What is a real thing.

  That's called being real.

  It's just that you can do it with a single talisman, why did you just put the blood of our father and daughter?

  On the side, the guards who were lying on the ground "waiting in pain" were also stunned.

  The old man who can't handle guns, you can handle it with just one talisman.

  You are so powerful, why didn't you just shoot?

  If you were the first to act, would we need such a painful act?

  "Sacrifice with blood..."

  Lin Feng muttered in his mouth for a while, handed the bowl with blood in his hand, opened his teeth, and poured it into his mouth.


  The warm blood was like the belly, and the black corpse aura suddenly erupted on Mrs. Ren's body, and the momentum also soared.

  In an instant, everyone in the courtyard felt as if they were being targeted by some terrifying existence. A cold air rushed to the sky from the tail spine, and the hairs all over their bodies exploded instantly.

  Fear breeds in his heart, and some are timid, and even feel the heat under his crotch. .

Chapter 36


  Grandpa Ren growled.

  On the forehead, the yellow talisman ignited spontaneously without fire, but it was simply unable to withstand the impact of the corpse gas and was directly destroyed.

  "Tingting, hurry up, you go into the house."

  Ren Fa panicked again, how could the current father feel even more fierce and frightening than before.

  "Father, if Lin Feng can't handle Grandpa, what's the use of us entering the house?"

  Ren Tingting is a smart person who can see through the essence of the matter at a glance.

  There are nearly twenty people in the courtyard, and Lin Feng is the only one who can handle such a scene.

  Therefore, she could only pin her hopes on Lin Feng.

  "What is this young man doing, he has already calmed down the old man just now, why are you still doing it? Just set it on fire!"

  "You know so well, how did you fall the fastest just now?"

  "You...not just paid your wages two days ago, did you go to the Yihong Court very often?"


  The hearts of the guards also hung up.

  It is best that the old man is stunned.

  If they can't hold back and continue to go mad, then their guards will definitely be unlucky.

  With the Ren family's money, they have to work for the Ren family.

  Just now, they cheated and played tricks, and they acted so realistically that Ren Fa couldn't see anything, so that's fine.

  If the old man continues to go mad and kills the Ren family father and daughter, even if they are lucky enough to escape, when the young master Awei comes to the door, they will have bad luck.

  "Best blood is really a panacea for zombies... However, this is not because of the rich energy contained in blood of relatives. Ordinary blood of relatives is no different from the blood of other outsiders. It is nothing more than the continuation of the blood of the bitter master, which carries Some kind of mysterious and fitting element can stimulate the power in the depths of the bitter master's body..."

  Lin Feng was concerned, and quietly watched the imposing manner on Mrs. Ren's body.

  Peak black.

  The black limit.

  Jump stiff.

  In just a few breaths, Grandpa Ren's strength skyrocketed.

  The momentum on his body also soared.

  "As expected, it is a peerless corpse that has been sacrificed for [-] years. When it was born, it was a black zombie. With a little use of blood, it was a jumping zombie of the same level as an archmage. It is no wonder that it is so fast. Many fellow Daoists who have no way to advance have gone the wrong way and practiced sorcery."

  Lin Feng thought about it, and patted the yellow-skinned gourd around his waist.

  Immediately, a ray of blood emerged from the gourd unknowingly.

  A faint yin qi rose in the courtyard, and everyone felt agitated, but it was Dong Xiaoyu who shot and pulled them directly into the illusion.


  But seeing the old man Ren roaring after swallowing blood, he gave Ren Fa and Ren Tingting a meaningful look, then turned and left.

  However, just after jumping on the fence, before disappearing into the darkness, Lin Jiu arrived with the guy and stabbed the old man's chest with a sword.


  The old man fell to the ground, struggling frantically and painfully, but then, in front of everyone's eyes, turned into a pool of sewage.

  "Dust returns to dust, dirt returns to dirt... Old man, go all the way..."

  Lin Jiu put his hands behind his back and muttered as if he was chanting a spell.

  "Ninth uncle, my father is already leaving, why did you kill him?"

  On the side, Ren Fa couldn't stand it any longer. Although the old man had turned into a zombie, he was his father anyway.

  Moreover, the old man was clearly going to leave after he was worshipped with blood in Lin Feng just now.

  "You worshipped him with blood, and he only let you go temporarily. However, zombies are bloodthirsty, so they will naturally go to other places to find blood food. If you don't kill him, Renjiazhen will be in danger, and he will only let go temporarily. You guys, when he is ecstatic with blood, and his demonic nature is full, he will not come back to you, and, at that time, it will not be able to send half a bowl of blood. Also, I didn't kill him, he was already dead. Twenty years later, the soul is long gone, what I just killed was just the demonic thoughts of his body."

  Lin Jiu's face was solemn and solemn.

  "Lin Feng."

  Ren Tingting frowned and looked at Lin Feng.

  Instinctively, she was more willing to trust Lin Feng than Lin Jiu.

  Ren Fa also looked over.

  "That's right, worshiping blood is just drinking poison to quench thirst. Complete killing is the only solution. If I didn't have enough mana, I would have taken this method." Lin Feng nodded.

  "The old man is gone, my family's luck?" Turning back, Ren Fa was concerned about this one.

  "Master Ren, don't worry about this. Take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. Since I have received your money, I will naturally handle this matter. It doesn't matter if the old lady has no body. I have a secret method in Maoshan. It can inspire luck.”

  Lin Jiu explained with a smile.

  "Then I will trouble Uncle Ninth. After this time, I will definitely thank you."

  Ren Fa was relieved.

  "Then Lin Feng, let's go."

  Lin Jiu nodded and looked at Lin Feng.

  "it is good,"

  The two made a gesture and were about to leave.

  "Alas, Lin Feng..."

  Ren Tingting spoke, but stopped.


  "There are vacant rooms in the house, or you won't leave tonight."

  Ren Tingting stepped forward and lowered her head.

  "Yes, Master Xiaolin, it's not convenient to travel in the middle of the night, so it's better to stay in the palace for one night."

  Ren Fa also opened his mouth to retain.

  When such a big incident happened just now, there must be someone who knows how to do it.


  Lin Feng was stunned.

  "Then Lin Feng, you can stay for one night."

  Lin Jiu nodded, crossed the wall, and disappeared. .

Chapter 37

  The next day, Lin Feng walked out of Ren Tingting's room.

  Don't ask why there are so many rooms, but Lin Feng went to Tingting's room to grieve himself.

  Is it normal for little girls to be afraid of the dark?

  Inside the room, Ren Tingting's eyes were red, and it was the first time that he had a function key to act on a man, but that guy, after he stole her heart, turned out to be him leaving?

  Sure enough, men are unreliable.

  Fortunately, he said that in the past few nights, he would come to accompany him.

  It's still a bit of a thought.

  Work hard, you may have a chance in the future.

  Apart from Renjiazhen, Lin Feng did not return to Yizhuang, but walked straight to the barren hills beside the town.

  In about half an hour, he once again came to the cave where Mr. Feng Shui hid in the past.

  In the cave, the old man was sleeping.

  Aware of Lin Feng's breath, he suddenly opened his eyes, the blood in his eyes flashed away, making the dark cave have a strange brightness at that moment.


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