Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 858: Disaster in farming

From this day on, Lin Xiao's team was attacked by various mutant animals and plants along the way.

After the major bases finally controlled the chaos in their bases, two or three days had passed.

Wu Chengyue and others in Haicheng sat in the conference hall, and Xiao Yunlong had returned to Haicheng with Meng Yue and Kong Qingming. After telling the situation of the sentient beings base, and seeing Haicheng like this again.

Everyone has a feeling in their hearts for the rest of their lives.

It was so sudden because of this change.

"Did that rat group already foretell the situation now?" Kong Qingming, who was sober, sat at the position of the deputy leader under the table. Frowning and thinking.

"From the information given by the Living Beings Base, these gases have a fatal effect on living creatures. But why only half of the mutations occur, and the other half do not?" Wu Chengyue looked at the backup data in his hands and was puzzled. .

This question is obviously asking Mo Li who has research in this direction.

These days, in addition to the situation inside the base, they also noticed the situation outside the base. Now almost all the trees in the base have been cut down, because many unmutated trees that had originally been left are dead. There are still some mutations, and the mutated plants must not stay in the base.

But now outside the base, the mountains and trees outside have grown like virgin forests. Even those abandoned streets were devoured by trees in parks or green belts.

Many mutant beasts are going crazy, just like those crazy abilities.

The mania of the ability has never stopped, and every day someone initiates a madness and suddenly hurts others.

Later, after Xiao Yunlong brought back the research progress of the beings base, he gathered all the abilities to check. Those who may be mad are put in special quarantines to prevent them from hurting others when they are mad.

Those who were taken into the quarantine room were stared at for 24 hours. If they were mad, they would immediately fall to the ground with the drugs installed in the quarantine room.

In fact, these research results should not have been given to Haicheng, but after discussing with Lin Qiao, Lin Feng and others, in order to relax Haicheng's regional division, they automatically gave this result to Haicheng.

Mo Li didn't have any expression on his face, and said lightly at this time: "I will research the cause as soon as possible."

Although that is the case, it is not so easy to really find out why.

From the two days of research, these gases have entered the body of animals or plants before they change into the substances studied by the living beings.

That's why half of the population has changed, but the other half has little effect. Although the body of these people has not been detected, it is not known whether it is hidden in the blood or not.

Wu Chengyue nodded: "I will send more staff to you."

Mo Li nodded expressionlessly.

Xiao Yunlong asked, "So what did we agree on in the subregion?"

The corners of Wu Chengyue's mouth had been slightly hooked, with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes.

He said, "Lao Zou, is the situation over the Ministry of Agriculture serious?"

Zou Shihui's expression has been dark for the past two days. The situation on the agricultural base is more than serious. All the crops are dead, and now those fields are withered at a glance.

The entire farming base is dead and needs to be replanted and seeded before planting. For at least these months, they will eat the grain stored in the warehouse.

None of this matters, what is important ...

"These lands are dead, and geology can't plant living things." Zou Shihui closed her eyes and looked exhausted but a little irritable.

The expression on Wu Chengyue's face also disappeared, and he sighed: "So, there is no way to save this land."

"This ... I think we should take a step back with the sentient beings base. At least, the base of Miss Lu's base has not been affected, hasn't it?" Kong Qingming said at this time.

Yes, after returning to his base and seeing a dry field, Kong Qingming tried all kinds of ways with the scorched head.

But later he received news that the planting base at the Zosite Base only affected plants, but geology did not.

Therefore, if they want to solve the problem of their base, they have to start from the plot of the beings base to study it.

Now think about it, in the future Haicheng will need a base for all beings, at least temporarily.

Therefore, now Wu Chengyue has no intention to manage the division of the area. You can divide as many female zombies as you want. Now the most important thing is to solve these problems in your base first.

As soon as Kong Qingming's words came out, the others were silent. Finally sighed.

On the side of the living beings base, Lin Qiao and others were silent as they watched the dead farming base.

Liu Jun squatted on the ground, holding a handful of soil in his hand, and sighed, "Fortunately, at least we can save the soil in these places."

Looking at the farmland on both sides of the road, countless second- and third-level zombies each carried a spray bucket, spraying water inch by inch.

This water is mixed by the lake water in Lin Qiao space and the water outside. Because when this land was developed before, Lin Qiao kept spraying on the land with the water in her space.

As a result, the virus broke out twice, even though the plants here were dead. But the geology has not changed, and it is still alive. But all but the land is dead. The dead soil is all viruses. All that can grow are mutant plants.

"Fortunately, I have a batch of crops in my space, but fortunately these seeds also grow quickly. It's okay, and I can plant them back soon." Lin Qiao comforted her.

This planting base has always been taken care of by Liu Jun from the beginning, watching the carefully planted crops die. This mood is very uncomfortable and frustrating.

Liu Jun's expression was really low, and his heart was very uncomfortable. But fortunately for her, the land here is no problem.

After listening to Lin Qiao's words, Liu Jun exhaled deeply, and then stood up.

Lin Qiao held his chin aside.

At first she thought that the lake water in this space was going to be out of function. It seemed that she had thought too much before.

Ask the zombies to pull out the dry plants and clean them up. Then use the space lake water to mix the outside water and flush the land again. Lin Qiao took out the seedlings Lu Tianyi had prepared in her space these two days.

Except for the soldiers in the base these days, Lin Qiao is not letting humans come to work on this land. Those people are still in a state of emotional instability and are not suitable for work.

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