Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 848: Premonition of crisis

That night, Lin Qiao listed the first team of Qiu Lili. Qiu Lili and Yunmeng led the team. The next-level kings were Uncle No. 3 in the ice department, No. 4 boy in the fire department, and No. 6 in the soil department. The man, the old man of the metal system, the pits of the water system, and Nan Jin of the ice system. These abilities are five elements, and the range and group attack skills are more effective. There are also ten zombie leaders with the same level of power and five zombie leaders with the fourth level.

After making the list, Lin Qiao called Qiu Lili and Yun Meng. Explained the situation in the rat's hole in detail.

"Tomorrow morning, the two of you will take these people to fight a vanguard and attack with all your strength to see if they can warn the mice. Let them not dare to move in the direction of our base." Lin Qiao said, passing the list to Qiu Lili.

"Just a warning? Why can't they all be destroyed?" Qiu Lili asked in confusion. Since it will cause a lot of trouble to the base in the future, why not just wipe out all the mice directly now?

Lin Qiao looked at her and shook his head and said, "It's not clean by you alone. Although I said let you attack with all your strength, you can kill as much as you can. But these rats have a very strong reproductive power, and you can guarantee this Can tens of millions of mice be wiped out without being escaped? Even if only one, it won't be long before this group of rats will recover soon. "

Qiu Lili and Yun Meng did not see the actual situation, nor did they understand how terrible the rat population was. In their minds, this is a large group of mice, and a fire or a piece of frozen past can die.

However, Lin Qiao knew that they thought very easily. After all, these two were not very old, and their views on things were a bit short. She knew that even if they were dispatched from all bases, they would not be able to kill all the mutant mice all at once. That's why Lin Qiao asked them to be pioneers, and then watched the mice. The more intelligence, the greater success will be in the future.

The magnetic field is chaotic after the end of the world, and even missiles cannot be fired from a long distance. Otherwise, a few missiles were fired in the past. These mice may not be able to completely kill them, but at least seven or seven or eight will do.

Of course, the biggest problem is that the beings base does not have such a powerful weapon now!

Qiu Lili and Yunmeng looked at each other silently.

Lin Qiao said, "You will know when you go there. I also said just now that these mutant mice are not low-level. There may be seven mutant rat kings, or you can fight against you below. I've had it, but don't forget the sly character of the rat. The seventh-level mutant rat emperor certainly has a high IQ. I think if you want to run, you ... may not catch it. "

Therefore, if the rat king is not dead, then the rat colony cannot be wiped out.

After hearing this from Lin Qiao, Qiu Lili and Yun Meng felt that this matter was really a little tricky. Only then realized the danger of this goal.

"If I were convenient, I wouldn't have done it with the two of you." Lin Qiao sighed.

Qiu Lili and Yun Meng looked at her blankly at the same time.

Lin Qiao leaned back slightly on the back of his chair, and placed one hand on his stomach at will.

"Well, go out. Remember to leave early tomorrow. Be careful not to be careless, or you will suffer." Lin Qiao ordered the two little sisters.

"Oh." Qiu Lili and Yunmeng turned and left.

After the two of them left, Lin Qiao continued to work on the table. Suddenly she was stiff and flashed with horror in her heart. Then quickly disappeared.

Lin Qiao stopped his work and frowned in doubt. Just now this feeling flashed too fast, so she didn't catch it for a moment. But from her unusually keen premonition now, this feeling doesn't seem very good.

It suddenly occurred to her that it seemed to have felt this way recently, but at the time it was many times smaller than it is now. After returning to the base later, the day Lin Wenwen told her about her second ability awakening, Lin Qiao wanted to understand what was going on.

But now? Is it a sign that something will happen again?

Last time Lin Qiao didn't care too much, but this time it felt too strong.

After thinking about it, Lin Qiao called Shen Yuzhen in: "Go and help me call Wenwen."

"Now?" Shen Yuzhen looked at the sky outside, it was already more than nine in the evening.

Lin Qiao nodded: "Well, now."

"Yes." Shen Yuzhen could only turn around and leave, and went to find someone.

Except for Lin Qiao, even Mo Yan, who was isolated in the space by her, felt clearly at this time.

He opened his eyes sharply from the bed and sat up expressionlessly. Holding the position of the heart attentively, Junmei's evil face was covered with dignity.

That's right, obviously his heart has stopped beating. Nothing works. But the feeling of palpitations flashed from the position of the heart just now, this is an intuition for crisis.

Is there anything special that is going to happen?

After Mo Yan sat up, the first thought flashed through his mind.

Generally, zombies cannot sleep. But Mo Yan's situation is special now, as long as the female zombies treat him, he needs to close his eyes and adjust his body. But this state will put him in a subtle sleep state.

This is the first zombie who can only sleep!

As soon as he sat up, the zombies outside the door opened the door and looked in.

Although Lin Qiao felt the movement of Mo Yan, she did not pay attention to Mo Yan's face. Instead, she waited for Lin Wenwen's arrival, and wanted to ask if she felt anything unusual recently.

After all, Lin Wenwen's second ability is special.

With the exception of Lin Qiao and Mo Yan, she has felt this unusual premonition in almost all parts of the country.

An eight-level mutant beast hiding in a mountain, or an eight-level mutant beast hiding at the bottom of the deep-water area, and there are several distributed in different places, neither Lin Qiao nor Mo Yan know, but it has actually broken through Zombie Emperor.

Open your eyes at the same time, or a commotion.

However, there has not yet been an eighth-level mutant plant. At least not in China!

As a human being, even the eighth-level Wu Chengyue does not have the keen sense of zombies or mutant beasts.

But in a survivor base in a certain country, the advanced geodesic sounded a sharp siren at the same time.

All the creatures on the surface don't know yet. At the core of this earth's bottom, there has been a slight vibration. The saka block in the underground world is slowly cracking and turning. Countless humans have never seen it, or undiscovered underground creatures flee wildly.

"Roar roar--"

No one knows the second outbreak in the last days. coming soon!

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