Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 980: After giving birth

"In addition to running out of energy, there is another situation to confirm." Lin Qiao said.

"What's the situation," Lin Hao asked.

Lin Qiao glanced at him and said, "It's the invisible bond between me and him."

She had previously told Lin Hao why she had suddenly disappeared in the past two months.

Lin Hao froze and said unexpectedly, "Why, hasn't he left here yet?"

Lin Qiao shook his head and said, "In the baby room."

Lin Hao nodded, oh.

The baby room is only tens of meters away from here, and it is not beyond the range of 200 meters. Lin Qiao can't sense whether the binding of the distance range is unlocked.

"What are you going to give your baby next time? It's hard to get fresh milk now, or you need to find a pregnant woman to be my grandmother to be a grandmother?" A sip of breast milk is impossible.

Milk powder before the end of the world has long since expired, and now cattle and sheep have also mutated. Who dares to feed the milk of mutant cows and sheep to their children? Even though there may be some non-mutated cattle or sheep in the major bases, the number is very small. There are not many milk powders produced, and they are very precious.

Lin Qiao stood up and turned towards the door, and said, "No need to find a nurse, I can get milk for Xiaomanman."

Not to mention that there are so many second-generation sheep in her space. Although the second-generation mutant sheep in her space still carried a trace of virus, her milk was mixed with her space lake water. Can get rid of the virus.

Moreover, since Xiao Manman was born by her. Although the body is personal, it is not known whether her digestive system is like humans? There was a trace of virus in his mouth and nails, and even in his blood. Maybe he is a zombie virus immune body.

Therefore, she has nothing to worry about when Xiao Manman eats.

"You still call him Xiao Manman, do you consider his psychological shadow area? He is very mature now, be careful he ignores you." I heard Lin Qiao called his male nephew Xiao Manman. Lin Hao thought of the immature voice of the child who was protesting in front of the delivery room.

I can speak, and the words are clear and the words are right. What a demon baby! It felt like he had a mature soul in his small body.

Is it true that all children born from zombies will be like this? ? ?

I don't know why Lin Hao suddenly thought of the zombies to have a baby, in fact, in addition to Lin Qiao, he didn't know if other zombies could give birth!

Lin Hao said as he walked out, holding the document that recorded the baby.

"If you want to change, let him change it. But I didn't expect that he would be a boy! And I think he will know more about the problem of eating than himself." Lin Qiao was also wearing a maternity uniform in a medical hospital. On the outside, she wears the thin jacket that she usually wears.

The two walked towards the baby room.

"No wonder you haven't been worried about your child's growing environment. Now it seems that this child's mind is already so mature. It should not care about why the parents are not together." Lin Hao suddenly thought of talking about this problem before.

Lin Qiao: ...

No, she cares. Seeing how this little guy pitted her before, obviously he wanted to make her and Wu Chengyue a pair! Although I don't know why this guy's IQ grows so fast, he should understand everything clearly.

When they arrived at the baby room, they saw Wu Chengyue, Wu Yueling and Qiu Lili lying on the edge of the small crib and staring at each other. Lu Tianyi and Xiao Licheng stood beside the bed and stretched their necks to watch.

Wu Chengyue's smile faded after seeing her and Lin Hao appear. But he looked at Lin Hao and asked, "I want to know the child's physical examination."

This is a special baby room. There is only one baby in the whole room.

Lin Hao said what he knew before: "His situation is a bit special now. From a physical point of view, he is personal. But his temperature is low and his heart rate is twice as slow as a normal baby. The gums in his mouth and There are viruses in the fingernails, and there are viruses in the blood. I'm not sure whether he will become a complete zombie in the process of growing up, or whether it will weaken the virus and then become a human. This cannot be determined now. Others It ’s nothing, oh ~~ Besides being able to speak once born. "

At this time, Xiao Manman was lying in the crib whimpering and sleeping, but everyone present could feel that the child's breathing was very light and weak. Two round, tender hands were exposed, probably pulled out by someone present. But now Wu Yueling is gently hooked with a little finger.

Wu Chengyue's eyes darkened and he asked, "Will he live like a normal human child in the future? Or will he be like a zombie?"

Lin Hao shook his head while writing something on the file, and said, "I don't know this either. But I think it's more like an ordinary baby. After all, he looks and reflects on most of his physical condition. In line with human characteristics. "

Hearing this sentence, Wu Cheng Yue was relieved.

Lin Hao then started to say, "Well, the baby needs to be quiet. And your breath will stimulate him to sleep well, you all go out, what should you do?"

So everyone was kicked out immediately, and Lu Tianyi asked a question before leaving.

"... Is the milk powder prepared? Does the boss have milk for her?"

"Yes, yes! You don't need to worry about this, your boss will handle it." Lin Hao waved his hands, watching Xiao Manman without raising his head.

Lin Qiao was also kicked out, she had a feeling of being abandoned. Lin Hao often felt nervous when she was pregnant. Well now, she gave birth, leave her alone.

Out of the door, I saw Wu Chengyue still holding Wu Yueling on her side. Wu Yueling's eyes were a bit unsustainable at this time.

Lin Qiao glanced at his father and daughter, but said nothing. Just turned to Qiu Lili and said, "Tonight you stay here first, watching Xiaomanman. I'll go back first, and come back tomorrow."

She still has some work to do, but halfway through, she suddenly ran out and had a baby. Now look at the sky, it's almost dawn. Just go back and finish today's work, and by the way the next day's work will be dealt with in advance.

"Oh, I see." Qiu Lili was always idle anyway, and she just wandered around the base without any major issues. Now called to see the child, no one is more suitable than her.

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