team and then into the sentient beings base? It's impossible! It's too difficult!"

"Why isn't it possible? It depends on your strength! As long as you are willing to do something, there will always be a way to do it. You can find a chance to sneak into the bottom of their car, or hide in the recovered equipment. Even pretend It's possible to be one of them. It depends on whether you have the courage! "The other said to him calmly.

"Pretend to be one of them? Do you want me to kill him directly! Do you think they are blind?" The man who uttered a voice snorted.

The other man shrugged and said indifferently: "I just give an example, how to do it yourself. I believe you can do it! Think about the success of this task, you can get a directly in Huaxia Formal job, how good! Save yourself in this sea city going out with the corpses all day to kill the zombies. "

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