Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 904: Xiao Licheng's hot pot

"You ... you!" Liu Wan was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, but didn't know what to say. Anyway, it is useless to say anything now, they have been exposed, and now they have no chance to escape.

"We ... we didn't do anything ... didn't it hurt the base? Did you do this to us ... wouldn't it be cruel for your leader?" The power man said suddenly.

His face was sweaty, his face pale and his lips blue. Even around his eyes began to darken.

But at this time Liu Wan and the other person had not noticed him.

After hearing what he said, Liu Wan suddenly glared at Lin Qiao with a bright look: "Yes! That's right! Even if we had some bad ideas for you at first, but now we haven't done anything to your guitar. Bad thing. Why did you kill us ?! "

Lin Qiao chuckled and said, "Having a criminal consciousness, isn't it an attempt to commit a crime? Isn't I still waiting for you to put my guitar in your hands to be eligible to resist you? Besides, do you think you are still A peaceful society before the end of the world? We do n’t talk about law, morality, or anything else… we just talk about… weak meat and strong food! ”

After saying that, she suddenly waved: "Wang, go up! Bite him! Yes, this person! Dahei, bite that ... Yes, this is that! Uh ... the last ... mushroom essence, don't eat it. Take this Eat it alive! "

Several people in Duan Juan watched Lin Qiao directing three animals and plants to rush to three people, and even the mushroom essence that was picking up the corpse dropped by others called blood.

However, the mushroom essence was refreshing and ignored Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao: ... special why this mushroom essence is disobedient! Should she go back and stew the chicken with it?

"Ah-don't kill me-" The third-level phantom turned and ran away, not forgetting to scream.

The mushroom essence startled by Lin Qiao's killing intention immediately dropped the corpse that was eating, shook its tentacles and legs and chased after the third-level ability who wanted to escape.

In the eyes of Mushroom Essence, the man ran like slow motion. In the next second, Mushroom Essence jumped and stepped on the third-level ability who was still running.

The root system covered with hi-hat tertiary ability pierced directly into the concrete floor and grew up. Several tentacles on the umbrella quickly penetrated into the tertiary ability through the gap in the root system.

"Ahhhhhh!" The scream screamed immediately, and the blood and meat slew up the tentacle tube of the mushroom essence.

After a while, the mushroom extract pulled out the root system and walked away with several strong roots. Leaving a dry corpse drained of flesh and blood.

On the other side, Liu Wanhao, who is also a level 6 psionicist, and other abilities such as earth wall spurs and spurs, can not let Awang do any substantial attack damage to him.

However, the person with mental power is physically weak, and the power attack is mental. But at this time, his whole body was as cold as ice, and his spirit had been a little chaotic. The effect of the ability attack had been reduced a lot. Besides, his power level is only five, and the mutant beast that hits the sixth level with mental attack basically has little effect.

So he didn't plan to attack at first, but planned to escape!

If Black could let him run away, it would not be a level 6 mutant beast.

I saw that the mental powers just ran a few steps, and suddenly a shadow flickered in front of them. A huge snake's head rushed in front of him and turned down and faced him.

The cold, unemotional diamond-shaped eyes, the slender snake tongue flashed in the flat snake mouth. A threat of death loomed over the spiritual ability.

He widened his eyes, wondering whether it was a mental breakdown or a virus in his body, and his knees fell to the ground as soon as his legs were soft. Looking straight at the black giant snake less than two meters away from him, his strength disappeared.

Dahei was in no mood to play with him, stared at him for two seconds, then suddenly opened his mouth wide to expose a pair of sharp long teeth, and bit it down with a cold light.

Several people in Lin Qiao looked at the last Liu Wan coldly. After resisting for several minutes under the attack of Awang, Awang smashed a clay wall through the wall and threw him.

When Liu Wan was thrown up and looked up, he saw a big mouth lit up with two rows of fangs facing his face, and then he bit over, and then he knew nothing.

"Eh-hhhh!" Sorry by Lin Qiao just now, Awang didn't bite Liu Wan's head this time. Instead, he shook his head and spit to the side, spitting a few **** saliva.

Of course, this blood is not it.

"Okay, you can go back." Lin Qiao clapped his hands, and the expression of a receiver jumped lightly from the street light. He threw out a field off-road vehicle and got himself into the back seat.

She thought that Duan Juan and Shen Yuzhen would go to the driver's seat and one to the co-pilot according to previous habits. As soon as she sat up, the door next to it opened. Wu Chengyue naturally got in.

Lin Qiao froze, turned his head to see, but saw his own guard team leader Duan Juan being dragged away by Xiao Licheng holding his arm.

Although Duan Juan looked back all the way, he walked without stopping.

Shen Yuzhen climbed into the driver's seat, pretending to start the car and knowing nothing.

Lin Qiao: ...

After bearing it, she couldn't help but turned her head and stared at Wu Chengyue who had sat next to her: "Wu, your car is over there!"

Said she gritted her teeth and pointed to another car Duan Juan dragged by Xiao Licheng.

Wu Chengyue looked at her with a smile and said, "I know. But I think Xiaocheng in my family really likes your family, Duan Juan. We might as well complete them both. Give them more space to get along."

Lin Qiao: ...

What kind of eyes do you see in the atmosphere of the two of them? Is it clear that you have bad intentions yourself? Also push the pot onto others!

Xiao Licheng who didn't know it hadn't known that he had become the man who liked Duan Juan. He apparently dragged Duan Juan over to create opportunities for his boss. I don't know if I hear Wu Chengyue's words, will he directly put Duan Juan back.

Shen Yuzhen sympathetically glanced at the car behind him with a rearview mirror.

Based on her previous knowledge of the leader Wu, this lie has been spilled, this is not the first time, and certainly not the last time ... well, Xiao Xiao is looking to be ready to be sold by his boss!

Although she knew she couldn't laugh, Shen Yuzhen's eyes narrowed. The corners of his mouth were twitching, and he didn't make himself laugh.

Hahaha ~~ Unlucky child!

Sitting in the back seat, Xiao Licheng's inexplicable whole body was cold. He looked left and right for unknown reasons.

Well, the sky is still gloomy and the surrounding humidity is too heavy. The weather is really a bit cold. 5646

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