Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 55: She became a nanny

Lin Qiao took off his little clothes and threw them to the ground. Then pick up the torn cloth and tear it into pieces, and put it in the water to get wet.

Then she wrung the cloth and used it as a towel to wipe Wu Yueling's dirty face. After wiping it two or three times, she was cleaned.

Wu Yueling obediently washed her, closing her eyes expressionlessly.

After Lin Qiao washed her face, watching her clean little face look much better. She looked at her long, shiny hair again and was tangled.

How can I help her wash, she doesn't have anything like shampoo here. I can only soak in water for a long time.

Push Wu Yueling down into the lake and let her stand in shallow water. Lin Qiao began to wipe her with rags.

The temperature in Lin Qiao's space is constant temperature, not cold or hot. The temperature of this lake is also constant temperature, other Lin Qiao because she is a zombie. So the skin doesn't feel much about the temperature of the water. But Wu Yueling's feeling is different.

Wu Yueling got into the water and even felt that the lake was a bit warm. It wasn't cold at all, but the temperature on her body was a bit cold. It may be because of undressing. So in the warm water, she felt very comfortable and fun. But children who have always been autistic and introverted will not show it.

If it was another child, he might have been snorkeling in the water.

Lin Qiao also stood in the water and wiped Wu Yueling's small body again. Then I washed her with wet water.

Suddenly she felt a little loss, and with this child she was looking for food for her and for her to sleep. Now she is serving her again. I'll wash her clothes later ...

Lin Qiao suddenly felt that he was a zombie nanny! !! !!

She should have returned the little guy back earlier, how easy it was. Alright now, kidnap this little guy. Have to take responsibility for her life safety! !! !! Although it might make her dad get angry, it doesn't seem to be easy for her!

And the child didn't talk or communicate with her. Are you so bored? Fortunately, Wu Yueling didn't like talking, she kept silent.

Lin Qiao did not like the naughty and noisy bear children, and approached them. She had headaches and upsets.

If Wu Yueling hadn't been quiet, there would be no sense of existence. Lin Qiao would not really take her, and he would definitely throw it back to the man who looked at him kindly.

In fact, Lin Qiao didn't know why he left this small point ...

Wu Yueling was washing her, and suddenly Wu Yueling was standing still and letting her wash. Suddenly raising his leg, he ran to Lin Qiao's side. Then hiding behind Lin Qiao's legs, he reached out and looked at the shore.

Seeing her strange behavior, Lin Qiao looked up along her eyes. I saw Xie Dongzheng standing not far away, staring at the glaring Wu Yueling's eyes.

Perhaps his eyes were too obvious, which made sensitive Wu Yueling hide behind her in fear.

Lin Qiao: ... Hey! Is the demon zero? Here's a pervert! !! !! cough……

She straightened up and gave Xie Dong a warning glance.

Xie Dong was sober immediately after she glanced at her. When I looked back, I found that Lin Qiao looked at his own eyes, how could he feel a bit abnormal? ? ?

Then he remembered what he was doing. Xie Dong wanted to tell Lin Qiao one thing, but when he saw Wu Yueling in the bath, he was attracted by the tempting aroma of food. If you are not careful, you start staying.

Now stunned by Lin Qiao, the superiors on her body overwhelmed him and immediately awakened him.

Xie Dong looked at Lin Qiao and walked over. They didn't get too close, but stood at a distance of five or six meters from the shore. Then he raised his hand and raised his palm up. A ray of flame like a lighter came out of his palm. Standing on his palms and swaying.

Lin Qiao's eyes flashed when he saw his flame. But she made a wait gesture to Xie Dong. Turned around and continued to bathe Wu Yueling, and then spent another ten minutes washing her long hair.

Small is not big, but has a lot of hair. A black hair with a waist around was originally oily and tied into a pony tail. Later, the pony tail fell loose.

Now Lin Qiao asked her to bend over to the lake and foam her head into the water. Then she rubbed her fingers with her fingers and washed them for a long time. I didn't feel so oily. This allowed Wu Yueling to come up from the water with a shawl.

Lin Qiao wrung out the water in her hair before putting on her adult clothes.

Wu Yueling wore the adult's clothes, with long sleeves. Cover the hem of the dress directly under her knees.

Lin Qiao hugged her directly, and walked to the place where the bed, chair and sofa were placed. When she got to the bed, she put Wu Yueling directly on the bed and let her sit.

Looking at her wet hair, Lin Qiao took another old dress and put it on her shoulders. Because she can't help her dry her hair now, and she's afraid she might get sick if she wears her hair like this. She could only add clothes to keep her warm.

After rectifying Wu Yueling, Lin Qiao went to find Xie Dong.

Xie Dong seemed to be practicing controlling the flame of his palm at this time, so that it should not go out so quickly.

Lin Qiao came over, took out his pen and wrote on the paper and asked him:-Is the power available?

Xie Dong glanced at her, nodded, and shook his head again.

Lin Qiao knows what he thinks. Xie Dong means that although he can use the fire, he can't control it. And the fire was still small, and he couldn't let it go at all.

He has just eaten a person's heart, and has been unable to produce fire abilities before. He was immediately released from the body, although the fire was not significant. But this is obviously a very big improvement. It seems that eating human flesh is indeed the source of the evolution of zombies.

Just this Xie Dong, how many zombies are now? Three levels? too weak! Can't reach the force value of the real level three zombies. But now he can use the fire department again, maybe it won't be long. His fire can be used more skillfully, after all, he still has memory. Know how to manipulate your powers.

His current source of fire energy needs to be ingested from living people, although it is very unacceptable to eat a human heart. But if he wants to be stronger, he should quickly adjust his mentality.

Lin Qiao looked at Xie Dong and suddenly wrote on the paper:-When we went out, we two practiced our hands. I want to see where your limits are.

Xie Dong looked at this sentence and nodded in agreement. He actually wanted to know. However, looking at Lin Qiao's dark eyes, Xie Dong talked about the premonition of being abused.

Lin Qiao looked up and down after Xie Dong. She turned to wash the clothes for Wu Yueling.

The author has something to say: Second more! Huohuo feels available soon! Ask everyone to book first!

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