Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 69: Strange energy

Lin Qiao glanced at her, and then wrote on the book with a pen:-Since you don't remember anything, take the child with you first. Being with me will not hurt you.

The female zombies glanced at Lin Qiao unexpectedly, but did not expect Lin Qiao to see her thoughts. But she didn't know. Lin Qiao really knew her thoughts, and she was very clear. The female zombies thought Lin Qiao just guessed.

Lin Qiao wrote another sentence in the book:-Maybe I can help you send your child to a base to live. The survivor base is where humans live. Children follow you and me. Not safe.

The female zombie nodded, she knew. Sending the child to the base is the best way. But she couldn't bear it, she thought it was her child. Why give it to others. However, she was not able to support the child if she was not sent to the base.

However, she really did not want to send the child away from herself!

Lin Qiao glanced at her and knew the mother's psychology. After thinking about it, wrote in the book:-Since you don't want to send it away, it is not impossible to take it with you. However, it can be dangerous. And if you want to protect him. Then you have to improve your strength.

In this end time, whether human or zombies. Without strength, you cannot protect others. You can't even protect yourself.

The female zombies looked at Lin Qiao blankly, she didn't know how to improve her strength. Although she became a zombie, she did not know how to upgrade the zombie.

Lin Qiao looked at the room behind her and did not write in the book. Instead, she asked her eyes if she could go in to see the child, and also wanted to know the next decision of the female zombies.

If she let herself in, it means the woman zombies are willing to take her child to follow her.

The female zombies looked at Lin Qiao for a few seconds, and struggled for a while. I took two steps aside and let the door out.

When Lin Qiao saw this, he walked past with a small point and crossed her into the room. In fact, in this room where the female zombies stay, the items here are not very messy. It may not have been mobbed by survivors before, and many intact supplies and furniture were left.

After entering the room, I saw a small person lying on the bed in the bedroom.

Approached and looked, it was a little boy. He looks a year or two younger than Wu Yueling, and looks like he is about three years old. The sleeping little face looked very thin and pale. The flesh on his face was sunken, and his eye sockets were dull. And he was as thin as a two-year-old.

At first glance, it looks like long-term malnutrition.

The female zombies went to the other side of the bed and looked at the child. As she watched Lin Qiao's hand reaching the child on the bed, she became nervous. But soon she realized that Lin Qiao's fingers were clean and there were no sharp ebony claws. This gave me a little relief.

Lin Qiao felt his veins with his fingers on the side of the child's neck and found them to be weak. Seems to disappear at any time.

When she retracted her hand, she was about to check on the child's physical condition again. Suddenly she saw something strange in her eyes.

Lin Qiao fixed his expression, and those dark eyes with no white eyes and shining cold eyes stared tightly at the child's stomach. His eyes were full of doubts.

The female zombies had been watching Lin Qiao nervously, fearing that Lin Qiao suddenly shot and hurt the children on the bed. At this time, Lin Qiao's expression became weird, and she immediately became nervous.

Lin Qiao felt her panic, and her eyes were still staring at the child's belly. But on the other side, she raised her hand slightly and made a soothing gesture to the female zombies, calming her down.

At this moment Lin Qiao's eyes, when looking at the child's abdomen. She saw a kind of very pale green, swimming in the child's belly.

She didn't know what it was, but she looked familiar. To confirm this, she bent down slightly. Open the child's quilt by hand. Then put the palm of your hand on the child's belly.

Sure enough, a familiar energy felt from her palm. It was the kind of energy she felt when she was tossed to death in the heart of the lake.

Lin Qiao closed his eyes and felt carefully for more than ten seconds before finally confirming an incident.

It was this slight energy that was repairing the almost depleted vitality in the child's stomach. It seems that this energy is the bowl of water she just gave the female zombies.

She opened her eyes and closed her hands.

Take out the book and write a paragraph on your hand:-The water I gave you has a healing effect. Now he is slowly repairing the vitality of the child. It is estimated that he will wake up in three or four hours. Take him with me and I will drive south. No time for too long.

When the female zombies saw what Lin Qiao said, she saw that the bowl of water had a healing effect. Gray eyes brightened.

She looked at Lin Qiao with expectation and surprise, and couldn't believe it.

Lin Qiao nodded to her and spread his hands. Saying she let her choose whether she should follow her now.

She did not know that there was such energy in the lake before, but now her body has been changed by the lake. She was surprised to see the energy in the lake.

How is this going? What happened to her?

Seeing the surprised eyes of the female zombies, Lin Qiao just shrugged. Then she wrote another sentence to show her:-I want to take all the contents of this house into the space and take them away, anyway.

The female zombies nodded. Who cares what's in these houses after the last days? Anyway, no one will come here anymore.

After Lin Qiao saw that she didn't mind, she turned and left the bed. Began to sweep around the room.

Little Buddies sticks to her leg all the time, and when she comes in, she sees the little boy on the bed. He stared at him curiously immediately. Before children of the same age, it always seemed strangely attractive. So when Wu Yueling saw a little boy younger than herself, her attention shifted from the female zombies to the little boy.

At this time, Lin Qiao was about to walk around to collect things again, and she quickly stretched her hands to hold her pants and followed her closely. Just as she followed Lin Qiao, her eyes stared back at the little boy on the bed.

Lin Qiao first rummaged in this bedroom, looking at the cups and kettles on the table. It's all collected, everything that she touched will disappear out of thin air.

If humans come to collect these materials, it's good to understand. But a zombie also came to pick up these things, it felt weird.

Open the locker and watch a lot of clothes inside. Both adults and children, although not many. However, the children's clothes seemed to fit the little boy who was lying on the bed.

After looking at Lin Qiao, he put his clothes into the space together with the cabinet.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Mingbo for their lazy, Yin Nai, Xiao Xiangyu, Lan Mengxi, I repeat old, Mu Xia ~ www.readwn.com ~ and other book friends for their support. Love you guys! I also love everyone who voted a lot.

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