"¨~This turtle son actually knows Mr.~々?"

  Seeing the first meeting, his adjutant was recruited by Lin Feng, and when he spoke alone, Luo Laowei was suddenly stunned.

  "If Adjutant Yang has an old relationship with Mr. Yang, that's a good thing."

  Chen Yulou patted Luo Lao's crooked shoulder and was a little surprised.

  This old Luo is crooked, luck is really good, there are actually people under him, and he has an old relationship with Mr.

  At this time, Adjutant Yang (Li Liaozhao), who was summoned by Lin Feng alone, was panicked.

  He couldn't figure it out. In just a few days, there was an extra gentleman above him and others.

  Moreover, looking at Luo Laojiao's posture, it is obvious that he has already taken refuge with this gentleman, and he is the master of this gentleman.

  Is this the old Luo crook he knew?

  What is the origin of this gentleman, to make Luo Lao, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, like this.

  Moreover, why did he summon himself to patrol alone?

  With an uneasy mood, Adjutant Yang entered the room and came to the back of Lin Feng, who was looking at the distant mountains, and respectfully said, "Sir!".

Chapter 219

  "I'll give you a task, no matter what method you use, within half a month, bring Ma Zhenbang to meet me."

  Lin Feng didn't talk nonsense and went directly to the topic.

  There are also many people under Ma Zhenbang.

  Moreover, these soldiers under Bi Luo Laowei are much more formal.

  Such a guy, if he has the opportunity, naturally wants to make him a pawn in his hands.

  "Sir, I'm from Luo Shuai, where do I know..."

  Adjutant Yang's face changed greatly, and he knelt down with a plop.

  As Luo Laowai's adjutant, he was in Luo Laowai's army, but only under Luo Laowai.

  However, these were all given to him by Luo Laohui.

  Not his own.

  If Luo Laowai knew, he secretly colluded with Luo Laowai's mortal enemy Ma Zhenbang.

  Na Luo is old and crooked, and he will definitely make his life worse than death.

  "Don't sing with me here. If I don't see Ma Zhenbang in half a month, then you will die."

  Lin Feng waved his hand.

  He knew exactly what Adjutant Yang was thinking.

  Collusion with outsiders and preparing a way out for oneself can be done in private, but it must not be said publicly.

  Otherwise, in the end, he may die without knowing how to die.

  However, these are irrelevant to Lin Feng.

  Now he, as long as the result, you want to meet Ma Zhenbang, and then subdue him.

  Everything else, he doesn't care.

  He believed that this adjutant Yang, who was smart and forbearing enough, could give him a perfect answer.

  If you can't, hehe, waste, don't waste food anymore.


  Adjutant Yang's body trembled.

  Bow down and salute.

  back down.

  When he was out the door, the cool breeze hit him, and he was shivering all over.

  But the clothes on his body were already soaked in sweat.


  He returned to the camp, thinking that Luo Laowei would ask him to question.

  But unfortunately, Luo Laowei didn't move at all, which made him even more panic in his heart.

  "That mysterious gentleman, did you tell Luo Shuai about my connection with Ma Zhenbang?"

  "If there is, then with Luo Shuai's violent temper, I am afraid that it has already flared up. Even if there is a pressure from Mr., it is absolutely impossible not to show the slightest..."


  Adjutant Yang thought about it, and his face changed.

  Finally, he tidied up his clothes and walked towards Luo Laowei.

  This matter has to be discussed with Luo Laohui.

  At this time, it was not yet in the plot, and he was crooked by Luo Lao again and again, after cleaning up again and again.

  The current Luo Laowai is still his Bole.

  Pulled him when he needed it most and saved him from poverty.

  Otherwise, he is afraid that he would have starved to death on the street.


  In the guest room that Yizhuang cleaned up.

  Deng Mo, the two elders were sitting at the table drinking tea.

  "Boy Lin Feng, is this going to put us under house arrest?"

  The elder, who was good at investigating the situation, had a fiery temper when he was young. Now that he is older, although he has restrained a lot, now he can't help complaining.

  After all, he is an aloof Maoshan elder.

  If outsiders knew that they would not dare to leave this place easily because of Lin Feng's words, then where would he put his old face.

  "Elder, don't be impatient, Lin Feng shouldn't mean that, otherwise, we can still sit here safely."

  Deng Mo shook his head and comforted him, but he was afraid that the elder would do something extreme.

  "How old are people, and they are still frizzy."

  "Calm down, since he said let us watch the play, then we can just sit in front of the stage and wait slowly."

  Another elder spoke up.

  He was quite satisfied with life here.

  In comparison, the wild fruits and game in the mountains continue to be eaten every day, and there is enough monkey wine.

  This kind of treatment, in Maoshan, they really can't enjoy it.

  "Then should we report the situation here to Shanmen in advance?"

  The elder blushed and talked about his thoughts.

  As geographers, they carry a communication compass with them.

  Lam Fung did not prohibit their use.

  As long as they want, they can send the news back to the mountain gate at any time.

  "No hurry, such an important matter is clearly stated in the communication compass."

  Dunmer shook his head.

  At this time, the relationship is very important, but it is necessary to return to the mountain gate and talk to the head in detail.

  Otherwise, it will definitely cause turmoil in the mountains.



  The moon is as cool as water!

  Under the bright moonlight, Liu Yongchuan, the master and servant, came on the moon.

  As soon as he entered the site of Pingshan, he collided with Ren Weiyong, Nintendo, and Royal Zombies, who were on the other side of the mountain. .

Chapter 220

  Because there was no conflict with Deng Mo and his party, after the friendly meeting, Lin Feng let the lurking San Zong away from Yizhuang and went to the other side of Pingshan.

  But they were afraid of the existence of San Zong, which scared Deng Mo and the others.

  After all, this is a three-headed fly.

  Flying dead, no grass grows, this is not a joke.

  No matter where it is placed, it can cause a sensation.

  Let alone the three heads together.

  Moreover, Lin Feng is not the kind of person who stifles people by flying.

  Therefore, he chose to keep a low profile.

  Hide Sanzong as his trump card.

  Moonlight lingers.

  Ren Weiyong and the Royal Zombies looked up at the moon and tried their best to breathe, wanting to absorb more moonlight stars and make their strength grow faster.

  Nintendo, on the other hand, lay leisurely in the air, with one hand supporting his head, and the other holding a pocket watch close to his ear.

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