Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 853: The power mad

With a usual face with a charming smile to confuse sentient beings, the expressionless and cold face, and the red eyes with cold light.

The wildly growing trees behind him showed his abnormal state.

"Kong Qingming, what the **** is going on with you?" Although Meng Yue yelled at him, her tone was only tentative.

Kong Qingming looked at her coldly, although his eyes were cold, but there was no other emotion than this cold. There was no trace of popularity on that pretty over-the-top face, like a lifeless robot.

However, just as Meng Yue's words fell, Kong Qingming's eyes flashed a madness, and then he hurriedly reached out, controlling the branches behind him and rushing towards Xiao Yunlong and Meng Yue.

Meng Yue and Xiao Yunlong immediately shot at the same time, and the soldiers behind them immediately raised their guns.

"Don't shoot!" Meng Yuemeng sang to the people behind him. It means that she and Xiao Yunlong will handle it, they don't need to intervene.

Meng Yue is also a natural plant, so when she shot, Kong Qingming's branch motion immediately slowed down. However, Kong Qingming's level is one level higher than Meng Yue's. Although Meng Yue can control these branches, he will soon be regained control by Kong Qingming.

Fortunately, there is also Xiao Yunlong next to him. When he saw his shot, the surrounding metal broke out immediately, fastened to Kong Qingming's hand, and twisted his hands behind him.

Kong Qingming's hands were clasped by steel and metal, and he was struggling subconsciously. But Xiao Yunlong's power level was also one level higher than him, and Kong Qingming couldn't break free. In the end, he was locked behind his back with twisted hands.

Xiao Yunlong flickered behind him, and raised his hand against the whole neck.

"Tong Tong—" Kong Qingming rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Take it down!" As soon as Meng Yue and Xiao Yunlong turned around, they walked towards the stairs. At the same time, when she raised her hand, the trees that originally grew on the stairway controlled by Kong Qingming immediately contracted back, or separated a path to both sides.

When Xiao Yunlong and others came downstairs, they saw soldiers or some psionics, or strong men, who carried a humanoid bar and went out in pairs.

"These are the survivors who have become ... dead?" Xiao Yunlong frowned, and asked Meng Yue in a heavy mood.

Meng Yue's face was also not good. She nodded: "Well, I heard the news from them. The dead corpses were all ordinary people, and the power wise people were okay ..."

Said she turned around and looked at Kong Qingming, who was dragged unconscious by the two, and silently swallowed the last words back.

"This scene ... is almost the same as when the end came six years ago." Xiao Yunlong said with a grimace.

At this time Du Yuanxing came along with people and said to them, "Leader Xiao, our leader invites you to take a break in the conference hall first, because the base is now in chaos, and we have to do a large-scale cleanup .... 咦? 孔What happened to the deputy leader? "

Du Yuanxing said that he suddenly saw the coma behind Kong Qingming, and asked puzzledly.

"He didn't know what was going on just now, and suddenly he went crazy. I had to stun him, the reason had not been found out." Xiao Yunlong nodded first, and then answered Du Yuanxing's question.

"Crazy? What crazy?" Du Yuanxing stared at Kong Qingming in doubt.

"Unconscious, attacking indiscriminately. You should also pay attention to it, this may ... have nothing to do with them." Xiao Yunlong said looking at the corpses being carried out.

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the administration building of this base.

When he arrived in the conference hall, Lin Qiao watched with a somber face standing at the window and looked out. The air pressure around him was very low. The people around were standing a little far away from her, and the quiet atmosphere dared not come out. Even those with a power level of seven were overwhelmed by Lin Qiao's uncompromising demeanour when he came in.

He glanced at the others, thinking about the current situation, and understood Lin Qiao's low pressure at this time.

"Have you found out why? Suddenly, such a large-scale corpse change is even more strange for those who died." Xiao Yunlong said curiously.

Lin Qiao turned back, walked calmly to his seat, and pointed at two chairs at will: "Please sit down."

Then he went on to say, "The reason has not been found out, and you know that I don't have many experts in this area. But looking at this situation now, if I guess correctly, it doesn't stop at me."

Xiao Yunlong's expression froze, then suddenly realized: "You mean ... is it really a second outbreak?"

Lin Qiao took a look at him and said, "I have sent someone to your Haicheng to inquire. It will take an hour or two to know the real situation."

She had such a strong feeling last night that it didn't seem to be false.

Just then, there was a sudden commotion outside the door. A strong wind came in from outside the door, and then rushed out of the window. The energy in the wind is violent, and it seems to have no purpose.

Lin Qiao turned his eyes and froze. After a while, he saw Duan Juan's footsteps running in a bit messy: "Boss, there was a mad man on the other side of the psionicist just now. Several people have the same situation!"

"What's going on? And what happened to the noise just outside the door?" Lin Qiao frowned, which was obviously not good news.

"Fang Datong who was behind me just now also went mad. He is of the third-class wind system." Duan Juan said, his expression darkened.

"What's going on, you first make clear what these people are crazy about?" Lin Qiao asked expressionlessly.

"I suddenly lost my mind, then my expression was sloppy, and the power was out of control. I saw people when they attacked. They were all the same, and it was very sudden when the incident happened." Duan Juan said.

"How many people do you say? That means ... not just individual cases?" Xiao Yunlong looked at Duan Juan and asked. After speaking, he looked at Kong Qingming who was thrown to the corner chair.

Lin Qiao and others noticed his gaze and looked over.

"What's wrong with him?" Lin Qiao didn't pay much attention just now and asked this time.

"As she said, she went crazy. Then I was stunned." Xiao Yunlong said with a glance at Duan Juan.

Lin Qiao was silent, staring at Kong Qingming tightly. She thought the power actor would not be in trouble. Was it delayed?

Just then, another messy footsteps came over. Before anyone arrived, the voice came.

"Not good, not good! Old ... no, boss! Tianxing brother he is crazy! Come on, please go and see him!" Lin Wenwen ran to the door in a panic, almost anxious to Lin Lin Called an older sister.

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