Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 955: Infested

Qiu Lili appeared on the wall of the base, smelling and sensing along the air. Although Xie Dong said that the other party used an odor remover, the taste may have disappeared long ago.

But as long as the odor-eliminating effect disappeared, she could tell the odor in the air within ten kilometers.

When Lin Qiao was not at the base, she felt that she had made a mistake when anything happened. If this time she was really leaked out of the planting base, she would be a little embarrassed.

But this time everyone did not expect that the people who came to investigate this time would use odor removers.

On the other side, Lin Qiao brought the zombies to the ground to sense the breath of the creatures that night.

Standing on the top of a building, Lin Qiao suddenly trembled. Together with Wu Chengyue, he turned his head and looked in one direction at the same time. There was a strong coercion with a strong strategy.

"Come here!" Wu Chengyue blinked.

Yunmeng and other zombies also sensed it, and immediately went into alert. But no one let go of the fifth-level zombies that had been entangled in the tree.

Lin Qiao turned suddenly and took out a glass of water, then his nails cut through his fingers and squeezed a drop of blood into the water.

"Roar--" When the level of her blood appeared in the air, the five-level zombies exploded immediately. The whole body became tight and alert. Staring at Lin Qiao with a warning roar.

Lin Qiao didn't talk to him, he raised his hand and stuck his chin in one hand, let him open his mouth. The other hand filled him with water mixed with her blood.

"Woo--" The fifth-level zombies were scared and stiffened, and immediately made a cry of horror. But because his mouth was caught by Lin Qiao, he could only make half of his voice.

"Guru ... Guru ..." Lin Qiao filled 70% of the water in the glass, and the rest flowed out.

Then he released his hand and took a few steps back, immediately flashed to Wu Chengyue. Hold him:-Go and see.

Although the breath was strong, she did not mean to avoid it. Let Wu Chengyue take a look together, just look at it. I don't plan to run into each other directly.

After Wu Chengyue pulled Lin Qiao away, the other zombies also left. Before Xiao Licheng left, he turned and glanced at the fifth-level zombies. Some did not understand why the female zombies left him here.

After all of them had gone, the fifth-level zombies shook, and then shouted and shouted as their faces changed.


He was struggling all over, and the energy on his body began to overflow violently, directly condensing into an energy blade and soon cutting off the rope on him.

"Roar roar-ah-" but the next minute after breaking the rope on the body, the zombies rolled to the ground and began to roll. The whole body twitched for a while and shrank into a ball.

After more than ten minutes, he gradually became quiet. The clothes on him also became messy.

The fifth-level zombies stood up blankly, staring blankly at the ground. After a few minutes, his black eyes without white eyes gradually recovered the original glory, but the color of the eyeballs became a little transparent.

After waking up, he looked around. Then he lifted his nose and smelled the air, then lifted his feet and walked slowly towards Lin Qiao they left.

On the other side, Wu Chengyue pulled Lin Qiao back to the hole where he killed a seventh-level underground orangutan before. They stopped far from two kilometers.

And Yunmeng brought two first-class kings on the 8th and summer to carefully lean over.

Lin Qiao's brow frowned slightly, even though she was now two kilometers away from the hole, but the strong breath made her very upset. The dissatisfaction at the bottom of her heart made her a little uncontrollable, and she was stimulated so much that she couldn't help but want to rise up and fight against each other.

Wu Chengyue stepped forward and slightly blocked her in front of her, helping her to block the breath away.

"This is only level eight. It seems that the one we killed before caused their vigilance." Wu Chengyue said.

Lin Qiao said:-It was only speculation before. I did not expect that these things really evolved to the eighth level.

Wu Chengyue couldn't see her expression, but could feel her breath was somewhat depressed, or she was vigilant.

Lin Qiao did have a kind of instinctual alert at this time, because the breath of this creature is indeed very powerful. Much stronger than her, almost able to cope with the coercion from Tianwei on the Thunder Cloud created by Mo Yan when he went mad. However, it is actually weaker than it really is.

But what made Lin Qiao feel depressed was that this thing was too close to her base!

Immediately after a huge black shadow climbed out of the ground, this coercion immediately formed an invisible wave spread. Everyone can feel it in the bases of beings tens of kilometers away.

Qiu Lili was standing on the top of the wall, and the first one felt the breath. Then Yuan Tianxing Lin Feng and others in the base sensed it.

Then Xiaoyun Long and Zou Shihui of Haicheng stopped their hands and looked up to look out the window.

"What's that?" Yuan Tianxing stood up from his desk and went out to the window to look out.

Li Yan also seemed to sense an unusual breath, but he didn't feel as clear as Yuan Tianxing.


Yuan Tianxing stared at the dark night outside, and said, "A very aggressive breath suddenly came, and there should be an area where the creatures in the ground were infested."

There was some concern in his eyes, and he murmured, "I don't know what the leaders had encountered."

Li Min walked to the window slightly, and the feeling of that breath became stronger. He said, "The leader and the leader Wu are together. It should be fine."

Yuan Tianxing heard a dark word in his eyes, but nodded: "Should."

At this time Wu Chengyue and Lin Qiao frowned, after this thing came out of the ground. There was a flash of uneasiness in both hearts, especially Lin Qiao's feeling was stronger.

She pulled Wu Chengyue sharply:-Go.

Then, a command was issued towards Yunmeng and the zombies to let them retreat quickly.

If Lin Qiao was at its heyday at this time, she wouldn't be afraid to fight this eight-level underground orangutan, but she is now holding a big belly. Dare not care!

Wu Chengyue was pulled by her and immediately reacted, and immediately took her out of here with a blink of an eye.

He wouldn't have cared if the female zombies had been pinned down with him now. But thinking that she was tied to herself, she couldn't let go of her hands and fight. Then you can only evacuate with her temporarily.

After the two of them disappeared, Yunmeng and the other zombies turned around and flashed back immediately. All ran in their direction.

The huge black shadow climbed out and stood up, ten meters high. After standing up, the breath on his body became stronger again.

It twisted its head and sensed something, as if listening, and smelling with its nose.

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