Lin Feng nodded and looked out the door.

  I saw Ali was walking here with the partridge whistle and the flower spirit.

  Behind them, there were two monkeys.

  The hands of the two monkeys are full of fresh wild fruits.

  It is the daily filial piety of the monkeys.

  Today's Ah Li, rarely transformed into a human form.

  That is, in "Uncle Zombie", that white clothes fluttering.

  "Little Fox."

  Yue Qiluo's eyes widened, but she didn't expect that Ahri, who didn't look like a threat on weekdays, turned out to be a dangerous person.

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help holding Lin Feng's hand tightly.

  "Brother Feng!"

  Seeing that Lin Feng was holding Yue Qiluo this morning, Ali raised his eyebrows and rushed up quickly, holding Lin Feng's other hand.


  "Your tail is leaking!"

  Lin Feng glanced behind Ali.


  Ali was frightened and panicked, and quickly looked back.


  "Brother Feng, you bad guy..."

  Before she could speak, Lin Feng directly threw a chestnut on her head.

  The mana surged, and the little Ali could no longer maintain his human form. In an instant, he turned into a fox and was caught by Lin Feng.

  "Well, it's more comfortable to hold like this!"


  Ali looked at Lin Feng pitifully.

  But I didn't expect that, Lin Feng was even better.

  "I want a hug too."

  Yue Qiluo took Ali from Lin Feng's hands.

  "Brother Feng, save me..."

  Ali struggled hard.

  It's a pity that it's such a small monster, how can it be better than Yue Qiluo.

  In the blink of an eye, he was suppressed by Yue Qiluo.

  Lin Feng was too lazy to watch Yue Qiluo and Ah Li messing around, but looked at the partridge whistle and flower spirit in front of him.


  The partridge whistle and the flower spirit said respectfully.

  But he didn't expect that Lin Feng's face looked as young as Yin Shen.

  You know, yin gods can be ever-changing.

   Therefore, the Yin God looks like when he was young, which is normal.

  But even if it is a Celestial Master, there will be traces of the years on the body.

  And generally speaking, the existence of the earth division level must be at least forty or fifty years old.

  And the Heavenly Masters, the Heavenly Masters in their [-]s and [-]s, are very rare.

  Generally speaking, most Celestial Masters are definitely over eighty years old when they break through to the Celestial Master Realm.

  Therefore, before coming, Partridge Shao and Hua Ling guessed that Lin Feng must be an old man.

  But now it seems that Lin Feng's age is also in his twenties.

  She should be a little older than Hua Ling, but she is definitely younger than Partridge Whistle and Old Foreigner.

  "Well, we haven't had breakfast yet. Come, let's chat while we eat."


  On the edge of Laoxiongling, in the forest outside Rongzhai, Chen Yulou and his party looked at the Rongzhai below, with happy expressions on their faces - they finally saw a figure.

  "This Miao people have complicated rules. After entering, don't be cautious in words and deeds."

  Chen Yulou waved the paper fan and warned again.

  PS: If the card is not good, just change it to a more relaxed, seemingly funny style (I don’t know if it will be written as a bad pen), and see if you can break through. .

Chapter 173

  Yingtounong's breakfast is full of servings, and the partridges and Hualing are more polite, so although two people and a fox are added, the breakfast is sufficient.

  During the meal, Lin Feng and Partridge Whistle chatted about the past of the Zagrama clan.

  Speaking of which, this family, at the source, is not a native of China, but an alien who migrated from the distant Eurasian road.

  However, for thousands of years, as their family entered the Central Plains and searched for Zhuo Chenzhu, their bloodline had already been assimilated by the Chinese bloodline.

  However, the curse that accompanied the Zagramar clan did not disappear.

  Therefore, up to now, the people with the blood of the Ragzama clan in their bodies have basically died apart from the three of them, Partridge Whistle.

  "Come on, show me the curse on you."

  After washing his hands under the service of Yue Qiluo, Lin Feng looked at Partridge Shao and Hua Ling.

  He is very curious about the curse on the body of the mountain.

  A curse that can make people of a family inexorable from generation to generation, it is definitely a proper magic trick.

  If you can master it, even if it is a Celestial Master, you can directly curse it to death.

  "it is good!"

  They are all sons and daughters of rivers and lakes, and they don't have much to pay attention to.

  Immediately, Partridge Whistle took off half of his clothes, revealing the eye-shaped mark on his back and shoulders.

  On the side, Hua Ling gritted her teeth, revealing her fragrant shoulders.

  On it, there is also a striking eye-shaped mark.

  This is the mark of the Zagrama family, and at the same time, it is also the reminder of their family.

  "Let me see."

  Lin Feng was not particular about it, he directly reached out and touched the eye-shaped mark on the back of the partridge whistle, and his mana penetrated into it.

  "Fusing with flesh and soul, this curse technique, I will decide."

  After a long time, Lin Feng retracted his palm, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

  Although he is not familiar with the art of curse, he is proficient in many sorcerers.

  However, he overestimated himself.


  After closing his hands, Lin Feng snapped his fingers.

  Suddenly, a paper figurine flew out, streaked across the partridge whistle's bare back, and brought out a drop of blood.


  The flower spirit on the side was frightened.

  But he didn't expect that Lin Feng would suddenly take action.


  Partridge whistle quickly waved his hand.

  He knew that Lin Feng was not malicious.

  Otherwise, they died last night, where can we see the sun today.

  At the same time, he was secretly shocked by Lin Feng's strength.

  Because when the paper figurine shot just now, he didn't even notice it.

  If this paper man was going to take his life, he is now a dead man.

  The paper figurine floated in front of Lin Feng, and there was a drop of blood that was half red and half yellow on the paper knife.

  "When the color of this blood turns yellow, is your death date?"

  Lin Feng frowned as he looked at the strange blood in front of him.

  This blood, and ordinary blood, seems to be no different.

  At least, he couldn't see the difference.


  Partridge whistle nodded.

  "I'll look at you."

  Lin Feng turned around, looked at Hua Ling again, stretched his hand to Hua Ling's back, and pressed it on the eye-shaped mark.


  Hua Ling's body trembled, and there was a hint of red on her face.

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