Chapter 374

  There was neither joy nor sorrow on Lin Feng's face.

  The sky is full of blood.

  Bailey's blood flames had already burned in front of him.

  He could even sense the coldness in the flames.

  Even with his supreme evil body, if he was tainted with that flame, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

  The dirty water mine has been compressed so much that only a thin layer is left beside him.

  It was like a black film covering him.

  Isolate it all.

  "It's finally done!"

  Just when the blood flames were about to burn onto Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng's solemn face suddenly relaxed.

  A smile appeared on his face.

  In an instant, all the evil forces that were flowing in his body retracted and flowed into his dantian.

  The black membrane, which was still very strong, suddenly became shaky because it lost the support of its strength.

  "Finally can't stand it anymore?"

  A playful smile appeared on Bailey's face in midair.

  His heritage for hundreds of years.

  At this moment, there is still energy left.

  This is the natural advantage of a longevity species like him.

  Far from being comparable to the human race.

  However, after this battle, his vitality will also be greatly damaged.

  It doesn't matter.

  As a blood clan, what he lacked the most was time.

  Then, for an instant, the smile on his face stiffened.

  Then, the stiffness turned into panic.

  All the evil forces, except for maintaining the black membrane, were completely submerged in the dantian.

  In the dantian, an evil lotus was condensed.

  The evil lotus rises and falls in the dantian.

  non-stop rotation.

  A powerful force rises from it.

  More pure dark energy than the evil power just now, spewed out from the black lotus, and roamed Lin Feng's body, limbs and bones.

  click -

  There was a muffled sound in Lin Feng's body.

  That is the body, which is transforming under the baptism of evil power.

  The transformation of the body is a slow process.

  The most ferocious transformation is the soul.

  The soul of a geographer is the yin god.

  The yin god can break away from the flesh at night and walk out.

  In the beginning, the wind and the rain were taboo.

  Waiting to be stronger, it will be useless to ghosts and gods, and it can kill people.

  However, no matter how powerful the yin god is, it is only the yin god, who can only walk in the dark and cannot see the light.

  But the sun god of the celestial master is different.

  The Yang God can be separated from the flesh and exist alone.

  Can cast spells and walk under the scorching sun.

  Up in the sky, down in the underworld.

  Not to mention omnipotence.

  When it has also been out of the realm of human beings.

  And the transformation of the soul is violent.

  In Lin Feng's mind, countless evil lights were released.

  His soul power, which was originally strong because of the undead soul technique, transformed and grew again.


  Lin Feng's body surface, that thin layer of water and dirt, suddenly erupted in this instant.

  The water-dirty thunder constructed by the brand-new evil force extinguished the blood flames around it in an instant.

  Then, like a wave, towards the sky, the high blood sun swept across.

  "Do not--"

  The original Xiongyan's bloody flames had no resistance at all in the face of the brand-new water and dirty mines.


  Before Bailey could dodge, he was engulfed by the overwhelming sea of ​​thunder.

  The big sun composed of blood flames was extinguished in an instant.

  Dirty water mines are released and closed.

  In an instant, the world sees no more red and black.

  Only the clear light emanating from the Po Jun Sword still shines on this world.


  Bailey's body fell awkwardly to the ground.

  His clothes were all tattered.

  The nose is blue, the face is swollen, and the body is full of bruises.

  As if she had just been ravaged by several old sows for three days and three nights, there was no trace of elegance and calmness.

  He stared at Lin Feng with a stern look in his eyes, "Heavenly Master, how could it be so fierce?".

Chapter 375

  Being sensitive to breath, he could naturally sense that Lin Feng just now was fierce.

  But in essence, he is still a geographer, and in terms of realm, he is one step behind.

  Therefore, he will choose to press people.

  And, almost succeeded.

  Unfortunately, God did not wish.

  In the end, he still came close.

  Almost defeated Lin Feng.

  But, in the end, it's still a little bit worse.

  Lin Feng counterattacked.

  Rise from the micro.

  Take that crucial step.

  In an instant, - reversed the situation.

  He was apprehensive.

  He is restless.

  He didn't know what kind of fate he was about to face.

  Redeem yourself with the massive wealth you have accumulated?

  If Lin Feng is a young man who talks about martial arts, maybe it's okay.

  However, everything just now has proved that this young man does not talk about martial arts.

  However, this is the end of the matter, and it is useless to think too much.

  No matter what Lin Feng did to him, he could only accept it.

  "That Leifa has become even more evil."

  "Just breaking through, you can defeat this blood clan with one blow."

  "This kid, I can't see through it now."

  The old zombie watched all this quietly in the dark.

  He and Lin Feng are now grasshoppers tied to a rope.

  Both are prosperous.

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