On the altar, there was a bronze mirror, and the old Taoist priest stretched out his hand to wipe it.

  Immediately, blue light flashed from the gray bronze mirror, revealing the scene outside the cave.

  A woman in a wedding dress was leading a young man and a middle-aged man into the cave.

  The ghost servants he arranged outside were not the opponents of the woman in the wedding dress at all.

  "Why did the female ghost beside Ren Weiyong's cemetery get together with the people from Maoshan?"

  The old Taoist's face changed slightly, Dong Xiaoyu, he had met several times, and had also played against each other.

  The evil ghost, if it wasn't for his speed and good at hiding traces, would have been captured by him and refined into ghost servants or fed to zombies.

  As for Wencai, he had also seen it, and knew that he was the disciple of Lin Jiu, the true heir of Maoshan, who was sitting on the edge of Renjia Town at the foot of the mountain.

  As for the young man in the middle, he saw it for the first time, because he was Lin Jiuxin's disciple.

  "He found us."

  Just when the three figures of Lin Feng appeared in the bronze mirror of the old Taoist priest, Lin Feng frowned, and then immediately stretched out again.

  Fortunately, the old Taoist happened to be in this cave.

  Now they are stuck in there.

  This wave is stable.


  Inside the cave, the old Taoist took out a silver needle from the altar, stuck it on his finger, and then a drop of bright red blood was thrown on the bronze mirror.

  The blood seeped into the bronze mirror, and the bronze mirror suddenly glowed with blue light. The picture scrolled, and in a few breaths, the mountain forest behind Lin Feng was checked.

  Apart from Lin Feng, Dong Xiaoyu, and Wen Cai, there was no other threat.

  "Lin Jiu didn't come, only these three guys."

  The old Taoist heaved a sigh of relief, and his face showed a bit of hideous color.

  If Lin Jiu also came, he would have to think about the way back. If he lost, how would he run away.

  However, with the two little guys and an evil spirit, he hasn't paid attention to it yet.

  After killing a few ferocious spirits at the entrance of the cave, which were forged into ghost servants by the old Taoist priest, Lin Feng and his party did not encounter any obstacles again, and soon came to the depths of the cave.

  In the cave, the candles flickered, and the old Taoist stood in front of the altar holding a magic sword, his eyes were not good: "Do not invite yourself to enter, this is not the way of Maoshan."

  "Fighting between righteousness and evil, and lifelong confrontation, is also the way of Maoshan." Lin Feng sneered: "Old gentleman, if you commit a crime, you will be arrested. I will give you a way to survive. Anyway, you will not live for a few years."

  "Are all the little guys in Maoshan so rude? If Lin Jiu doesn't know how to teach disciples, I can do it for you."

  "Old guy, don't rely on the old to sell the old, the old man of the Ren family is the one who did it, right? Now give up the resistance and surrender obediently, my little uncle can forgive you lightly, otherwise..."

  They all followed, but Wen Cai was also a bachelor. Abandoning the cowardice who was usually by Lin Jiu's side, he spoke a lot more arrogantly than usual.

  "This girl told you that, people and ghosts have different paths, but you two Maoshan Taoist priests are mixed with a female ghost. It seems that the so-called Maoshan righteous path is nothing more than that."

  The old Taoist sneered: "The more you know, the faster you die. Since you're here, don't leave."

  Jingle Bell--

  The old Taoist priest was also a ruthless man. Knowing that the visitor was not good, he immediately shook the copper bell in his hand.

  bang bang bang-

  Immediately, in the shadows around the cave, a coffin board flew out.




  A low roar echoed in the cave.

  The corpse is soaring.

  dong dong dong-

  The six-headed zombies with hideous expressions and black hairs jumped out and surrounded Lin Feng and the three of them.

  Six black zombies, this is the old Taoist's trump card.

  In addition to himself, even if Lin Jiu came, he was more confident to fight.


  Wen Cai was a little flustered. He had seen a lot of walking corpses, but this was the first time he had seen a serious zombie.

  Looking at the black hair, he felt panic in his heart.

  "Six-headed black zombie, old gentleman is a good way, are you trying to bully the less with more?"

  Lin Feng was also a little surprised. The strength of this Feng Shui master was beyond his imagination.

  Sure enough, those who can cultivate to become great masters are not good people.

  "That's right, I just bully the less with more." The old Taoist sneered and shook the copper bell in his hand: "Go, kill them.".

Chapter 18

  "Hehe, old man, I forgot to tell you, in fact, I also like to use more to bully less."

  Lin Feng grinned and suddenly unplugged the yellow-skinned gourd in his hand.

  One after another black qi burst out from it, turning into a mighty ghost soldier full of suffocation.Guard Lin Feng, Dong Xiaoyu, and Wen Cai in the middle.

  "Come on, hack them."

  Lin Feng gave an order, and immediately, five evil spirits and forty-one evil spirits roared, drowning the black zombies that were rushing towards them.

  In terms of realm, black zombies and evil spirits are comparable, and they are at the same level as human mages.

  Don't look at the old Taoist priest with six black heads, except for Dong Xiaoyu, Lin Feng has only five evil ghosts, but the ghosts conquered by the ghost herdsman have all their potentials stimulated, and their strength is in the same rank, it is definitely the top of.

  Moreover, the forty-one evil spirits next to him were not vegetarians, so if they fought more and less, they would chop down the six black zombies in an instant.

  At this moment, the ignorant and weak intelligence of the six-headed black zombie is ignorant.

  They have never seen this symptom since they became sapient.

  If they weren't bound by the old Taoist's techniques and had to fight, they would turn around and run away without saying a word.

  "You, you actually raise ghosts...Aren't you a disciple of Maoshan?"

  Not far away, behind the altar, the old Taoist priest who had won the ticket changed greatly, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

  So many ghost soldiers made him panic, and he had a bad premonition. He was afraid that he would be planted here today.

  "Old gentleman, Yin soldier, understand?"

  "I took a position in the Yin Division, and I trained ghost soldiers for the Yin Division, can't I?"

  Adhering to the principle of not letting the children's three views be affected, Lin Feng told white lies.

  "You... the old man fought with you!"

  The old Taoist priest saw that the ghost soldiers were wearing armor and armor, and they were holding Pu Dao.

  Immediately, with a big wave of his hand, a mana burst into the burning brazier in front of the altar,


  The flames in the brazier soared and swept towards Lin Feng and the others.


  Dong Xiaoyu roared, ghost energy surged from his body, turning into a wall of air, blocking the flames.

  "Sir, where do you want to go?"

  Lin Feng waved his hand, and a chain of ghost fire was thrown out and pulled towards the void beside him.


  A figure flew upside down and flew out and landed next to the altar.

  But it was the old Taoist priest, who had taken off his Taoist robe at some point, and wanted Jin Chan to escape.



  In the cave, there was the last roar of a zombie.

  But it was the six black zombies who were chopped into rotten meat sauce by a group of ghost soldiers in just a few breaths.


  The old Taoist priest who had just jumped up from the ground and was about to cast a spell was shocked, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

  He used the necromantic technique to refine the corpse and control the zombies. The zombies were destroyed, and he was also attacked.

  Immediately, his originally rosy face was as pale as paper, and the ravines on his face were much deeper.

  After cleaning up the six black zombies, a group of ghost soldiers surrounded them and completely surrounded the exit of the cave.

  On the side, Wen Cai was stunned, his little uncle seemed to be even more powerful than his master.

  "Haha, I never imagined that this old man would be floating on the rivers and lakes all his life, but in the end he was planted in the hands of a junior."

  The old Taoist smiled miserably, his fists were invincible to four, and faced with so many enemies, if he was in the wilderness, he still had the possibility to escape.

  But now, blocked in the cave, there is no way to advance or retreat.

  He knew that he was doomed today.

  "Look, I just let you hold your hands and didn't listen to you, now you regret it."

  Lin Feng grinned, winning the ticket.

  "There is nothing to regret if you win the king or lose the bandit." The old Taoist smiled bitterly: "Boy, we have no grudges in the past, and no grudges recently. Why did you come, let me die and understand?"

  "Yes, but before that, I have a question in my mind, and I would like to ask the old gentleman to clarify his doubts."

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