Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 812: Steal one quietly

After entering the hall, Lin Qiao asked Mo Yan to sit on the sofa. The female zombies stood faithfully behind Mo Yan, staring at Lin Qiao while curiously looking at the environment in the room.

Lu Tianyi consciously went to drink a few glasses of water and put them on the coffee table in front of the three.

It was only clean and clear white water, but it caught the eyes of Mo Yan and the female zombies. Because the aroma and faint energy from the water made these two instincts want to drink.

Lin Qiao looked at the battlefield outside the space, suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I'll go out, you sit first."

Then immediately stood up and disappeared directly in front of a few people.

Mo Yan squinted and realized that this was Lin Qiao's space. He turned his head and glanced outside the door, his expression a little uncertain.

Unexpectedly, she has so much space! And it's beautiful!

Although Mo Yan could not see the color in his eyes, there were lakes, trees and grass. Even if it is an ink painting, it is beautiful here. Moreover, Mo Yan was automatically colored in his mind.

At this time, the five second-level kings outside the space, with a group of fifth- and sixth-level zombies, turned to attack three of Sikongchen.

But all three of Sikongchen were eighth-level abilities. Except for the attack of the five second-level kings, the attacks of other zombies had no effect at all. Instead, they were killed by three.

At this time, Lan Lu was looking up, staring closely at the giant bird in the sky, raising his hand and scratching in the direction of the giant bird. Then he suddenly clenched his hands as if he had caught something in his hands.

"Roar--" The huge figure of the giant bird in the air stopped for a moment, then fell directly from the air. But when it fell to half, it struggled fiercely, spreading its wings and flipping up again.

Lan Lu frowned and sighed. Sure enough, the distance was too far, and his mental restraint had little effect. Want to directly blow the opponent's mind, but because the opponent's position is too high, and the sky speed is too fast, Lan Lu can't catch the target here.

"Boom--" Just as the giant bird was struggling to fly, a lightning strike suddenly hit the giant bird.

"Roar--" The giant bird roared and fell again from the air. But when it fell to half, the giant bird struggled to fly again.

Just when Wu Chengyue was about to blast the second thunder, the ground under his feet suddenly cracked. Wu Chengyue had to close the offensive and left.

It was another second king of the soil system attacking him.

Of course, if one person wins against a second-level king, the odds are great, but at this time, the three of them are at the same time tied for five second-level kings.

"Lead them away. The five of them joined together and did no good to us." Lan Lu said suddenly.

Yes, these second-level kings are not stupid, knowing that the three of Si Kongchen are powerful. Therefore, they temporarily became a joint offensive. After all, they also followed Mo Yan, who also taught them to conduct joint operations.

With a wave of his hand, Si Kongchen threw a condensed fireball and smashed into a king-level zombie leader who was less able to dodge. With a bang, he immediately blasted the zombie leader out.

Si Kongchen flashed back behind the zombie leader flying out. As soon as he reached out a fireball, he covered the heads of the five zombie leaders. Within seconds, the head of the zombie leader was burned to ashes. The dead body inside was grabbed by Si Kongchen, and he put it in his pocket.

On the other side, Lan Lu also reached out and grabbed the fifth-level leader who flew towards him at the same time, and then pinched before the opponent attacked.

"噗 ——" The head of the five-level leader was also directly pinched, and the corpse nuclear bomb came out and was received by Lan Lu in a flash.

Those who dared to rush to the front of the three were all five-level zombies, with at least thirty or more. Because, like the five first-level kings here, they are driven by the five second-level kings. Forced by the level of coercion, he had to rush forward.

Behind these five-level leaders are five-level first-level kings. One of the seven first-level kings originally brought by Mo Yan was accidentally killed when he was mad, and one was given by Wu Chengyue not long ago Exploded. There are only five left now, and they are still attacking the three of Sikongchen, following the leaders of these zombies.

The five second-level kings retreated far away and kept a slightly safe distance from Si Kongchen.

Just then, a transparent figure suddenly flashed towards a second-level king in the outermost area.

This is the five zombie kings, the zombie king of the wind system. At this moment, he could not feel the transparent figure flashing towards him. He was standing on the top of a seven-story building, staring at the battle below, raising his hands from time to time and waving a few rapid winds. Blade attacked three humans in the past.

As he raised his hand to prepare for another gust of wind, suddenly a hand next to him clasped his hand and pulled him.

The second-level king of the wind system only felt that his hand to be attacked was suddenly caught, and he was pulled forward without waiting for a response, and then a flower was in front of him.

When he came over in reaction, he found that he ran from the top of the building to a strange wood.

Because there was still a scuffle outside, no one found one of the five second-level kings.

Lin Qiao threw this second-level king of the wind system into the space, and he ignored it. He flashed out of the space and continued to stealth and lean on the next target.

The remaining four second-level kings, in addition to the one flying in the sky, have a soil system, a fire system, and a metal system.

Lin Qiao leaned towards the second-level king of the metal department, because he is now closest to her.


Just then, the second-level king who had just flashed Wu Chengyue's lightning attack suddenly discovered that one of his accomplices was missing. A fierce shout sounded.


The rest of the zombies all had a meal, and then looked around at the same time, and immediately found that there was suddenly a second-level king missing.

The zombies haven't figured out what is going on, is that the second king ran away quietly?

The strangeness of the zombies was discovered, and the three of Si Kongchen also took a moment to stun. Lan Lu said suddenly, "One second-level king is missing. Keep your eyes on, they are preparing to escape."

Said Wu Chengyue immediately chopped a few thunderbolts towards the giant bird in the air.

"Roar--" The giant birds flew up to avoid these thunderbolts and flew up instantly. But he did not expect that when he flew up, he split a few thunder again. These mines are different from the previous ones, they are very fast, and they suddenly appear beside the giant bird.

"Zi ---" The thunder and lightning were suddenly divided into two and two and four, and a huge thunder net was formed in an instant, and then covered towards the giant bird.

"Boom--" The giant bird was too late to dodge and was covered.

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