Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 912: The cause

For love, Lin Qiao no longer trusts. So she used to be just like a good friend. At that time, she regarded the other person as a benefactor who saved her, so she would rather take care of the other person as a younger brother.

So Yang Jianhua's offensive to her at that time, she always avoided to answer.

Before the age of thirty, that is, before the end of the day, she had two experiences of love. They all ended with the death of another person, one of whom even betrayed her.

The first is that her lover actually loves her, but her identity is an international spy. In the end, she chose to betray her for the benefit. It was her own shot that killed the other person's life, in order to keep the country's information from being leaked.

After a period of sadness, she recovered quickly. Even though her will has fallen a lot, she is still the neat captain of Pluto.

The second lover also died under her gun, because of an error in the mission, both were arrested by enemy elements. The enemy brutally killed their teammates. After finally knowing that they are a lover, they gave them a gun and forced her and the person who loved her to shoot at the same time. One must die.

She would rather die than shoot. However, the man reached out and held her gun, and snapped the trigger in her horror and despair.

Then her support forces appeared and rushed in to attack the enemy. But she could only hold the man's body dumbly, unable to move.

Later, she gradually closed her heart. The unforgettable feelings of these two relationships made her unable to believe in love and dared not touch it.

Yuan Tianxing and Yang Jianhua, no matter whether they are true or false, she will not respond. I just didn't expect that Yang Jianhua was relatively cheap, so she turned her back on her.

So no matter how entangled Wu Chengyue was, she thought she would never relax. However, during this time, he seemed to be more and more accustomed to his attachment to his own. This is not a good phenomenon.

Even when Yang Jianhua was entangled with her before, it didn't look like this. At that time, she could clearly maintain a safe distance from Yang Jianhua, and now it is the same with Wu Chengyue. However, the distance was now shortening slowly before she knew it.

Besides, Wu Chengyue's purpose of pursuing himself brightly at the beginning was not pure. Even from the perspective of the other person, you can understand that this is done for Lingling, but she will not accept him because of understanding.

Even if he has gradually fallen in love with her now, she does not want to develop that relationship with him.

How good a person is, relaxed and unrestrained is her life. Anyway, even her family now can't control her!

Lin Qiao doesn't want to admit that she just doesn't want to experience the pain and despair of the beloved man dying in front of her eyes. Even though Wu Chengyue is now very strong, in this end world, his current strength is not much in the unknown danger.

No matter how strong people are, they are not as good as natural disasters.

After seeing the door closed, Wu Chengyue outside the balcony just smiled slightly. He didn't enter the room again, a flashover disappeared on the balcony.

The next day, Lin Qiao was busy from morning to night again, and at night he pulled away to the medical hospital.

Lin Hao examined her from head to toe, and found that the child in her stomach, although not having a heartbeat, was full of vitality.

"Ah, she moved! I saw her move!" Lin Hao suddenly screamed at the display screen with a little surprise.

Lin Qiao was lying on the instrument and didn't see the display because of the angle problem. But when I heard Lin Hao's voice, my heart smiled slightly.

"You reacted so that others thought it was your son." She laughed.

Lin Hao's face turned black, and she gave her an unhappy glance: "I'm her uncle, can I speak?"

"Yes, yes, you are her uncle. Still moving?" Lin Qiao asked.

Lin Hao stared at the screen for a while, and said in a loss: "No more movement, just moved my feet just now."

"Can I get up?" Lin Qiao said, but his body was already up.

Lin Hao glanced at her: "OK."

After speaking, he put his gaze on the image just scanned, and watched the baby shrink into a ball.

"It looks like a normal four-and-a-half-month-old fetus, but you have been pregnant for seven or eight months. It seems that you want to wait for her to come out, and at this rate, it is estimated that there will be a winter." Glancing again at Lin Qiao's belly.

The child is growing too slowly.

Lin Qiao touched his stomach and showed a bag like a small belly, and smiled: "It doesn't matter if it grows slowly, as long as she can grow up safely. I can wait as long as I can ... but I will wait a while. Not suitable for showing up in front of everyone. "

Lin Hao looked at her belly, the skirt was already a bit unstoppable. It looks like it's getting fat ...

"You can say that you are fat ... haha ​​kidding, but at the speed she is growing now, you should be able to support it for a while." Lin Hao wanted to make a joke, but received the eye knife thrown by his mother. She quickly changed her mouth afterwards.

"Today Duan Juan started asking me if I'm fat ... I wonder if zombies can also eat fat?" Lin Qiao said helplessly.

When Duan Juan stared at her stomach puzzled today and asked this sentence, she didn't know how to answer. Only three words were returned ... ‘Maybe? '.

The question mark at the back made Duan Juan guess.

After coming out of Lin Hao, Lin Qiao took Duan Juan waiting outside and walked towards Wu Yueling's ward.

Outside the door, Xiao Licheng sat on a chair beside the corridor. When he saw Lin Qiao's appearance, he immediately stood up: "Miss Lu."

Lin Qiao nodded to him and looked at the closed ward door: "Your leader is inside?"

Xiao Licheng nodded.

Lin Qiao continued to ask, "How is Lingling?"

Xiao Licheng said, "When there is no one, she wraps herself in a quilt and sits on the head of the bed. Only when the leader enters, will she show her face. If others enter, she will quickly roll off the bed. Then drill under the bed. "

For people with autism, the smaller the space, the more they feel safe. Like the instinct of an animal.

"Fortunately, she can also let her dad approach her. This is not so bad." Lin Qiao went to the window and looked into the ward.

Xiao Licheng sighed and said, "Anyway, she is also raised by the leader, and naturally depends on him."

Wu Yueling in the room was very sensitive. As soon as Lin Qiao went to the window, she noticed immediately. Subconsciously shrank into the quilt, then watched the window alertly. After seeing Lin Qiao's face, his expression froze slightly.

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