Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 993: Sabotage

Hearing that Liu Liu said he could bite, his face changed immediately: "Roar--"

The fingernails of his fingers flexed sharply, crushing the man severely. Then the gnaw of the fangs was buried.

His movement was fast, and before the man had time to struggle, he screamed, "Ah-"

"Bang bang—" His scream made everyone immediately react, the gun in his hand quickly fired at Ajiu, everyone in the car behind him put his head and hands out of the window, facing the first A Liu shot on the roof of the vehicle.

A Liu just flashed around and disappeared.

Then they suddenly felt a trembling body.

"Uh ---" When they didn't notice anything, a few sharp stone edges suddenly shot out from the ground under the chassis of the first and last two cars, penetrating them directly from the bottom to the top.

"Ah-" Some people in the car didn't escape, they were penetrated through the body, some quickly responded by quickly turning out of the car window and rolling to the ground.

"Roar roar--" At this moment the zombies blocked in front rushed towards this side and rushed over, holding their features and tearing their mouths to open a mouthful of white teeth, rushing forward with their paws.

Coming in a wild and ferocious trend.

And because the car in the middle was taken hostage, A Liu did not start the car. But the wheels were burst and the car was directly scrapped.

So when the people in the car came down, they dragged down the people who were **** with their hands and who were hit by drugs. Pulling them back, trying to escape, but also wanting to take away those who were caught.

This is their task, and death is to be completed.

After taking a bite of the person he threw, Ajiu watched several bullets fire at him. Instead of dodging, he firmly held the struggling person on the ground, and continued to squint with his head down.

"Hmm--" The bullet hit him, and he didn't care.

"Okay, it's enough to bite. Don't eat so much, be careful to go back to the leader to pack you up. Did you forget what the leader said?" A Liu flashed to him at this moment, holding up A Ji's back collar, and then dumped Go aside. A random glance at the body on the ground that had been half-necked by A Jiu, then turned around and reached out to those who ran away, and then made a strange movement in the palm.

I saw the team running and suddenly a crack in the ground cracked under their feet, and several people who couldn't hold their feet immediately fell two or three down. Quickly grabbed the edge of the rift.

As a result, the man who was holding the edge of the rift was immediately kicked by those who were **** by the corps of zoological bases, and directly kicked the other side down.

"Don't move, I will kill them again!" At this time, the people at the Tianhuo base who stopped at this time suddenly pointed a gun at the sentient base and yelled at A Liu.

At this time, A Liu was wearing sunglasses on his face, and no one saw that he was a zombie. The people present only saw A Jiu's zombies, but the zombies seemed to be controlled by the man in the sunglasses. And so are those zombies.

Holding the last glimmer of hope, the people at the Tianhuo base thought that he had come to rescue the people they had caught. So when there was no retreat, they threatened each other with their lives.

A Liu looked at each other expressionlessly, standing silently.

The Skyfire man thought that this action had served as a deterrent to the other party, and he felt relieved immediately. At the same time, with the hostage in his hand, he began to retreat carefully, trying to find a way to retreat again.

A Liu's eyes froze slightly, smelling the sweet smell of flesh and blood around him. He licked his teeth and ignored the hunger in his heart that he wanted to eat meat.

He did intend to save the people in these sentient beings because they did not disclose the situation of the sentient beings to these outsiders. At this point, Ah Liu will not let them die.

But there is no plan to just stop.

"Bang-bang ---" Just then, a few sounds suddenly sounded, and the heads of several people in the Skyfire base standing in a prominent position burst out.

The person holding the gun and pointing at the hostage was also cut off half of his head, and the red and white plasma sprayed out, spraying directly on the face of the beings base around him.

Exploded by their long-range sniper rifle bullets, a man lying on the top of a building a kilometer away, holding a long-range sniper. Of course, if he took off the sunglasses, wouldn't anyone know.

Seeing the enemy suddenly blasted a few heads, A Liu moved with one hand. The ground where the people of the various sentient bases stood suddenly subsided, and they fell into a not too deep pit. Then the three remaining soldiers of the Skyfire Base were directly thrown and bitten by several zombies that were suddenly thrown out by the side.

After the surroundings were cleaned up, the corpses were eaten by the zombies that came up. A Liucai brought up the four living beings underground.

"In the recent special period, please come back to the base with me first." As I said, I saw two cars driving in the fork road next to me, and then the four were released and tied to the car.

Because these people have seen their way of fighting, they need to be brought back for some follow-up work.

"Roar--" A Jiuyue sat on the roof and sat cross-legged, then licked his mouth while sticking his tongue out. Lick all the blood on your mouth, and don't care if it's not clean.

So it became red blood around the mouth.

Qin Yu, who was unconscious in the movie theater on the other side, was not long after she fell into a coma, and the door of the giant auditorium where she was was opened, and a figure came in.

When he walked into the darkened cinema room, he did not take out a flashlight to illuminate, but smelled left and right, and then walked towards the last row. Quickly reached Qin Yu's position, then lifted her up and let her sit on a chair in the cinema.

Qin Yu's wound was still bleeding. It was a wound cut by the wind blade, which was deep.

The black figure looked at the wound on her arm and couldn't help but sniff two deep breaths before exhaling. Then began to pull out the equipment in his pocket.

Field emergency gauze, hemostatic powder.

He sprinkled hemostatic powder on Qin Yu's wound, and tied the gauze three times to tie it. After treating the trauma, the figure pulled out another tube of medicine, squeezed her jaw and poured it into her mouth. Then he got up and carried the person on his back, and walked out of the cinema.

After leaving the cinema, the black figure appeared. Black hat, black sunglasses, a camouflage combat suit, and long hair pierced behind his head.

It was the female zombie on the roof near the three who had previously controlled the zombies and stopped and pursued Qin Yu.

She is a fifth-level female zombie and one of the dozens of fifth-level leaders in Xie Dong's operation. She is taller than Qin Yu. At least one-seven-five is tall, and she's also a standard model. Only wearing loose combat uniforms did not seem so slender, but gave people a kind of heroic and aggressive sharpness.

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