Glutinous rice has always been used to restrain zombies.

  The glutinous rice in Lin Feng's hands was the glutinous rice he had practiced with incense sacrifices here.

  Such glutinous rice can restrain zombies more than ordinary glutinous rice.

  However, now, a zombie can hold such glutinous rice with his hands without any trouble.

  "Little Master, can you teach me the magic of sacrificing zombies?",

  Jia Le's eyes gleamed on the side, and he really wanted to learn.

  After all, this is something that subverts tradition.

  No one else will, he will.

  If you take it out and show your hands in the future, how many eyes will you gain?

  Jia Le can't imagine it.

  "What to learn? Have you finished the Maoshan technique? Do you know what it means to be greedy?"

  Four eyes quickly pulled Jia Le to teach.

  Special mother, you are a good apprentice, don't be misled by Feng Xiaozi.

  Don't practice the good Maoshan art, go to practice sorcery.

  Is that thing something that ordinary people can play around with?

  There is no special opportunity, if you really want to play, you are playing with fire.

  Like Lin Feng now, he's not just playing with the fire, but he hasn't burned it on his body yet.

  "Boy, let's practice Mao Shanshu. I can't learn something like that." Lin Feng patted Jia Le's shoulder and pointed at Mrs. Ren: "Go, find him a suitable dress."


  The four-purpose dojo is actually a transit station.

  After returning to the dojo every time, the four eyes will rest for two days before continuing on the road.

  The next day, with three poles in the sun, Lin Feng got up lazily.

  After eating some food that Jia Le put on the table, Lin Feng carried Ali into the morgue, but saw that Mrs. Ren was not lying in the coffin, but was standing in front of the window, looking out the window with smart eyes. landscape.

  Outside the window, the sun shines brightly, and the warm sun shines on the earth.

  "Want to go out?"

  Lin Feng stepped forward, and in the eyes of Mr. Ren, he seemed to see desire.


  The old man roared in response.

  He already has a rudimentary intelligence.

  Can roughly understand Lin Feng's words.

  "Why don't you try it?"

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

  Zombies are photophobic, and that is also natural.

  However, the more afraid, the more yearning.

  This is also unique to intelligent creatures.


  The old man roared, jumped out of the room, came under the eaves, and carefully put his hand out.


  Black smoke rises.

  Grandpa Ren's pale corpse hand suddenly retracted.

  "The real fire of the sun contained in the sun is not something you can bear now. Practice hard, and one day, you will be able to stand under the sun again."

  Lin Feng patted the old man on the shoulder, and he comforted him directly, regardless of whether he understood it or not.

  It doesn't mean that some zombies are as powerful as music zombies, and when they are still weak, they are all invincible and not afraid of the sun.

  However, as long as you cultivate to the extreme, even ordinary zombies can do this sooner or later.


  The old man roared and returned to the room.

  "Wind, there are monks, I hate monks."

  At this moment, Ali writhing in his arms, spitting out human words.


  Lin Feng raised his head and his eyes lit up. In the distance, who was approaching was not Yixiu and Qingqing.

  At this age, Qingqing, although dressed in plain clothes, is full of collagen and youthful vitality, which makes Lin Feng's eyes light up.

  This real person looks prettier than in the plot.

  Immediately, he carried Ari forward, wanting to get acquainted.


  When Yixiu saw Simu's side, a young man came with a little fox and was a little stunned.

  The little fox exuded a faint demonic aura. As soon as he had good eyesight, he could see at a glance that the little fox was a well-trained monster.

  Holding a monster in his hand, who is this young man?

  "But Master Yixiu?"

  Lin Feng stepped forward, smiling and showing his best side.

  "Wow—he's good-looking...good-looking."

  Qingqing looked at Lin Feng who was approaching, and a little star appeared in his eyes.

  But it was his handsome face, coupled with the evil temperament that came with him after practicing evil, just restrained this little girl who was not familiar with the world.

  "I'm Yixiu, dare to ask the friend's name?"

  Yixiu nodded, from Lin Feng's body, he noticed that the mana fluctuation was not weaker than his own.

  In other words, this young man, who seems to be no more than two years older than Qingqing, is an archmage just like him. .

Chapter 47

  Twenty-year-old archmage.

  Such a young powerhouse, whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, is rare for dozens or hundreds of years.

  On the contrary, among those evil sects, such strong men will appear from time to time.

  However, they were basically short-lived, either killing themselves or being beaten to death by the righteous path.

  But now, no matter how he looked at it, Yixiu felt that he was a good person from time to time, which made him feel a little uneasy.

  This guy, it won't be some evil outsider who came to trouble them.

  Historically, once there were some great geniuses from the evil sects, they would immediately find trouble with the disciples of the righteous way.

  Kill a few righteous disciples to make a name for yourself.

  Thinking of this, Yixiu couldn't help but feel tight, this guy walked out of the four-eye house.

  But now, there are no four eyes and Jia Le.

  Does that mean that Si Mu and Jia Le may be more fortunate than good?

  "Maoshan, Lin Feng."

  Lin Feng grinned, revealing his white teeth.

  "Lin Feng!"

  "You are the little junior brother in the mouth of the four eyes, the one who has been cultivating in Maoshan for ten years, but has never been able to enter the Maoshan technique?"

  Yixiu's face became a little complicated, and the heart that was hanging just now was half relaxed at once.

  Maoshan's true biography, that is his own.

  In other words, Si Mu and Jia Le are definitely fine.

  It's just that the four-eyed guy is really talking nonsense.

  After ten years of hard work, you can't get started?

  This guy, in ten sentences, I am afraid that only half of them are true.

  For such a young archmage, you said that people would not be allowed to enter for ten years.

  Yixiu felt that his IQ had been greatly insulted.

  "Uh... Senior Brother Four Eyes said, it should be me... Indeed, I am stupid and I have been practicing hard for ten years, but I have never started."

  Lin Feng was a little embarrassed, but he didn't know that he was still famous. At least, many people knew of his existence.

  "Are you gifted and stupid?"

  Yixiu's face was even more ugly.

  Twenty-year-old archmage, you say that you are stupid.

  Then, for a fifty-year-old archmage like me, isn't that stupid like a pig?


  Lin Feng was speechless.

  But it reacted.

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