Such existence can be communicated.

  "Yin God, that is to say, this is a geographer!"

  On the side, Hua Ling waited with wide eyes and stared at Lin Feng blankly.

  This was the first time she had seen a living geographer.

  Although, it is not the body of the geographer, but the yin god of the geographer.

  Just when Partridge Whistle and the others were looking at Lin Feng.

  Naturally, Lin Feng was also looking at the three of them.

  Just like in the plot, the three of them are in the dust and the weather, and at a glance, they know that they are the masters who have been in the wild all the year round.

  "These three people came to Pingshan, that is to say, the plot of Nu Qing Xiangxi has begun."

  Lin Feng looked at the three with a half-smile.

  If there is no appearance of their own, this old foreigner and Hua Ling will stay in this bottle mountain forever.

  However, they were lucky and met themselves.

  "The junior moved the mountain partridge whistle, and brought his junior brother, the old foreigner and Hua Ling, to visit the senior."

  Seeing Lin Feng coming forward, Partridge Whistle hurriedly bent over to salute.

  People do not blame.

  Not to mention that the other party's cultivation base is higher than his own and others.

  Just saying that at this moment, his life is in the hands of the other party, and he has to bow his head.

  "The descendants of the Zagrama clan?"

  Lin Feng looked inscrutable, but in one sentence he broke down the details of moving mountains.

  "Senior and moving mountains are old?"

  The partridge whistle trembled. Few people knew their origins.

  Every insider must have a great relationship with them.

  "Has Zong Chenzhu found it?"

  Lin Feng did not answer Partridge Whistle's question, but threw another question.

  "If we find it, we won't run into Senior in this forest."

  The partridge whistle smiled bitterly, but he was relieved.

  This senior, who knows both their origins and Zong Chenzhu, presumably will not be too embarrassed for them.

  "You came to my bottle mountain because of that Zong Chenzhu. Unfortunately, Zong Chenzhu is not here, you are destined to run in vain."

  Lin Feng sighed, it's really pitiful to move the mountains.

  For a Zong Chenzhu, day and night travel between ancient tombs in the deep mountains.

  Look at Hua Ling, a good little girl, what has she tossed into.

  "Not in the bottle mountain?"

  The partridge whistle trembled.

  There is pain, there is disappointment.

  But hope, once again shattered.



  The old foreigner and Hua Ling on the side quickly supported him.


  The partridge whistle pushed the old foreigner and Hua Ling away and looked at Lin Feng.

  "Senior knows the affairs of our family very well, can you give me some guidance?"

  His mind was quick, but suddenly he thought that Lin Feng took the initiative to mention Zheng Chenzhu, most likely because he knew the whereabouts of Zheng Chenzhu.

  "Zhong Chenzhu, don't worry about it, let's settle the account tonight.

  You hurt my monkeys. Let me talk about this account first. How do you calculate it? "

  Lin Feng waved his hand and changed the subject. .

Chapter 170

  In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene was dignified again.

  The old foreigner breathed a sigh of relief just now that the partridge whistle had spoken to Lin Feng, thinking that he had run into a senior who had something to do with the division, and that was all over.

  But he never expected that this "senior" would suddenly mention this matter.

  Dead poor, not dead friends.

  In the hearts of old foreigners, whether it is senior brother Partridge Whistle or junior sister Hua Ling, they are more important than themselves.

  Immediately, he stepped forward and said respectfully, "Senior, it was me who accidentally injured your monkey, and it has nothing to do with my teacher, brother or sister.

  I am willing to bear all the consequences. "

  "Senior brother, what are you talking about, don't we three brothers and sisters share the blessings and share the burdens?"

  Hua Ling, who had been guarded by the old foreigner, pulled the old foreigner back.

  "Old foreigner, shut up!"

  The partridge whistle also spoke.

  As a senior brother, how could something happen and push the junior brother to the top.

  "Senior, at this time, it is indeed our fault that we accidentally injured the monkey of the predecessor, I am willing to compensate."

  The partridge whistle stood in front of the old foreigner and Hua Ling.

  "Ali, ask White Ape, what do you want to do with them?"

  Although the three brothers and sisters of the partridge whistle were deeply in love, Lin Feng thought of Shi Jian and Lin Jiu.

  However, with the group of monkeys under his command just now, he couldn't turn his elbows out.


  When Ahri heard this, he began to communicate with White Ape.

  And the white ape looked at the injured monkey again.

  Where is one lemur and two monkeys muttering.

  On the side, the three of Partridge Whistle were frightened.

  But he knew that the fate of himself and others might be tied to the injured monkey.

  Soon, the discussions came to fruition.

  Ah Li jumped onto Lin Feng's shoulder and whispered a few words in his ear.

  Lin Feng's face became strange.

  Seeing Lin Feng's discoloration, the hearts of the three of them came directly to their voices.

  "Old foreigner, you hurt the monkey and disturbed its two brothers. They asked you to catch the three of them for [-] days of fleas, and roast them for [-] days. At this time, it will be written off.

  Would you like to do this? "

  Lin Feng looked at the old foreigner.

  But he knew that this must be because Bai Yuan saw that the three of them seemed to have something to do with him, and that was why he was so easy to talk about.

  Otherwise, with the style of the monkey group, in order to maintain their dominance in the mountains and forests, it is absolutely impossible to let the enemy go so easily.


  The partridge whistle was dumbfounded.

  But I didn't expect it to be solved so easily.

  You know, he is ready to cut flesh and bleed.

  "Senior brother, it wants you to serve them!"

  Hua Ling also stayed.

  She knew the virtue of her brother.

  Not lazy, but definitely not brisk.

  Let him serve the three monkeys.

  Even, waiting and waiting, maybe the whole monkey group.

  He certainly wasn't happy.

  However, at this time, how could he be left alone.

  "I..." Indeed, as Hua Ling said, in the hearts of old foreigners, there are a hundred people who are unwilling.

  However, the situation is stronger than the people.

  At this moment, he doesn't seem to want to.

  Helpless, he could only bow his head: "I will."

  "Okay, that's it for now."

  Lin Feng nodded and looked at Ali.

  Ali whispered a few words to the monkey group again.

  Suddenly, the monkey group boiled.

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