Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 929: Wake up

After bathing Lingling, dress her and wrap her wet hair with a dry towel. Wu Chengyue hugged her daughter and walked to the sofa in the living room. She brushed Lingling's hair and asked, "Why did you say it was my reason? And can your voice be transmitted only by touching me?"

Her move outside just now has made Wu Chengyue guess this.

Lin Qiao thought about it and could only tell him things. Bring paper and pen to write:-I cannot be too far apart from you for unknown reasons.

She didn't say that she was completely tied to him like an invisible thread, and that he was being restrained. Why can't she just follow him instead of him? ? ?

Wu Chengyue rubbed Wu Yueling's hair with both hands, and turned his head to look at the words on Lin Qiao's paper. After a few seconds of silence, he was surprised and asked, "So you are tied to me now?"

Lin Qiao did not write, but just tapped on the coffee table with a pen.

Wu Chengyue understood that she meant that she was not wrong.

Then Lin Qiao wrote:-This way I may not be here tomorrow to help you bring Lingling.

Wu Chengyue rubbed his hand on Wu Yueling's head for a moment, and said suddenly: "Yes, since you can't stay away from me. Then you have to go out with me tomorrow. Then Lingling can only find another way. "

As he was thinking about it, looking at Lin Qiao couldn't help but ask, "What are you going to do? You just said that the reason lies with me. What is the reason? How to solve it?"

Lin Qiao shook his head and wrote:-I just know the reason is on you, I don't know what the reason is yet.

Just then, a voice rang in Lin Qiao's mind:-Ma Ma! Ma Ma! I know I know! Because the energy I absorbed recently is too large, the original energy of Ma Ma is not enough for the small vines, so I need the energy to come together!

Lin Qiao, who was suddenly startled by Xiao Manman, heard the reason: ...

You tell me how you absorbed Wu Chengyue ’s energy through the air?

Lin Qiao spit in his heart.

In the end, Xiao Manman's words came over:-Because I was afraid that it would not be absorbed too far, let Ma Ma and 粑粑 be closer together ~~~

Lin Qiao: —— A little closer to you is that I can't leave him within 20 meters?

Xiao Manman's tone said a little weakly:-That ... In fact, people don't know what's going on ... I just want to let Ma Ma and Ma go a little closer ~~ then change It ’s like this ~~

Lin Qiao: ...

"What's wrong? Don't you know why?" Wu Chengyue asked again without seeing Lin Qiao's response.

Lin Qiao then picked up his pen and wrote:-I really don't know, let's think about how Lingling will be placed tomorrow.

Now she can't be separated from him, that is, she will need to go out of the base with the other party tomorrow. But this time the mission can't take Lingling out, so find someone else to bring Lingling? However, Lingling would definitely not let other people approach, so she could only stay in one room.

Nor can it be determined how long it will take Wu Chengyue to go out this time.

Wu Chengyue didn't seem to be in a hurry, saying, "If you don't stay, that's right, Lingling can stay in the room by herself now."

Lin Qiao doesn't agree with putting Lingling alone in the room, what if the child is afraid, something else may happen when he is afraid. Lin Hao told her that if Lingling's condition worsens, self-harm will occur.

Although Wu Chengyue couldn't see Lin Qiao or see her response, she didn't know why she could guess her thoughts. He said, "In fact, she wouldn't feel scared with this gray rabbit with her. Because this is her little friend, it is also important in her heart."

Lin Qiao frowned and remained silent.

At this time, Xiao Manman said in her thoughts:-Ma Ma Ma, I have a way ~~~ Let Lingling go with us!

Lin Qiao froze, looked down at his stomach, and touched her with her hand to ask:-Why? That's too dangerous. Wu Chengyue is going to kill someone tomorrow. How can he take Lingling with him?

Xiao Man Man said:-Ma Ma ~ I can protect Xiao Man Man ~~~

Lin Qiao froze and asked blankly:-Are you protecting? How do you protect?

Xiao Manman said:-Ma Ma, you take Lingling first, I'll show it to you ~~~

Lin Qiao thought about it, while wondering about Xiao Manman's method, he also wanted to try it. So she wrote a sentence on the paper.

——Let me hug Lingling and try another method.

Wu Chengyue had already wiped Wu Yueling's hair half-dried at this time, and nodded after seeing the words she wrote, releasing Lingling and putting her on the ground.

Lin Qiao reached out and pulled Lingling over, and then said to her:-Lingling, Xiao Manman woke up, do you want to talk to her?

Wu Yueling's eyes flashed sharply, and she nodded slightly. She hasn't spoken to Xiao Manman for a long time.

Although she felt very happy in Wu Yueling's heart, the change in her expression was not too big except her eyes.

She took her to her side, and gently pressed her little hand on her stomach.

-Lingling! Lingling! Do you miss me

Xiao Manman was also very happy, and Xiao excitedly passed on to Lingling.

Wu Yueling's eyes flickered and she nodded again.

She said in her heart:-think. Lingling wants Xiaomanman ~~ But Xiaomanman only knows to sleep!

Xiao Manman comforted her:-I can play with you when I come out!

While listening to the voices of the two children, Lin Qiao wrote on the paper with a pen:-How long will it take for you to clean up that person tomorrow?

Wu Chengyue had waited to see another way she said, but it turned out that Wu Yueling seemed very happy after passing, and did not know what happened. Now seeing Lin Qiao writing to ask him about tomorrow's situation, he began to answer her.

"It won't take long, a few hours."

He stared at the pen, wondering what else Lin Qiao wanted to ask him next.

However, Lin Qiao just played with his pen and didn't write any more.

At this time, Xiao Manman said to Lin Qiao:-Ma Ma, I'm going to start ~~ You look ~~

As soon as Lin Qiao bowed his head, Wu Yueling beside him disappeared.

Seeing his daughter suddenly disappear, Wu Chengyue froze. There wasn't much panic, just looking at their positions in a novel way.

"Do you still have this skill?"

Lin Qiao wrote with a pen:-No, my skills ...

Wu Chengyue looked at those words in doubt, and asked subconsciously: "It's not yours, who's that?"

Lin Qiao: —— Little Manman.

Xiao Manman said at this time:-As long as Ma Ma holds Ling Ling tomorrow, I can make Ling Ling disappear.

Lin Qiao asked a little mysteriously:-Where did you get Lingling?

Xiao Manman said:-Ma Ma's space.

Lin Qiao felt the space, but couldn't find where Lingling was. Then asked:-Where can I not feel it?

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