Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 823: Coming at you

"Boss, maybe you don't believe it. But you can go and see for yourself." For Gu Yikang's disbelief, Xu Changmu could only say so to him.

Gu Yikang froze slightly, and saw Xu Changmu's expression did not look joking. He put away his expression hesitantly and asked, "Is it true?"

Is there such a zombie group? If so, it looks like a group of zombies controlled by high-level zombies.

Xu Changmu nodded: "At least we didn't read it wrong. And after all the teams entered, the zombies came back around. We didn't even see the walls of that base."

"Keep the zombies? They dare! And those people aren't afraid? If you go in, you go in?" Gu Yikang lowered his face and frowned.

"I think the detectives before us should be removed by the people in their base. After all, if this situation spreads, it will be very unfavorable to their newly built base." Xu Changxu said.

Gu Yikang suddenly looked cold and said, "Did anyone find you?"

Xu Changmu shook his head confidently: "No, the person I brought was not close, only I was close. Almost everyone except Jian Shengtong and Xia Yushen could not find us."

Although he saw a few people sitting on the roof of Yunmeng like legs, he didn't care much because the breath on these people was not strong.

However, he didn't know that Yunmeng and others had calmed down. Unless it is much stronger than them, or the induction between the same kind, there is no way to see their true strength.

Gu Yikang suddenly smiled and said, "It's a bit interesting! Keep exploring, you must figure out the secret of this base and the woman. Find out where her dead point is."

Knowing that the female leader of the new base was a poisoned psionicist, Gu Yikang decided to get her energy nucleus at hand. There are few special abilities like this, and there are even fewer that can reach level seven. But the more advanced the toxic energy nucleus, the greater the help for him.

"I sent someone into this group of people at Dilong Base, but just wanting to wait for the news to come out may not be so easy." Xu Changmu nodded and said.

"Don't worry, take your time. Anyway, this base is here, and she can't go anywhere. And ... raising zombies? Hey ..." Gu Yikang said with a strange smile.

Neither Gu Yikang nor Xu Changmu noticed that the trees and vines around their location were shaking slightly. As if activated by saneness, the wind rose automatically, the leaves on the tree trembled from time to time, the blades of grass standing on the grass tilted their heads to the left and their heads to the right.

On a green forest road hundreds of meters away from them, two zombies were hidden in the shadows of the trees. Condensed the breath of the whole body, stayed quietly.

The fifth female zombie hugged the trunk, her face stuck to the rough bark, and listened to the trunk with her ears. A pair of dark green eyes flickered in the darkness.

The No. 6 man next to her looked at her in a speechless gesture: "..." Do you think you are holding a pillow? ? ? Can I put my hands and feet down?

No. 5 seemed to feel the idea of ​​No. 6 and turned to look at him. Her zombies' eyes were now dim, but things could still be seen clearly. Although the appearance of the male zombies around him is not very handsome, the facial features are very delicious, and he will be attracted unconsciously after watching it for a long time. Especially his narrow and deep eyes, coupled with his serious and flat expression, his lips narrowed in a straight line.

On the 5th, why didn't I find out that this other companion looks good before? It would be more perfect if he could ignore the look of the idiot in his eyes ...

Silently detaching their hands and legs from the trunk, the No. 5 female zombies glanced dissatisfied at the male zombies.

The male zombies moved their eyes expressionlessly. At this moment, the expressions of the two zombies suddenly paused, then they jumped down from the tree at the same time, and fell lightly to the ground.

A black figure did not know when it was quietly standing on the side of the road under the tree.

"Boss." The male corpse husked out, his head bowed slightly.

"Roar--" Chief.

The female zombies can only use roar at present, because she has not broken through the sixth level, so Lin Qiao did not treat her throat.

"What did you find?" Lin Qiao blended into the darkness around him, asking quietly.

The male zombies turned his head and glanced at the female zombies, because she was doing something to eavesdrop on intelligence.

"Roar--" They came for you.

The female zombies said to Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao frowned, how could the other party be directed at her?

She thought about it and said, "I'll go over and see, you two go in."

Talking about pulling the two of them, they were brought into the space. Then came out again in stealth, and dived in towards those people.

When it came to the other side, Lin Qiao determined that this was the person at the Skyfire Base.

In addition to Gu Yikang and Xu Changmu, they also brought about a dozen fifth-level abilities, ten abilities teams, and about 300 ordinary soldiers. There are more than 500 people in Canada.

Lin Qiao certainly knows Gu Yikang, and has not dealt with it before. She knows that Gu Yikang has always beaten her psionic fire energy nucleus, and his energy nucleus will also be beneficial to her power.

She had originally planned to return to rectify things in the base this time before shooting at the Tianhuo base. At least she had to clean up the Tianhuo base before Xiaomanman got bigger and bigger. I did not expect that Gu Yikang didn't do anything at Huaxia Base, but came to her side.

Really come to die!

Lin Qiao gently touched his abdomen, the lower part of the lower abdomen was no longer flat.

Xiao Manman is right. She has now entered the growth stage. This time she has been sleeping for so long, and Lin Qiao's belly has some protrusions. It's just that the radian is not big, and you can't see it when you cover it slightly.

The transparent figure leaned gently against Gu Yikang's side, and still felt the wrong mental thought. Lin Qiao turned to Xu Changmu on the other side and approached.

——Explore the internal secrets of this base ... Explore where the dead spot of the female leader of this base is ... Even a zombie ... Human enemies ...

Lin Qiao sneered slightly when he heard the underlying thoughts in Xu Changmu's heart.

Sure enough, these people thought that zombies should be damned. Those who are associated with zombies are evil gates and enemies. But think about her former Pluto base, which had no zombies, but was also besieged by three bases that are also humans.

Was she hostile to humans then? No! But why should it be persecuted by other bases that are also human? Some human minds are more evil than zombies. More cruel than zombies!

Thinking of this, Lin Qiao lowered his eyes slightly to cover the flash of killing in his eyes. Suddenly she stretched out her hand and quickly and accurately grasped Gu Yikang and threw it into the space woods.

Do n’t you want to know her secret? Then let you know!

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