"After I came into contact with this so-called "witchcraft", my strength increased steadily."

  "Up to now, it's only been a year, and it's already a geographer."

  "However, the precepts of the master's door do not allow me!"

  "Elder Brother, two elders, what should I do?"

  "Abolish this sorcery and become a waste again?"

  "If the precepts of the master's door really can't accommodate a master who practices sorcery, then I..."

  Lin Feng's face was full of confusion.

  Halfway through, he couldn't say anything.

  "Brother Feng."

  Beside him, Yue Qiluo held his hand with pity on his face.

  But he didn't expect that Lin Feng's past would be so tortuous.

  On the side, Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou were also stunned.

  In their eyes, they always thought that the mysterious Lin Feng must be an old monster with good looks.

  But he never imagined that he was only twenty years old.

  And set foot on the road of cultivation, no matter how short a year is.

  In just one year, an ordinary person became an earth teacher.

  Think about yourself again.

  Immediately, their faces were full of helplessness.

  People and people can't really be compared. .

Chapter 215


  Deng Mo was stunned.

  But he knew that Lin Feng had kicked the ball to him again.

  It only took a year to go from a mortal to a geographer.

  Such a speed made him extremely ashamed, and he only felt that he had lived on a dog all these years.

  He began to think differently. If he stood in Lin Feng's position, what would he think about it?

  In order to keep the precepts of the master, abolish martial arts?

  Are you kidding me?

  The future of Lao Tzu is bright. In the future, Heavenly Masters and even Human Immortals will be secure. It's just a matter of time.

  Why do you want to ruin your future for the discipline of the teacher's door?

  Moreover, a geographer with unlimited potential.

  The future celestial master, human immortal!

  Shimenshe can be destroyed by precepts?


  In an instant, Deng Mo only felt his scalp numb, and he already had regrets in his heart.

  I regretted why I was obsessed with my mind and came to trouble Lin Feng.

  Now, he didn't know if their appearance had troubled Lin Feng.

  But he knew he was in trouble.

  How should I answer this?

  How to solve this problem?

  He is just the big brother of Damai, not the head of Maoshan.

  Not to mention the Supreme Elder who is above the sect master.

  He can't do this.

  On the side, the two elders were also dumbfounded.

  A geographer!

  A geographer in his early twenties.

  This is not only the first in the history of Maoshan.

  Even in today's cultivation world.

  Even in the cultivation world moving forward for five hundred years, there has never been such a person.

  Such a character, if his heart is towards Maoshan.

  When he really grows up, the future Xiangxi will definitely respect Maoshan.

  Instead of the current situation, Maoshan, Laoshan, and Tianjing Temple stand as three pillars, and they jointly town Xiangxi.

  Even, if he has the will, it is not impossible to bring Maoshan to the height of Taoist ancestral courtyards such as Longhu Mountain and Kunlun.

  Let such a disciple with unlimited potential self-destruct cultivation.

  Such self-destruction of the Great Wall, Maoshan, they will do this unless they have a show of brains.

  However, if this is not the case, what about the majesty of the precepts of the master's sect?

  What is the majesty of the patriarch of Shimen?

  As an elder, the group of people standing at the top of Maoshan Mountain.

  Unless it is the kind of idiot who really devotes himself to practicing hard and completely ignores the world.

  The other elders, more or less, have a bigger picture.

  These two elders are naturally the same.

  From their perspective, looking at problems is no longer as simple as ordinary disciples look at problems.

  They will consider many issues.

  And many times, a lot of things don't matter right or wrong.

  What are the commandments?

  Discipline is the foundation of maintaining the sect.

  Say it matters.

  It does matter.

  There are no rules and no squares.

  If Maoshan had no precepts, there would be no way of knowing how many disciples would rely on Taoism and misbehave.

  However, the commandment, it is dead.

  And people are alive.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Sometimes, in a small poking person, the discipline or something is completely a joke.

  However, even that little poking man wouldn't dare to violate the precepts on the bright side.

  Because of this, he is provoking the real Maoshan.

  And Lin Feng's problem now lies in this.

  If he cultivates in a low-key manner.

  Even if the elders of the division knew that he practiced sorcery.

  As long as he doesn't act nonsense and kill innocent people indiscriminately, most of the elders of the division will turn a blind eye.


  But now, his practice of sorcery has spread in Maoshan.

  If Mao Shan didn't deal with it, the first commandment would become a joke.

  But, deal with?

  With the current strength that Lin Feng showed, Mao Shan wanted to clean up him, but it wasn't that simple.

  In order to be safe, even a Celestial Master is needed, and it is only the elder Taishang who has been ignoring the world for many years.

  Elder Taishang personally took action and destroyed the Great Wall?

  If this matter spreads out, Maoshan will definitely become a laughing stock in the cultivation world.

  Countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

  The two elders looked at each other and exchanged spiritual thoughts.

  Then, one of the elders smiled wryly and looked at Lin Feng: "Feng boy, you have created a huge problem for the teacher.

  "I can tell you clearly, if it is the kind of geographer who relied on sorcery to kill innocent people, Maoshan, if he can't tolerate it, he will definitely do his best to destroy him."

  "However, if it's just a simple earth master cultivating sorcery, I, Maoshan, still have the capacity to tolerate people!" Qi.

Chapter 216

  Aside, Deng Mo's heart relaxed.

  The elder was relieved.

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