"What a big move, is the master going to overturn this bottle mountain?"

  The eagle head wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, his face full of bitterness.

  The partridge whistle and Hua Ling, who were farther away, also had expressions of surprise on their faces.

  "This underground palace is too evil. Fortunately, we met the seniors this time. Otherwise, if we come down alone, I'm afraid it will be a big trouble."

  The partridge whistle looked around suspiciously.

  He went to hundreds of tombs, but he had never encountered such a dangerous tomb as it is today.

  If there is no Lin Feng, whether it is those small poisonous centipedes, or the six-winged flying centipede, or the big dumplings that he has not seen, I am afraid that he will not be able to eat and walk around.

  "So, senior is our lucky star."

  Hua Ling's eyes were full of worship.

  "Hua Ling, he is not the same as us."

  The partridge whistle couldn't help coughing twice and reminded.

  However, I found that my little junior sister seemed to have a little interest in the unfathomable and unpredictable senior.

  This is a very dangerous model.

  What kind of existence is the senior.

  In fact, a little Taoist nun in the realm of a mage in this area of ​​Hualing can climb high.


  Hua Ling bowed her head and remained silent, but she also knew that there was a huge gap between herself and Lin Feng.

  However, it was a young man in the end, and her eyes were instantly filled with everything.

  "If people don't have dreams, what's the difference between them and salted fish?"

  "Senior brother's dream is to find Zheng Chenzhu."

  "And my dream now is to follow in the footsteps of my predecessors."

  Small wishes, like sparks of fire, start a prairie fire in the young body.

  In an instant, Hua Ling raised her head, her face full of energy that only young people have.


  Beneath the cracks in the ground, although the ground dragon ball was glowing with gray light, it was not a living thing after all. Although it had some spirituality, it was still not enough to see in front of Yue Qiluo, who was proficient in formation techniques.

  The endless dim light shrouded the Earth Dragon Ball, constantly drilling into it.

  The gray dragon ball slowly began to change color.

  And Yue Qiluo, also through the Earth Dragon Ball, saw the formation shrouded in this formation.

  A huge underground palace, divided into upper and lower floors.

  The upper layer is like a tomb, and the lower layer is a place for alchemy.

  In the alchemy field, there is an antique palace, clean it up, it can be used as a bedroom.

  There are two passages to enter this underground palace.

  One was under the cliff they had just entered.

  Or jump straight off the cliff.

  Alternatively, you can enter along the cliff trail.

  There is another place, on the side of Pingshan Mountain, but it is buried deep in the ground and has never been opened.

  Among them, all over the agency.

  If someone who is not approved by the master breaks in from there, he will set off the agency and be pierced by thousands of arrows.

  Of course, if someone controls this underground palace, outsiders can't get close to the entrance at all.

  Because next to the entrance, there is a pit of a thousand people.

  In the pit, thousands of flying-headed savages were arranged.

  That is a kind of evil spirit, which usually sleeps underground. Once awakened, it will overwhelm the sky and cover the sky. Even if the geographer is targeted by it, it will suffer a lot.

  "Good guy."

  "If this place is repaired and the formation is fully activated, although it is not as good as my ancestral land of Maoshan Mountain Gate, it should be no worse than the mountain gate defense of Qingyun Temple..."

  Lin Feng poured all the power of the soul and mana into Yue Qiluo's body. At this moment, he also felt everything Lao Yue felt through the power of Lao Yue's soul.


  Just when Lin Feng sighed, the gray color on the dragon ball was completely covered by the darkness of Lao Yue's mana.

  "It's done!"

  A feeling of being in control of everything came to mind, and Lao Yue smiled like a flower.

  And the ground dragon ball that was refined also automatically floated up and came to Lao Yue, who was caught by Lao Yue and held in his hand. .

Chapter 195


  Just when Lin Feng thought that everything was done, a faint light flickered on the dragon ball in Lao Yue's hand, and Lao Yue's body also sent out a strong force at the same time.

  The spiritual power and mana that Lin Feng had poured into his body were all expelled from his body by a domineering force at this moment.

  But at this moment, the power accumulated in the Dragon Ball for hundreds of years will feed back into Lao Yue's body, so that the mana in his body will skyrocket in an instant, and at the same time, it will be exclusive.

  Of course, things are not as simple as they seem.

  Earth Dragon Ball has spirit.

  Although this spirituality is not weak, it is not willing to be driven by outsiders.

  At this moment, Yue Qiluo used Lin Feng's power to forcibly refine the Earth Dragon Ball.

  And now, in this last one, Earth Dragon Ball~ is also fighting back.

  That agile consciousness entered Yue Qiluo's mind at this moment, the place where the soul hides, the sea of ​​consciousness, to destroy its own consciousness and occupy the magpie's nest.

  "Is this, take the house?"

  Although his own power was expelled from Yue Qiluo's body by the power of the Earth Dragon Ball, the spiritual power and mana in Lao Yue's body that belonged to him were all derived from Lin Feng's essence.

  Moreover, these essences were all marked with Lin Feng's mark.

  Even Yue Qiluo couldn't completely refine it.

  In other words, Yue Qiluo has always been under Lin Feng's control.

  Now, naturally, too.

  However, Lin Feng did not take over Yue Qiluo's body.

  This is his backhand.

  It was he who stayed in order to control Yue Qiluo and prevent him from suddenly turning his face.

  With the current relationship, this backhand is naturally useless.

  And through this backhand, Lin Feng can clearly feel the condition of Yue Qiluo's body as long as he thinks about it.

  At this moment, Yue Qiluo encountered a little trouble.

  That is, the spirit of the Earth Dragon Ball appeared in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and wanted to devour its source consciousness.

  If an ordinary archmage encounters this situation, it will definitely be finished.

  Even if it is a geographer, it will definitely suffer a big loss, and maybe it will capsize in the gutter.

  But this time, Lingzhu's consciousness here was unlucky and met Yue Qiluo.

  Don't look at Lao Yue as an archmage, but her soul, immortal and indestructible, is extremely special, but it is even more difficult to deal with than the primordial spirit of the earth master.

  And the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness happened to be her home.

  "A mere little snake wants to make waves."

  Looking at the dragon shadow crawling in front of him, the corners of Yue Qiluo's mouth curled up, a sneer appeared on his face, and he suddenly stretched out his hands.

  The surging power of the soul immediately enveloped and bound the spirit of the Dragon Ball there.

  "Refining for me!"

  The power of the soul turned into a black flame, burning roaringly.



  The Earth Dragon Spirit roared wildly, rushing left and right, trying to escape.

  It's a pity that it falls into Yue Qiluo's control, where can he go.

  Gradually, its roar turned into lamentation, and the strength of resistance became deeper and deeper.

  Soon, its resistance completely disappeared.

  Yue Qiluo took back the power of his soul, and the dragon shadow no longer attacked, but seemed to have been tamed, and kept spinning around Yue Qiluo's soul.

  "This is, subdued."

  Lin Feng's heart moved, but he knew that at this moment, Lao Yue had completely controlled the formation of this underground palace.


  And as the dragon shadow was refined, the power of the dragon veins and the power of dragon resentment, which had rushed into Yue Qiluo's body, had been tamed and no longer disrupted the trouble.

  "What a powerful force, but it's a pity."

  Yue Qiluo, who was floating in the air, felt the power in her body, and her eyes were full of regret and loss.

  The power in the body is the condensed power of the dragon veins, which is extremely pure. It can be said that it is the dream of countless monks.

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