Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 902: Wu Chengyue is sober

It turns out that mad powers don't remember what happened when they went mad.

Lin Qiao stood aside and held his chest in his hands, waiting for Wu Chengyue to be sober.

After Wu Chengyue fell down, he was awake within a minute. He opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the ground, and at a glance he saw the dust on the ground.

After blinking for a few seconds, Wu Chengyue slowly stood up from the ground. Covering his forehead and climbing up, he just stood upright, and saw Lin Qiao, who was standing leaning obliquely against the wall.

"Where is this?" Looking at the strange surroundings, there was dust in the place. Wu Chengyue hesitated to ask Lin Qiao.

The clothes on her body are wet, and then look at the clothes of the female zombies. Looking out of the window next to the female zombies, it was dark outside and it should be raining.

Just how could he and she be here?

Wu Chengyue went to the window to look at the outside environment and found that it was still strange.

He turned to look at Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao raised an eyebrow: "You're crazy, don't you remember? It took me a lot of effort to keep you awake."

Is your mouth swollen?

Her pale lips were a little purple at this time because the blood on her body was now dark red. After being overwhelmed by Wu Chengyue, her lips did not become red and swollen, but her color became darker.

"What's wrong with your mouth?" Wu Chengyue suddenly asked, staring strangely at her lips.

Lin Qiao: ...

Don't want to talk to him!

Wu Chengyue stared at her strangely and looked at her now.

A long hair was originally tied behind his head and looked wet. His face was still pale but with a layer of radiance, his green eyes twinkled with cold light. The purplish mouth under the nose made her face paler.

A wet strand of hair hung from her forehead and stuck to the side of her face.

The pursed purple lips combined with her own sharp breath made her whole person exude a cold and radiant temperament. With an inexplicable temptation to Wu Chengyue's eyes.

Lin Qiaoping calmed his emotions and looked at him calmly and said, "Nothing. Now that you are awake, go back. Your energy stuns Lingling, but fortunately your instinct knows to protect her."

For Wu Chengyue's problem, Lin Qiao could only use Lingling to divert his attention.

Sure enough, when I heard about Lingling. Wu Chengyue became nervous: "What! Lingling was stunned by me? How is she? Has she been injured?"

Looking at Wu Chengyue who was nervously staring at him, Lin Qiao saw a trace of fear and terror in his heart. He was afraid to hear what he said hurt Lingling.

"I only took a cursory look at that time, and found no other problems. The actual situation will have to go back to see before I know." Lin Qiao said.

Wu Chengyue's eyes flashed with deep worry, but he suppressed. Looking up at Lin Qiao: "What about you ... how did you ... suppress me?"

He knew his strength, not to mention madness. But he is awake now, and he and the woman zombies are here. The other side said just now that she let him wake up.

Wu Chengyue would like to know what happened in the process. Looking around, there were no traces of fighting, which shows that he and her should not be in a state of rage when he is here. Then she should be here somewhere else, and he brought him down.

Hearing Wu Chengyue's words, Lin Qiao's mouth twitched, and he suppressed the features he was going to twist. She said blankly: "It doesn't matter, what's important is that you are awake now. Don't talk so much nonsense, leave. I have something to do here."

Those few weren't finished yet, she just happened to finish.

Wu Chengyue looked at her silently.

My clothes are still wet, why not change them? Even if you do n’t change it, why ca n’t you steam it? It must be uncomfortable to wear it like this.

Sure enough, something went wrong with her body. And the problem is not small.

Fortunately, Lin Qiao was still wearing two sets at this time, a skirt and a suit jacket. But because the clothes are wet, they will inevitably stick to the body. So she slightly raised her abdomen, and it became invisible under Wu Chengyue's deliberate eyes.

Wu Chengyue had steamed his clothes at this time, and saw Lin Qiao turn around. He suddenly reached out and held her.

"Why ..." Lin Qiao was dragged to his feet, but he waved his hands instead of the previously unconscious subconscious. It may be that her hand has been held firmly by this man not long ago, and she has become used to it.

Before she could finish speaking, a scorching energy hit her, evaporating the water in her clothes and hair.

Before Lin Qiao shakes his hand, Wu Chengyue releases it automatically.

Lin Qiao looked down at his clothes, his face suddenly a bit ugly. Without saying anything, he turned and walked towards the door.

No way, just discover it.

Watching Lin Qiaogan walk out dryly, Wu Chengyue suddenly raised his hand and looked. I don't know why, after grabbing her hand just now, he had a familiar feeling.

Lin Qiao was no longer seen, and Wu Chengyue immediately struck his own head. The bangs on his forehead were all struck by his head, revealing a clean brow. Because of the temporary change in hair style, his temperament also became a bit harsh.

He stood silently for a few seconds, his eyes deepened as Lin Qiao left the door, and he walked out with his legs raised.

The feeling of rejection on the woman's zombies became a little more subtle, and her attitude seemed less intense than before, but still kept her distance. Just in the middle of this distance, there seems to be something else.

During the period when she lost her mind, she must have done something to herself, or what she had done to her, which caused the two people's atmosphere to be a little subtle.

There was a meaningful smile on Wu Chengyue's mouth, and it seemed that he had to find a way to figure out what happened between the two.

And her body ...

Thinking of this, Wu Chengyue's mouth dropped again. He strode out at his feet.

Lin Qiao found the stairs and climbed directly to the top of the building, then stood directly on the top and looked around. At this point the rain outside had stopped, but the sky was still dark.

A wet wind passed over her, setting off her long hair and skirt.

When Wu Chengyue came up, she saw her jump straight downstairs like this. Then he appeared on the roof of another building that was a little shorter, heading towards the breath of Xiao Licheng and Duan Juan.

He flickered and disappeared from the top of the building. Billing Qiao first appeared in front of Duan Juan.

Looking at the snake on the roof of the bank, Wu Chengyue asked them curiously, "What's the situation with you?"

When Xiao Licheng saw him, he shouted with joy: "Boss, you are awake!" 21046

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