Lin Feng nodded, black clothes and soap boots, the corpse of Guan Shan Taibao was even more evil than in the film.

  However, that is all relative to ordinary people.

  In Lin Feng's eyes, although this guy is also evil, he is still a few chips worse than himself.

  Moreover, this guy's cultivation base was not high, at most it was only an archmage.

  Otherwise, it is impossible to be trapped here.

  That's right, Lin Feng thought that he was trapped and died here, not that the corpse was stolen and dug up.

  This is known from the posture he sits cross-legged here.

  With a wave of his hand, several paper figures flew out from behind Lin Feng and circled around the corpse.

  Immediately, the paper man brought back two things and floated in front of Lin Feng.

  The first piece is a gold medal. On the gold medal, the four characters of Guanshan Taibao are engraved in small seal.

  The second piece is a black leather bag, which contains more than a dozen pitch-black pills the size of a thumb.

  "Guanshan Taibao? What's the origin?"

  Yue Qiluo stared at the gold medal that might symbolize the identity of the corpse, and couldn't help but ask.

  Partridge whistle and Hua Ling also cast their gazes over.

  But have never heard of this name.

  "Guanshan Taibao originated in the Ming Dynasty. Like you moving mountains, it is also an existence that specializes in tomb robbing.

  It is rumored that they make good use of puppets, drive insects and ants, and control paper figures as thieves.

  However, they have kept a low profile and have not been seen for hundreds of years.

  But he didn't want to find their traces under this bottle mountain today. "

  Lin Feng explained that in the plot, there are not many descriptions of Guanshan Taibao, but Lin Feng found some records about Guanshan Taibao in the bookstore in Maoshan.

  Therefore, he still has a certain understanding of Guanshan Taibao.

  "I didn't expect that in this world, in addition to the four gates of making hills, touching gold, moving mountains, and unloading mountains, there is also the line of Guanshan Taibao."

  The partridge whistle was stunned for a moment. The people who moved the mountains walked among the mountains and mountains and cruised among the ancient tombs.

  Therefore, I have a deep understanding of the three veins, which are as famous as moving mountains.

  However, in the tomb robber world, there are inheritance and fame, and they are the four veins.

  Of course, among the Eight Outer Sects, the doormen who steal the door and the secret door will occasionally go to the tomb, but they are all small and part-time jobs.

  "The world is huge, and there are many wonders. When you Zagrama clan were at their peak, they were not powerful. Many things, you don't know, are normal."

  Lin Feng raised his hand and took off the gold medal with the words "Guanshan Taibao" held by the paper figure, and checked it carefully.

  This gold medal, at first glance, is an ordinary gold medal. Although it has a lot of weight, it is nothing more than a mundane thing.

  However, under the glance of the power of the soul, Lin Feng found that there was another mystery in this token.

  This is not an ordinary gold medal, but an inheritance.

  And just when Lin Feng was fascinated, Yue Qiluo frowned slightly: "Brother Feng, there is something wrong with the evil power in this Guanshan Taibao."

  Yue Qiluo has practiced undead soul art, the power of the soul is powerful, and the perception of danger is also exceptionally sensitive.

  At the same time, it is also extremely resistant to the power against the soul.

  On the other side, the six-winged flying centipede, the partridge whistle, the flower spirit, and the raccoon unknowingly, and the strokes, their eyes began to turn red.

  On the other hand, Lin Feng and Ren Weiyong had nothing to do with them, because that evil power was not as evil as they were.




  At this time, the six-winged flying centipede, partridge whistle, Hua Ling, and Ah Li had all lost their minds and attacked Lin Feng, Yue Qiluo, and Ren Weiyong.

  "It's alright." Lin Feng looked at Yue Qiluo, motioning him to calm down.

  "The puppet art of Guanshan Taibao really has its own uniqueness.

  However, it was still a little weak before his death.

  Coupled with the passage of time, its remaining power is even weaker.

  Otherwise, I'm afraid we all have to be tricked. "

  Lin Feng sighed and waved his hand.

  Immediately, four fluffy insect whips flew out, binding them tightly.

  However, they have completely lost their minds, and although they can't move, they are still struggling with their lives.

  "Let me see, what's the secret?"

  Lin Feng turned his head and looked at the gold medal belonging to Guanshan Taibao in his hand. In his mind, the power of the soul surged into it.


  Only a light sound like a broken egg shell was heard, and that unspoken secret belonging to Guanshan's lineage, the secret technique of puppets, was captured by Lin Feng's spiritual power.

  "Sorcery detected - Puppet Secret Art!"

  "Puppet Secret Technique, automatic full level!"

  The system's voice resounded in my mind.

  In Lin Feng's body, a mana belonging to the secret technique of puppets rose up.

  "good stuff!

  However, in my body, right now, there is no other sorcery, only my own undead sorcery.

  So, merge into my undead sorcery! "

  With a full-level puppet secret technique, his understanding of the puppet secret technique is even higher than that of the ancestors of the Guanshan Taibao lineage who founded this secret technique.

  At this moment, as soon as he thought about it, the puppet secret technique was merged into the undead sorcery.


  On Lin Feng's body, the aura was rolling, and the aura that belonged to a geographer filled the surroundings. .

Chapter 190

  The undisguised coercion made everyone's hairs explode.

  Fortunately, Lin Feng did not have any malicious intent, otherwise, apart from Ren Weiyong, none of the people present would still be able to stand.

  "This is, have you learned the magic of Guanshan Taibao?"

  On the side, although Yue Qiluo was already accustomed to Lin Feng's evil spirits, she still couldn't avoid shock at this moment.

  Any technique can be learned as soon as it is learned, and it will become fine after a while. How can there be such a monster in this world-.

  And the six-winged flying centipede, partridge whistle, and flower spirit were eroded by the power of Guanshan Taibao's puppet technique, but they had already fallen into an unconscious state of madness.

  Even Lin Feng's aura could not wake them up.

  "This puppet's secret technique is really an evil sect. If you don't understand the secret technique of Guanshan Taibao, you can hardly understand it."

  Feeling the rushing power in his body, Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction.

  One's own undead sorcery requires sorcery such as the puppet secret technique to continuously improve.

  Familiar with the power in his body, the momentum in his body subsided, and he quickly returned to an ordinary person.

  "Wake up!"

  Looking at the six-winged flying centipede, partridge whistle, and flower spirit bound tightly by insect whips, Lin Feng waved.

  Immediately, a blood-colored force was withdrawn from their bodies.

  The blood in their eyes subsided immediately, and the whole person regained consciousness.

  Whoosh whoosh—

  A root worm whip also disappeared, removing the bondage to them.

  "What happened to me just now?"

  Hua Ling frowned, but she didn't notice anything wrong.

  On the other hand, the partridge whistle frowned, knowing that something bad had just happened to him.

  However, he couldn't remember what was going on.

  "Let's go and look elsewhere."

  Lin Feng did not explain anything to them, it was unnecessary.

  The inheritance of Guanshan Taibao has been obtained, and the value of utilization has been lost here.

  And in such a big place, it is impossible for Lin Feng and others to stay here to clean up.

  For these, a large army must be required, but it will not be until Chen Yulou and his party enter the urn.

  This underground palace has a strange shape, and there are many good places, but you can take advantage of this time to stroll around and wait for news from Dong Xiaoyu.


  Wangshan ran the dead horse.

  Standing on the mountain ridge, Chen Yulou and his party saw Yizhuang at the foot of the mountain for a long time.

  But it took almost two hours to get down this way, and it took us almost two hours to go down to the foot of the mountain and come to Yizhuang.

  At this moment, the sun is setting, it is getting late, and everyone is ready to settle down here.

  "Kunlun, wait."

  In front of Yizhuang, Chen Yulou and his party have arrived. They are tall and tall, three heads taller than ordinary people. Kunlun, who looks like a wall, is about to push the door, but the red girl on the side frowns and hurries to stop it.

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