The monsters that discovered Deng Mo and his party, the strongest among them, were only little monsters.

  The mere little monster naturally couldn't perceive the horror of Deng Mo's group.

  Coupled with the fact that he brought a group of monkeys under him, he was used to being domineering in this mountain.

  Recently, I have joined the new "king", and I am naturally full of courage. When I see a stranger entering the mountain, instead of avoiding far away, they follow closely behind and follow them all the way.

  Of course, while following along, he did not forget to report to the boss.

  "Senior Brother, we are being targeted by the monsters in the mountains."

  Ma Gu, who was very familiar with this mountain forest, became silent because of what Deng Mo had just reprimanded, but another mage, Wu Chong, couldn't help frowning.

  As a mage, he could naturally perceive the maliciousness of the monkeys around him. Seeing that Deng Mo and the two elders did not respond, he bravely reminded him.

  "No way, it's normal to have some goblins in this barren mountain.

  They are usually rarely seen, and they must be curious when they bumped into us at this moment.

  However, our trip is for that forest wind, as long as these monkeys don't provoke us, we don't want to make extra troubles. "

  The elder who just spoke for Magu explained.

  Although it is the duty of Maoshan people to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

  However, the monsters in the mountains are probably few people who are usually seen, and they are even said to be harmful.

  Moreover, behind them, there may be more fierce ones.

  Therefore, at this moment, they have important things to do, but they never thought about moving these monkeys.

  After all, Qianglong doesn't suppress the local snakes. If this impulsiveness attracts a more fierce existence, then it will startle Lin Feng away, then it will not be worthwhile.

  Immediately, the group stopped talking and moved on.

  Soon, they walked through the mountains and forests for a long time, and went deep into the depths of Laoxiongling, which was not too far from Pingshan Mountain.

  The sky gradually darkened.

  The moon is sparse, and the bright moonlight covers the earth.

  However, Deng Mo and his party did not intend to rest.

  Instead, he was prepared to work hard and finish things so that he could leave this forest.

  After all, although this is Xiangxi, Maoshan has almost no influence here.

  Their line is also considered to be the high-level of Maoshan. If they are targeted by powerful beings in this mountain forest, it will be a lot of trouble.

  I've always been worried about what's coming.

  As they walked, the elder who had discovered the men and soldiers of Xieling in advance raised his hand to signal everyone to stop during the day.


  Deng Mo's eyes flickered, and he used the power of his soul to scan the surroundings, but found nothing.

  "There is trouble, a big demon, a group of small demons, we are surrounded."

  The elder's face was a little ugly.

  Along the way, he has always observed the movements around him.

  Apart from the few monsters that had been falling behind him and others, he did not find any other anomalies.

  I thought that this journey should be smooth and smooth, and there will be no moths.

  But in reality, it gave him a slap in the face.

  Unconsciously, he and others were surrounded by a group of monsters.

  This made him, who was in charge of vigilance, look so good.

  "Being surrounded?"

  "Big demon? Little demon?"

  Wu Chong and Ma Gudu glanced around suspiciously.

  With their cultivation and ability, they were the group of monkeys headed by a little demon who could only keep falling behind.

  Other than that, no other anomalies were found...

  "Things that don't have long eyes, a mere big demon dares to come to us for trouble. It is really self-defeating, just right, I am a little tired from this journey, so I will use a big demon's inner alchemy to make up for it. "

  The elder said that he and others were surrounded by monsters. Deng Mo used the power of his soul, but he did not find any trace of the monsters, which made him even more irritable, and there was even a little blood in his eyes.

  There was a faint trace of manic aura emanating from his body, and his face became a lot more hideous.

  "Deng Mo, pay attention to your mentality, don't get into the devil."

  Seeing the abnormality on Deng Mo's body, the elder on the side quickly reminded him.

  Even though he was already a geographer, he still couldn't control his emotions perfectly.

  Compared with Shi Jian of the third vein, the senior brother of his own line is still a little worse.

  Of course, this is also related to his greed for meritorious advancement, and the use of the demon general Neidan to forcefully step into the Earth Master.

  External forces will eventually bring hidden dangers.

  Now, this hidden danger has initially appeared.


  Deng Mo's body trembled, and the mania on his body dissipated a little, but his face became more ugly.

  However, I have some regrets. A few days ago, the refining inner alchemy forcibly rushed through.

  However, the matter has come to this point, regret is useless, we can only wait for this incident, and spend time to quietly polish and eliminate hostility is the kingly way.

  Otherwise, the future practice will be delayed.


  In this moment of effort, the surrounding branches swayed, and the wind blew over, but it was the Ali Fox dummy, who surrounded him with a group of younger brothers.

  PS: There is still a big boss rewarding a waste like me, alas, I am extremely ashamed! .

Chapter 207




  The originally quiet woods suddenly boiled.

  The branches swayed, and each and everyone with their eyes full of curiosity swayed on the branches.

  Of course, there are also a few monkeys on the ground.

  The white ape also came out from behind the woods.

  On its shoulders stood a little Ali with his hips on his shoulders.

  At his feet, the wild raccoon stood aside.

  They all stared at Deng Mo and his party.

  "That's all, the strongest white ape is a big demon."

  The elder, who is good at probing, probed the four directions, confirmed it again and again, and finally determined that there are no more powerful enemies around.

  "Then don't hide it anymore, make a quick decision, clean up everything, and then go to find Lin Feng."

  The other elder's eyes were fierce, but Jue 24 turned to Ahri and the others for a showdown.

  Stop playing, I'm a geographer.

  Today, you guys who don't have long eyes, all have to die.

  A dignified master, when monsters meet him on weekdays, they hide far away, how can they dare to be so provocative.

  The elder is also angry now.

  Take these eyeless monsters in one pot.

  Otherwise, where would Mao Shan's face rest.

  "Elder is not right, this thing is weird, you look at that fox, there is no doubt in his posture and person, a mere little monster, but standing on the shoulders of a big monster who is not of the same race.

  Depending on the situation, the group of demons seems to respect it.

  This guy must have something to do with the big guy in Old Bear Ridge, otherwise, it would be impossible to behave like this. "

  A shrewdness flashed in Deng Mo's eyes.

  Being able to be selected as one of the lineages, among the younger generation, the elder brother of the lineage, he is naturally not a servant.

  It can be said that whether it is cultivation, or the way of life, he is able to do it.

  The reason why he lost his composure before was due to the influence of the demonic nature in his body.

  Now that the demonic nature in his heart has been suppressed, the shrewd and capable senior brother from the past has returned.

  At this time, Bai Yuan had come to the front of the crowd, Ali stood on Bai Yuan's shoulder and said, "Where did the Taoist come from, why did he enter my Ping Shan?"

  The tone of that word is eloquent, if it weren't for Ahri's real body of a fox now, saying it was a human being, no one would doubt it.

  "This girl, we are disciples of Maoshan Mountain. We entered the mountain this time to find one of my junior brothers."

  Deng Mo moved in his heart, took a step forward, and cupped his hands.

  But seeing that Ahri is quite human and able to communicate, so I wanted to try it out and see if I could get some news about Lin Feng from her.

  "Maoshan disciple?"

  Ali's face changed.

  As an old man who had followed Lin Feng for a long time, she naturally knew the identity of Lin Feng's disciple of Maoshan Mountain.

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