Seeing that it was two hundred oceans, the old man's eyes lit up, and the smile on his face became even brighter.


  "Hey. That's Wen Cai and Little Martial Uncle?"

  Opposite the evil in Yihong Courtyard, Qiu Sheng, who was tossing and turning in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep, opened the window to get some air, but his eyes uncontrollably glanced at the place where the lights were feasting.

  At this glance, he was immediately stunned.

  Before he could react, the familiar figure had disappeared.

  "God-killed literary talent, such a good thing, didn't even take me."

  After a long time, Qiu Sheng slammed the window shut and fell on the bed, but he couldn't sleep anymore.


  A quiet room in the backyard of Yihong Courtyard.

  Lin Feng took Dong Xiaoyu into the room. Under Dong Xiaoyu's service, after washing up, he sat cross-legged on the bed and took out the Tao Te Ching.

  "Dead without rot, rot without rot..."

  "Detected sorcery - corpse refining!"

  "The corpse refining technique is automatically full level!"

  Countless memories of the corpse refining technique flooded into my mind, and a mana that was completely different from the mana cultivated by the ghost shepherd technique grew and worked within the body.

  After ten breaths, Lin Feng opened his eyes, and his bright eyes were full of surprises.

  Heaven and earth can learn from it. After more than half a month of hard work, he is about to break through to become an archmage. Finally, he has mastered the second technique.

  The corpse refining technique can refine corpses into zombies, or directly refine zombies to make zombies more fierce and stronger.

  Of course, while refining the corpse, it is also natural to control the corpse.

  "Grandpa Ren Ren Weiyong, Music Zombie Nintendo, Royal Zombie, Zombie Wang Xuankui...Tengteng Town...Pingshan..."

  There seemed to be flames in Lin Feng's eyes. He was born in a famous family, and it was impossible to find corpses to refine zombies by himself.

  Moreover, if you find corpses to refine zombies yourself, how can you directly refine ready-made zombies.

  "It's about to dawn..."

  Seeing that Lin Feng had finished his work, Dong Xiaoyu came up. .

Chapter 21

  With a beautiful face in front of him, Lin Feng sighed: "Alas, life is too short..."

  He waved his hand, the wind whistled, and the lights in the room were blown out.


  The next day, three poles in the sun, Lin Feng drank three pots of tea, and only then did he see Wencai, who was walking all the way downstairs.

  "Wencai, this way!" Lin Feng waved his hand.


  Wen Cai gasped in shock, quickly raised his sleeves to cover his face, and came to Lin Feng's side: "Little Master, keep your voice down, Master is well known in Renjia Town, and I follow his ass all day long, He is somewhat of a celebrity, if anyone finds out, I will stay here overnight... When the matter reaches Master, I will be finished."

  Lin Jiu's majesty has long been engraved in the bones of Wencai.

  Last night, the mirror bug was on his head, and he was not wrong at all.

  Now that it was over, he was terrified.

  "What are you afraid of? We Maoshan can't help but get married. If he doesn't come here to play, can't his apprentice come?"

  Lin Feng waved his hand, indicating that Wen Cai should not panic: "Don't worry, it's alright, there's something really wrong, I'll take it for you."

  In the sound of Yingyingyanyan's welcome to come again, the two left the Yihong Courtyard, preparing to have a big meal and then go back. After all, the two of them worked too hard last night and needed to make up for it.

  "Lin Feng!"

  Just a few steps away, Lin Feng was tapped on the shoulder from behind.

  "Oh, Tingting, what a coincidence, we meet again!"

  Lin Feng turned around, his eyes lit up, and at the same time he was secretly glad that he didn't bump into it at the door of Yihong Courtyard, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

  "Where are you going?"

  "I just went to the street, I'm hungry, go find something to eat." Lin Feng didn't have a heartbeat, he opened his mouth and came.

  "Hey, I know a place that tastes good."

  "Let's try it together then?" Lin Feng invited.


  "By the way, Tingting, this is my brother's apprentice, Wencai. Wencai, this is Master Ren's daughter, Ren Tingting and Miss Ren."


  "Little Martial Uncle, admire, admire!"

  After leaving Ren Tingting, Wen Cai worshipped Lin Feng more and more.

  It was the first time he had seen such an evil spirit as Xiaoyu and a student like Miss Ren, such a master.

  "Basic, these are all basics..."


  The two talked and laughed and returned to Yizhuang.

  As soon as he entered the door, he ran into Lin Jiu.



  The two stopped.

  "Where did you go last night?"

  Lin Jiu turned around Wen Cai and frowned when he saw that his face was a little pale, and he was staring at the dark circles under his eyes.


  Wen Cai hesitated, not daring to look into Lin Jiu's eyes.

  "Last night when I was training ghost soldiers on the mountain, something happened, so I stayed on the mountain."

  Lin Feng opened his mouth, but Wen Cai was rounded.

  "Yes, Master, this business of the Ren family is in trouble."

  Wen Cai heaved a sigh of relief and quickly followed Lin Feng's topic.

  "what happened?"

  Lin Jiu raised her eyebrows and her face became solemn.

  "Wencai, you say."

  Lin Feng looked at Wencai.

  "Master, it's like this, last night..."

  Wen Cai removed the part that went to the Yihong Courtyard at the back, and told Lin Jiu the rest of what happened last night.

  "That is to say, Mr. Ren was trained to be a zombie!"

  Lin Jiu's brows furrowed. A corpse that died of injustice, and was raised in a corpse farm for [-] years. At the same time, he was sacrificed by a corpse-refining evil master for [-] years. Accidentally, There could indeed be big problems.

  "That's right, but senior brother, it's not a big deal. I will also order the corpse refining technique. When that time comes, the old man is really cheating on the corpse, so I will take him."

  In Lin Feng's eyes, there was a hint of anticipation. A peerless corpse with the potential of a zombie king was really attractive to him.

  "Don't you only know how to shepherd ghosts? When did you learn corpse refining again?"

  Lin Jiu frowned again, grasping the key point in Lin Feng's words.

  He found that he could not see through Lin Feng more and more, an archmage with six black heads, even if he encountered it, if he was not fully prepared, he would not be able to win.

  But in Wencai's mouth just now, these guys had no resistance in front of Lin Feng, and were directly chopped up by his ghost soldiers like cutting melons and vegetables.

  "I learned it last night. Well, I found it from the Feng Shui master last night. I have learned it. Do you want to study it too?"

  Lin Feng took out the "Tao Te Ching" from his arms and handed it to Lin Jiu. .

Chapter 22

  "The Tao Te Ching?"

  Lin Jiu took the book and flipped through it a few times. For a while, he was a little addicted.

  There are many things in this corpse refining technique, which were also mentioned in Maoshan's corpse control technique, but the corpse refining technique is deeper and more evil.

  This made Lin Jiu have no choice but to see what kind of changes would happen to the corpse in the end.

  Aside, Wen Cai was stunned.

  Isn't this sorcery?

  It's okay for the little uncle to see it, after all, he was not a serious Taoist priest from Maoshan.

  This can be seen from the fact that he slept with the female ghost last night.

  But his own master, who is a serious Taoist priest from Maoshan, is usually upright and strict.

  He was even interested in such sorcery.


  Seeing Wencai's strange eyes, Lin Feng coughed lowly,

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