But, at least, the attitude is here.

  The dangling hearts of Deng Mo and the two elders suddenly relaxed a lot.

  "Lin Feng, I can't imagine that in less than a year, you have already soared into the sky, and you have become a master of the earth."

  "The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, we old bones, these were shot directly on the beach by you."

  There was a hint of bitterness on Deng Mo's face.

  Lin Feng did not hide his aura of a geographer.

  From Lin Feng's body, he could actually sense a dignified sense of oppression.

  This level of oppression, even on the two elders around him, he had never felt.

  In other words, this Lin Feng's strength is probably stronger than himself or any of the two elders.

  "Senior brother is joking, I am also lucky, I have accumulated a lot of money." Lin Feng chuckled and changed the subject: "Come on, everyone is tired, let's eat first."

  "it is good."

  Dunmer nodded.

  Looking behind Lin Feng.

  Only then did he discover that there was a woman in red behind him.

  It seems that if there is a seemingly non-existent aura, he is actually a geographer.

  Further back, by those fires, there are still many people.

  Look at the dress, there are soldiers, Taoist priests, and people in the rivers and lakes.

  Really a mixed bag. .

Chapter 212

  "This is my wife, Yue Qiluo!"

  Seeing Deng Mo looking at the people behind him, Lin Feng introduced him.

  "They are my disciples."

  "Partridge whistle, the leader of moving mountains!"

  "Chen Yulou, the leader of Xieling!"


  Behind Lin Feng, Yue Qiluo trembled, and instinctively stepped forward, grabbing Lin Feng's hand.

  Her hands trembled slightly.

  However, he did not expect that Lin Feng would introduce himself to his disciples like this.

  "This one is one of my three senior brothers in Maoshan, Deng Mo, senior brother Deng."

  "Partridge whistle, Chen Yulou, you will encounter some troubles in the cultivation world in Xiangxi in the future. It is definitely a good thing to report the name of the eldest brother with 24 characters."

  Lin Feng introduced Deng Mo to everyone again.

  The words are very close and intimate, but it seems that they are very familiar with Deng Mo and are extremely intimate.

  "Big Brother!"

  "Big Brother!"

  "Big Brother!"

  Yue Qiluo, Partridge Whistle, and Chen Yulou all bowed slightly to Deng Mo.

  This is not to give Deng Mo face.

  But because of the forest wind.

  After all, although Lin Feng was neither humble nor arrogant in front of this person, he also placed himself in the position of junior brother.

  Those of them who follow Lin Feng and eat, naturally can't break the rules.

  "One geographer, two great mages!"

  "And these two great masters turned out to be the leaders of moving mountains and Xieling."

  Deng Mo's body trembled.

  Nodding with a smile.

  My heart is full of bitterness.

  But he knew that Lin Feng's son, the general trend had already come to an end.

  There is at least one geographer under his command, and there are four archmages at the level.

  There are also moving mountains and Xieling two veins under his command.

  Such strength, regardless of high-end combat power, is no smaller than Maoshan in terms of numbers and momentum.

  After all, moving mountains, although unknown, few people know about it.

  But Xieling's reputation is not weak in western Hunan.

  Among them, the disciples, the children of peasant families, were born in poverty.

  At the bottom of Xiangxi, there is a very strong appeal,

  At this moment, Lin Feng gave them the respect they deserved, and the attitude they showed was already obvious.

  That is, he is still a disciple of Maoshan, and he has no intention of becoming an enemy of Maoshan.

  This situation completely disrupted Deng Mo's idea of ​​bringing Lin Feng back to Maoshan when he came, and by the way forced him to ask if it had anything to do with Fang Ming's death.

  After all, with the strength that Lin Feng has shown now, if he really makes a move, it will not necessarily be Lin Feng who will suffer.

  Immediately, he put down the air in his heart, and turned back to the amiable senior brother who took great care of his juniors and juniors.

  The two elders also put down their airs, just drinking and asking nothing else.

  Because the monkey wine that Lin Feng took out was really delicious.

  Such things are unavoidable.

  They had only heard of it before, but this was the first time they had tasted it in Lin Feng's place.

  Of course, what Lin Feng brought out was just ordinary monkey wine.

  It is impossible for him to take out the dozen or so gourds in his collection.

  After all, don't look at how close he and Deng Mo seem to be now, but he also knows that these are just appearances.

  One's own root lies in the three veins.

  Wu Chong and Ma Gu, on the other hand, acted as transparent people, burying their heads in eating and drinking.

  This is the pitiful point of being inferior to human beings.

  No matter what happened between Lin Feng and Deng Mo, they could only bear the consequences.

  In the wilderness, the food is not very particular, and it can be found in the mountains. However, there are many tricks, such as those who run on the ground, those who fly in the sky, and those who swim in the water.

   Hualing's craftsmanship is good, and there are unique spices, so the taste of the food is really good.

  After a meal, the guests enjoyed themselves.

  Deng Mo's face was also three-point drunk.

  With this three-point drunkenness, he stated his purpose for coming to Pingshan this time.

  "Lin Feng, your teacher already knows about your sorcery practice."

  "You know the first commandment of the master's sect."

  As soon as the voice fell, the courtyard suddenly became quiet.

  The two elders also put down the wine glasses in their hands and set their eyes on Lin Feng.

  Wu Chong and Ma Gu lowered their heads and ate the meat vigorously.

  Yue Qiluo, Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou also set their sights on Lin Feng.

  In Deng Mo's words, there is a sense of guilt.

  They were waiting for Lin Feng to speak.

  If the situation is not right, then, of course, you will turn your face immediately. .

Chapter 213

  In an instant, a tense atmosphere enveloped the courtyard.

  Everyone knows that Lin Feng's attitude will determine whether they will fight to death or still drink here in the next second.


  "What is sorcery?"

  "In my opinion, there is no right or wrong in the art!"

  "There are good and evil, but only people."

  Lin Feng took a sip of wine, grinned, and looked at Deng Mo: "Master, what do you think?"

  This, but kicked the ball to Deng Mo.

  If Deng Mo agrees with his point of view.

  Then hello me hello everyone.

  If you do not agree.


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