The people around looked at him coldly.

  His companions all had the sadness of a dead rabbit and a fox on their faces.

  But he knew that today, he must be more fortunate than fortune.

  It's not feeding zombies, I'm afraid it's feeding Yin soldiers.


  The Great Elder also turned ashen.

  Knowing that today is absolutely doomed.

  He wants to escape, escape from here.

  However, the insect whip tightly wrapped around him made him feel powerless.

  "Do your own fault, don't live, since you chose to turn your back on the high priest, you should be able to imagine that today will come."

  There was no unbearable look in Wang Po's eyes.

  Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

  Moreover, as a servant, she also knows her duty.

  "Are you going to advance to Fei Zong?"

  A rare look of solemnity appeared on Nintendo's face.

  His potential is greater than that of Mrs. Ren.

  Now that he has a cultivation level, although he is only in the middle stage of jumping, his real combat power is at the level of great perfection.

  In other words, now he is not afraid of being the old man.

  Even if he really fights, with his flying ability and weird speed, he can play Mr. Ren around.

  However, once the old man turns into a fly, then the situation will be reversed.

  "It's a rare opportunity. I also want to take this opportunity to eat more blood, so as not to be dragged too far by this Ren Weiyong."

  There is a look of thought in the eyes of the royal zombie. He is the only one among the three deadlocks who has completely exposed his memories of his life. In terms of actions, he is undoubtedly a human being.

  At this moment, there is a sense of crisis in my heart.

  The hot blood of the black-robed man poured into Mrs. Ren's mouth like mana without money.

  Turn it into food, rampage in its body, and make waves.

  And the man in black robe slowly stopped struggling as blood and mana flowed away.

  Its skin begins to wrinkle, and then its body begins to dry out.


  Grandpa Ren threw the shriveled corpse to the ground and suddenly looked up at the sky.


  He growled up to the sky.

  The moonlight that was blocked by the tumbling demon cloud crashed down, breaking through the shadow of the demon cloud and turning into a beam of light to cover it. .

Chapter 158

  The cold moonlight did not enter the body of the old man Ren Weiyong.

  In Ren Weiyong's body, the blood and mana of the black-robed man who had just been swallowed by him and had not yet had time to refine, rampage in his body, making waves, is like a snowflake hitting the sun in June and July.

  Melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, absorbed and refined.


  The rich black energy was used from Ren Weiyong's body and lingered around him.

  And the momentum of Ren Weiyong began to become stronger again, moving towards the level of flying stiffness.

  All around, Lin Feng and his subordinates were affected by the momentum and watched all this closely.

  In the sky, more than half of the tumbling magic cloud dissipated in an instant, and only the corpse energy in Ren Weiyong's body condensed in the sky was still roaring and tumbling.

  However, the power is much smaller than it was just now.

  The coercion that pervaded the heavens and the earth also dissipated at this moment.

  "The big demon that was tossing over there finally stopped."

  In the distance, the partridge whistle, who had been staring at this side, couldn't help but sighed in relief.

  "But Big Brother, how come there are still magic clouds that haven't dissipated?"

  There was a look of doubt on Hua Ling's face.

  "Yes." The old foreigner was also puzzled: "However, the demon cloud just now was very mottled, like a lot of demonic energy condensed together, and now this reduced demon cloud looks much purer."

  "I don't know, this old Xiongling generation must be surrounded by a lot of demons, and, among them, it is very likely that there is a king-level existence. This time, we have to be more careful than before."

  The partridge whistle couldn't help but exclaimed.

  In his body, he has traveled all over the country, and has visited countless dangerous places, but none of them can compare to the danger of this mountain range.


  "The magic cloud has dissipated!"

  Hua Maguai couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief as he looked at the demon cloud that was slowly subsiding in the sky.

  The more he knows, the more fearful he will be. He is a direct descendant of Xieling, so naturally he knows more about this world.

  Knowing that in this world, there are some existences that they cannot provoke.

  Immediately, he looked at Chen Yulou: "Keep your head up, I don't think you can enter this mountain~々."

  "Stinky boy, what are you talking about?"

  On the side, Lao Luo Wai suddenly became angry.

  He just counted on the treasure in the mountains to get rich and recruit troops.

  "Enough, Shan, you still have to enter, but you have to be obedient, you know?" Chen Yulou looked at Luo Laowei: "Lao Luo, you, including your subordinates, be honest with me and don't cause trouble. Otherwise, we may be able to enter this mountain, but we may not be able to exit."

  Chen Yulou has arrogance in his heart, and he also has difficulties, so naturally he will not retreat in times of difficulty.


  The surging moonlight swarmed down, and the momentum of Ren Weiyong had almost climbed to the extreme that jumping stiffness could achieve.

  However, it is also stuck here, and it is difficult to progress.

  He circulated the corpse qi in his body, pounding it frequently, but the bottleneck was like a dam blocking the river, standing still.

  "It's not so easy to break through from jumping to flying."

  Yue Qiluo looked at all this coldly.

  She was stuck on this level herself, and naturally knew the difficulty of this level.

  However, she also knows that even if this level can stop Ren Weiyong for a while, it can't stop Ren Weiyong I.

  Even at this moment, he couldn't break through the barrier in one go.

  That would take at most half a year and three months, and the water mill had to break through.

  And she, if there is no special opportunity, I am afraid that she will never be able to break through again.

  This is the price of immortality for the soul.

  "Flying stiff...Ghost general...I have to work hard, otherwise, my position in the master's heart may not be guaranteed."

  The eyes of Dong Xiaoyu, who was dressed in blood, flickered.

  She is in charge of a group of ghost soldiers, and she is also Lin Feng's bedside person. She has always been ignorant of the three zombies Ren Weiyong, Nintendo, and Royal Zombies.

  Because she always felt that what these three zombies could do, she and all the ghost soldiers could do it, and they could do it better.

  Moreover, their combat power has always been overwhelming.

  But now, there is a crisis.

  If Ren Weiyong breaks through into Fei Zhan, then she will no longer be the number one general in Lin Feng's hands.

  "I sucked two great mages and a half-step geoman, but I still can't break through. Is the obstacle between jumping and flying, really so big?"

  The eyes of the royal zombies flickered with blood, a lesson from the past and a teacher for the future.

  He is confident that he will reach this step sooner or later, so at this moment he is very attentive and feels the changes in Ren Weiyong.

  Ren Weiyong was unable to break through for a long time, and the royal zombie thought that it was still too difficult to cross the gap between jumping and flying.

  But in Lin Feng's eyes, this is not the case.

  Ren Weiyong was refined by him using the corpse refining technique, and he could naturally feel the situation in Ren Weiyong's body.

  At this moment, the reason why Ren Weiyong's aura was no longer rising was because he was stopped by the natural moat between jumping and flying.

  However, after all, he was willing, but Ren Weiyong still had insufficient corpse energy in his body.

  That is to say, although he is imposing and has already climbed to the peak of jumping stiffness, in fact, he has not yet reached the limit that he can achieve in the jumping stiffness realm.

  It's like a reservoir.

  To outsiders, the reservoir is full of water.

  The dam cannot be collapsed by the water, that is because the dam is too strong, and Ren Weiyong's background is not enough. He also needs water grinding, grinding slowly, to erode the dam.

  However, Lin Feng knew that the water in the reservoir was not full.

  That's why the dam hasn't collapsed yet.

  If the water is not enough, keep adding water.

  Lin Feng thought about it, and the big elder who was tied to the side was thrown out and landed in front of Ren Weiyong.

  "¨~ Come on, let me see how much potential you have."

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