If you let him break the door, it is definitely the only way to break through.

  And forcibly breaking it open, it might trigger some arrangements inside, and it might cause the tomb to self-destruct.

  Therefore, the partridge whistle just showed his value.

  "Senior is wrong."

  After getting Lin Feng's affirmation, Partridge Whistle smiled slightly and lit a candle: "¨~ This tomb is closed, I don't know, there is a lot of poisonous gas inside, but it needs to be ventilated before entering."

  Immediately, he held his breath, took two steps forward, and put the hand holding the candle into the tomb.


  The air flowed and turned into a yin wind, blowing out the candle directly.

  "Yes, for ordinary people, it is really necessary to ventilate first, but I am not an ordinary person."

  Lin Feng nodded and shoved Ali into Yue Qiluo's arms.

  "You take it with you outside, I'll go take a look first."

  Immediately, he moved and walked in.

  At the same time, there are many golden silkworm Gu accompanying him, illuminating the way forward.

  San Zong also got Lin Feng's call and followed.


  Partridge whistle was stunned.

  But this is the reaction.

  This big guy is different from himself.

  Although he is an archmage, he is still a mortal body.

  However, this boss (Li De's) is suspected of being a Celestial Master, or even a human immortal.

  This kind of existence is not invaded by a hundred poisons, I am afraid it is a very normal thing.

  "So humble?"

  Before entering the main tomb, Lin Feng thought that this tomb should be extremely luxurious.

  After all, according to rumors, this general of the Yuan Dynasty burned, killed, looted, and made money from countless traitors.

  There must be something wrong with the treasure that it scraped, and it was buried in this tomb along with it.

  However, when he walked in, he was dumbfounded.

  This main tomb is just a bare cave.

  However, in the middle of it, there is a rolling spring.

  On the spring, a purple gold coffin was chained by four iron chains and hung in the air.

  In that spring, there was not a black yin and evil aura overflowing and submerging into the purple gold coffin of the upper hand.

  "Inner Tibet?"

  Seeing the tumbling spring water, Lin Feng's heart moved, but he thought of a marvelous scene he had seen elsewhere. .

Chapter 184

  "Inner Tibet is a very rare terrain.

  Its general performance is that on the ground, there is a small fountain pool with water gushing from the spring, commonly known as coffin gushing.

  Moreover, the water flow of this spring is always very large, and it will not overflow or dry up. This hole has the image of storage in Feng Shui.

  It originates from the sky, like the waves of water, this kind of inner treasure is very suitable for burying women, and the descendants will be blessed by its shade. "

  The above is what Lin Feng once saw in an ancient book - Ghost Blowing Lamp.

  However, in the plot under the influence, the records of the inner Tibet are different.

  In the plot of the Longling Grottoes, Feng Shui master Li Chunfeng built his tomb on the inner Tibetan ridge.

  However, it is clearly recorded in the ancient books that the inner Tibet is suitable for burying women.

  And Li Chunfeng, but a serious man.

  In the past, Lin Feng was still very puzzled by the conflicting records and plots. He didn't know who was right and who was wrong.

  But now, in front of him is an inner turret, but Lin Feng understands that the records in the ancient book are correct.

  This inner Tibetan scorpion is indeed only a buried woman.

  The yin evil spirit in the hidden scorpion can nourish the yin spirit of women and make them quilt for future generations.

  And if a man is buried here, it will be turned into a corpse cave.

  Now, the scene here is the evil spirit in this hidden scorpion, who is constantly sacrificing and training the general of the Yuan Dynasty in the purple gold coffin above it day and night.

  "Good guy, no wonder you can use such a powerful source of corpse energy.

  If you let you deceive the corpse, I am afraid that it will turn into a jumping corpse in an instant.

  If he drank human blood again, swallowed the moonlight, and turned into a flying stupor, it would be a very simple matter.

  If you really want to be born successfully, in this world, I am afraid that there will be one more Xiangxi Corpse King.

  It's just a pity that your life is not good and you met me. "

  In Lin Feng's eyes, a fine light flickered.

  The truth has long been buried by time, and he can't infer that the general of the Yuan Dynasty took the initiative to let him be buried in this corpse raising ground.

  Or he was pitted by others and buried in this corpse raising ground.

  However, that doesn't matter anymore.


  As soon as his mind moved, the golden silkworm Gu flew out and landed on the iron chain that was tied to the purple gold coffin and plunged into the stone wall.

  Although Golden Silkworm Gu eats poisonous insects, in fact, they eat everything.

  Immediately, there was a terrifying sound in the cave.

  But it was the golden silkworm Gu, gnawing at the iron chain.

  "what sound?"

  Outside, Hua Ling pulled Yue Qiluo's clothes tightly.

  Needless to say, she is also the old fritters who have followed the partridge whistle down dozens of ancient tombs.

  But now, he can't help but be nervous.

  In fact, the sound of the golden silkworm Gu's sharp teeth and the friction of the iron chain was too disturbing.

  "Don't want to hear it? Just keep going."

  Yue Qiluo also felt that the sound was unpleasant, so she threw the four paper figurines and landed on her and Hua Ling's ears respectively.

  Immediately, the sound of the outside world was cut off.


  The partridge whistle was speechless.

  It's the first time he's seen magic tricks like this.

  But immediately, he was shocked, and there was a little more awe in the eyes of Lao Yue.

  Taoism is natural...returning to the basics...

  What is Taoism and Nature?

  What is a return to nature?

  The natural integration of magic into life is called Dao-fa-natural, and it is called returning to the basics.

  This is the realm that Partridge Whistle has been desperately asking for help.

  Before, he had been clueless.

  But now in Lao Yue's body, he has been inspired.

  Soon, the golden silkworm Gu bit off the thick chain of the arm.

  Seeing that the Golden Silkworm Gu was not ambiguous in gnawing on the chain, Lin Feng was even more satisfied with it.

  But it was determined to increase the investment of resources and cultivate it well.


  Losing the pull of the iron chains, the purple gold coffin fell to the ground, covering the tumbling inner scorpion.


  Lin Feng looked at Nintendo and the Royal Zombies.

  This Xiangxi Corpse King was prepared for them.

  After swallowing a body of corpse energy, these two guys should be able to further consolidate their own heritage.

  When the time is right, he is using the full-level corpse refining technique to stimulate their potential, which should be able to help them step into the realm of flying zombies.

  "Thank you master!"

  "Thank you master!"

  Blood gleamed in the eyes of Nintendo and the Royal Zombies, and they both vomited and thanked them.

  But I know that such an opportunity is hard to come by.

  If Lin Feng hadn't brought them here, but he had spent his entire life, he might not have encountered such a good thing.

  However, before they could come forward, a fierce roar was heard in the purple gold coffin in front of him.


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