If Lin Feng is involved in this matter, he will make a great contribution.

  The promise of the two elders just now was naturally not a lie.

  "It turns out that this guy is from the corpse sect!"

  "It doesn't matter if the teacher recognizes me or not."

  "This guy dares to take action against my subordinates, and his ending is already doomed."

  Lin Feng nodded, staring at Liu Yongchuan who had already landed in front of San Zong.

  But he didn't expect that this guy would actually be his lucky star.

  To be honest, he didn't care whether Mao Shan recognized him or not.

  Anyway, now he no longer needs to rely on Maoshan.

  However, if he could do something for Sanmai and Maoshan within his ability, he would naturally not refuse.

  At this time, Liu Yongchuan had already sat cross-legged on top of San Zong's head, his hands constantly changing the seals on his chest, and he was using his full power to refine and control corpses.

  boom boom-

  The general talisman of the general amnesty, which was covered with three rigid bodies and formed from the condensed mana, all burned and turned into a raging flame.

  The endless flame power assisted the corpse control talisman attached to Sanzong's forehead, desperately drilling into Sanzong's body.

  The secret corpse control talisman of the corpse sect is indeed domineering.

  Lin Feng clearly felt that in Ren Weiyong and the royal zombies, the restraint that he could not bear was destroyed.

  If Liu Yongchuan is not controlled to regenerate and counterattack, and Liu Yongchuan is allowed to continue to operate, it will be at most one year, and the ban will be broken.

  On Nintendo's forehead, the corpse control talisman took the lead. Half of Liu Yongchuan's expectations had already been submerged in Nintendo's body.

  At most five more breaths, I am afraid that it will be completely submerged into Nintendo's body.

  At that time, Nintendo will completely fall into Liu Yongchuan's control.

  Anyway, what Liu Yongchuan really thought.

  At this point, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  I thought that the masters behind the three-headed zombies must have very tight control over the three-headed flying zombies.

  If you want to take control yourself, it will be very difficult.

  As a result, I only guessed half of it.

  Among the three deadlocks, the ban on two of the flying deadlocks is really difficult to handle.

  He'll be there for a while, and he really can't figure it out.

  However, one of them should have just fallen into the hands of that person not long ago, and now he has given himself a bargain.

  Subdued one fly, and then conquered the other two.

  Now, his subordinates have two flying zombies available.

  Plus himself.

  With these five geographers, his grasp is much greater.

  "I'll take them down."

  At this time, Yue Qiluo, who was standing beside Lin Feng, couldn't stand anymore after hearing the words of the two elders of Maoshan.

  "No, this person, I will do it myself."

  Lin Feng stretched out his hand, stopped Yue Qiluo, then stepped forward, growing lotus step by step, and walked towards the battlefield ahead.

  His eyes fell on Liu Yongchuan, and his tone was cold: "This friend, as soon as you meet my subordinates, are you afraid that you are not courting death?".

Chapter 228

  "This person turned out to be the master of these three flying stiffs."

  Liu Yongchuan looked young, but his aura was no weaker than himself.

  Lin Feng, who even faintly made himself aware of a sense of oppression, narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Such a young geographer still has three flying heads under his command.

  He was ashamed of such existence.

  At least, at this age, he is far from reaching such an achievement.

  Even, even now, if it wasn't for the sudden preemptive shot, the three heads were stopped from flying, and they took the lead.

  It must be extremely dangerous for him to face this man.

  After all, facing four powerhouses of the same level, and facing four powerhouses of the same level with the same mind, are two completely different concepts.

  The geographer then controlled the three-headed flying stiffness.

  This, indeed, can be said to be congruent.

  However, this guy's experience against the enemy is obviously insufficient.

  Even a little worse than himself, the first person who came out of the mountain.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't let himself stop the three stiffness so easily.

  Abandoned most of his skills.

  Such an excellent talent, and proficient in corpse control, if such a person is absorbed into my corpse sect!

  Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and a smile appeared on Liu Yongchuan's face.

  "Little brother, you don't know each other if you don't fight. I'm the contemporary senior brother of the Zombie Sect, Liu Yongchuan~々."

  "I must have heard of the reputation of the Corpse Sect."

  "Thousands of years ago, the Corpse Chasing Sect used to oppress the world."

  "If it weren't for the so-called holy places that were jealous of my corpse sect and besieged them, now, in this world, I am the corpse sect."

  "Now, I have been silent for a thousand years, and the day when I will reign over the world again is approaching."

  "Now, I'll give you a chance to join my corpse-hunting faction."

  "In the future, when I become the head of the corpse sect, you will be the first person under me."

  Liu Yongchuan had a frenzy on his face.

  It seems that he has seen the day when the corpse sect ruled the world.

  "The corpse sect is coming back."

  "Silent for thousands of years, how much strength has this corpse sect recovered?"

  Deng Mo and the two elders trembled as they thought of this.

  As for whether Lin Feng was really bewitched by the corpse hunter, they were not worried.

  After all, that geographer is not a determined person.

  If he was so foolish, he wouldn't be able to become an earth master.

  But he didn't want to, at this moment, Lin Feng nodded directly: "Okay, you let go of my three-headed flying zombies, and I will join your corpse sect."

  Deng Mo looked at Lin Feng.

  Seeing his serious appearance, he didn't seem to be joking.

  The two elders were also expressionless.

  However, it could be vaguely seen that their faces were a little embarrassed.

  Tension is spreading.


  Liu Yongchuan stared at Lin Feng deeply.

  If you put back the three-headed Fei Zong, you will be able to bring Lin Feng under his command. This transaction is naturally a good deal.

  However, Liu Yongchuan was not a fool, so how could he believe Lin Feng's nonsense and give up the advantage he had finally gained.

  In an instant, the current atmosphere was a little embarrassing.

 (Li Haohao) "It seems that you don't really want me to join the corpse sect."

  "Then, you will die here!"

  Lin Feng sneered and continued to move forward.

  "I die?"

  "Then it's up to you."

  At this moment, the corpse control talisman on Nintendo's forehead just happened to be completely submerged in its body.

  Liu Yongchuan moved the seal, and Nintendo, who had closed his eyes, immediately opened his eyes.

  "Go and kill him!"

  Liu Yongchuan pointed at Lin Feng, his tone was as cold as snow. .

Chapter 229

  "No, he actually took control of Lin Feng's head in just a few breaths."

  The expressions of Deng Mo and the two elders changed greatly.

  A dead end, it is definitely an existence that can reverse the tide of the battle.

  If before this, the strength of Lin Feng and this corpse-hunting true biography is fifty-fifty.

  Or Lin Feng is even better.

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