Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 814: Vomiting blood

Although the second-level king of the metal system is a bit embarrassed, he has the space to suppress the blessing. Lin Qiao directly consumed the energy of this second-level king's power with live fire. When he recovered his normal zombie body, he had a paw Go down and cut his head down.

After digging up the corpse core, Lin Qiao directly burned the body. Then proceed to deal with the next second king.

The second is only the wind system. Without this kind of body protection skills, Lin Qiao dealt with it just like Lu Zhuofeng, and it didn't take long for him to destroy the second-level king of the wind system.

After harvesting two seventh-level corpses, Lin Qiao flashed out of space. Stealth sensed the surrounding movement. It turned out that the three of Si Kongchen had chased a second-level king and moved the battlefield in three directions. The other fifth and sixth zombies took the opportunity to slip away.

Lin Qiao silently returned to the city walls near the base of Huaxia before quietly, looking at the zombie group controlled by the second-level king, the momentum really slowed down a lot.

On the other side of the living beings base, Lu Tong woke up and looked at some familiar surroundings, then turned around and looked around.

That's right, he was lying in the ward of the base medical hospital again, and it was still a multi-person ward. There are four beds in this ward, except one is empty, plus three of his own.

The ward was quiet and there was no one else. The other two patients also lay on their backs and did not see anyone taking care of them.

Lu Tong rejoiced, Yuan Tianxing must have rescued him and sent him to the hospital. It's just that he's too busy to have time to visit him.

However, Lu Tong felt that Yuan Tianxing would definitely come again.

"Oh, you are awake. How do you feel? Are you dizzy? Do you feel vomiting?" At this moment an ordinary man in a protective uniform came in. Seeing Lu Tong was sober, he asked with a smile.

Among the human survivors of the beings base, there are more males and fewer females. The number of women is really poor. Because before the Pluto base was breached, a large number of female surnames were sent to the Dilong base. The men who remained at Pluto's base as captives were soldiers who had been coerced.

So even if the last two groups of survivors of the Pluto base are left behind, all of them come to the sentient base, and they are all men, basically no women.

Therefore, the human women walking around the base at this time, apart from a few Lin family members and Long Qingying, as well as Duan Juan and Ding Datong's sisters, there are really no other women.

So the men who worked as nurses in the hospital were all men.

Lu Tong shook his head at the caregiver and chuckled: "It's okay, I feel okay. My head hurts a bit!"

"It's okay, the pain is normal. After all, I hit a hole in it and just rest for a while." The caregiver comforted him with a smile.

Lu Tong nodded, and then in his heart guessed that Yuan Tianxing had sent him, but on the surface he pretended to ask a little eagerly: "Yes, may I ask who sent me here? I ... I want to thank him . "

The caregiver thought for a while and said, "Oh, a few migrant workers brought you here. Say you don't know how to be stunned and left unattended by the roadside, so I will send you over."

Lu Tong originally laughed and wanted to hear that the caretaker said that the deputy leader had brought him in, but he did not expect to hear this. His expression froze, and then after two or three seconds he became incredulous.

"What? Migrant workers? Isn't it Deputy Chief Yuan Yuan?" He was startled, and the words in his mouth fell out without going through his brain.

The caregiver looked at him strangely and said with a strange expression: "Ah? What deputy Yuan Yuan? No, it was brought by several ordinary people on several construction sites. If you want to thank others, you can ask."

Things didn't develop as they imagined, which made Lu Tong's head a little bit nervous. How could it not be Yuan Tianxing? He apparently moved his hand when the other party was approaching, and he would definitely see him when the other party passed by. But why did the caregiver say that the migrant workers on the construction site brought him over? At that time there were no other people except Yuan Tianxing's group. Where did the migrant workers come from?

Is it ... Yuan Tianxing saved him clearly, but didn't want to send him over by himself? Did someone send migrant workers to send him in?

Lu Tong, who has some confusion in his head, thinks about himself and doesn't believe that the worker said that the migrant worker saved him. He thought it might be that Yuan Tianxing found him in trouble, and then he asked a few migrant workers to send him in.

Seeing that his expression was a little lost, the caregiver asked, "What's wrong with you? Close your eyes and rest."

Neither of them was found in the ward. A figure outside the doorway leaned against the wall to listen to the conversation inside him, then turned silently away.

Long Qingying returned to the room, watching Lin Wenwen sitting on the sofa and said, "He looks surprised."

Lin Wenwen chuckled, and Wen Jing's beautiful face flashed a disdain. "He must be surprised. The plot didn't go in the direction he wanted. He wasn't surprised at this time, and he might vomit blood."

Lu Tong, who had been lying in the medical hospital for two days, was discharged again, and went to the construction site to find his rescuer according to the nurse's statement. As soon as he approached, people on the construction site saw him.

"Ouch, Lu Tong, why did you come here? If you have a head injury, just go back to rest and lie down, what do you do? What if there is something wrong?" Lu Tong of gauze said, disapproving.

"I ... I want to ask who saved me! I want to thank him ..." Lu Tong was pale, but with a persistent expression.

The look of helplessness was faintly strong. Let the workers on the site feel unbearable, and someone immediately answered his question.

"Oh ... it's Ahua. A few of them. They passed by not far from the cafeteria. They were shocked to see you lying down on the ground halfway. They ran to find that you had blood on your head. I was sent to the hospital. By the way, Ahua and they are over there, you can go. "

"Yes, did Lu Tong offend anyone? How could he be stunned?"

Lu Tong's expression was gloomy when he heard their words. After he had a headache and went to find Ahua, they confirmed that these were true, and the whole person was bad.

He didn't believe the carer's statement originally, but did not expect that people here said so. Obviously the carer was not telling lies, and everyone here already knew that he was stunned by the road. .

In other words, did Yuan Tianxing really not know about his fainting? Didn't find him? Then he smashed himself this time, is it smashed? Is this injury in vain?

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Tong will vomit blood! Who has broken his good deeds!

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