"very good."

  Lin Feng nodded and waved.

  The old zombie knows.

  Waving away from the field.

  In the blood clan stronghold, Western zombies, ocean horses, and a group of blood clan members are all waiting anxiously.

  Master and Prince Bailey, disappeared at the same time...  

  The battle between them determines the future fate of their group.

  Lin Fengsheng, then naturally everything will be fine.

  But if Lin Feng was defeated.

  What awaits them will be the most severe punishment.

  The blood clan, to traitors, is very disgusting.

  Although, the law does not blame the public.

  But to be reduced to the most lowly blood slave, it is definitely unavoidable.

  They waited quietly.

  Finally, things came to an end.

  The figures of Lin Feng and Bailey appeared again.

  Seeing Bailey standing respectfully in front of Lin Feng, all the vampires knew that this wave was stable.

  Prince Bailey, also subdued by his master, joined them.

  "Bailey, in the future, the blood clan will still be led by you, but I will arrange someone to supervise everything for you. This person is Haas. I hope you can work together to win the Dark Council as soon as possible.

  At that time, you will be the next two giants of the Dark Council. "

  Lin Feng pointed at the Western Zombie and said.

  Western zombies are just a mere marquis.

  Although Lin Feng sees Yanmar's sake, he has the heart to entrust him with the important task.

  However, the strength is not good, there are many things, he can't do it at all.

  However, Lin Feng still gave him a chance.

  This made the Western Zombie, whose face froze when he heard the first half of Lin Feng's sentence, show ecstasy on his face.

  It seems that the route of sending my sister off seems to be the right one.

  Otherwise, he should be abandoned now. .

Chapter 377


  Bailey respectfully said.

  What Lin Feng meant was that the remnant of the Dracula family should be on an equal footing with himself.

  If on weekdays, a small marquis dared to say that he was on an equal footing, he would definitely turn his face immediately.

  But now, this is what Lin Feng said.

  Now, Lin Feng's words are the imperial edict to him.

  Not to mention making a marquis his equal.

  Even if a blood slave sits on his head and presses him, he has nothing to say and has to lick his smiling face.

  "Thank you master!"

  On the side, Western zombies also reacted.

  "Thank you master!"

24 Dayang Ma Jenny also leaned forward, took Lin Feng's arm, and whispered in his ear.

  This is showing the relationship to Bailey.

  Oneself, the person who is the master.

  Although the strength is not good, the pillow wind is powerful.


  Bailey's eyes shrank, but he understood that these two Dracula remnants, on the basis of what, caught up with Lin Feng's relationship.

  Since ancient times, no matter it is the east or the west, the pillow wind is the most powerful wind.

  In his heart, he attached more importance to Western zombies.

  In the future, everyone is begging for food under one person, but there is no need for internal friction.

  Make achievements, the master will naturally see.

  In terms of reward for meritorious deeds, this is the most orthodox way of promotion.

  "In the future, you must work together..."

  Lin Feng did not have much affection for this group of vampires.

  Besides the Yanmar, he didn't want to spend much time with these guys.

  After simply saying a few words, he took the ocean horse and hurried away.

  Just now, he pretended to be a tiger and pulled his banner for the Western Zombie platform.

  Now, without paying a price, it is impossible.


  Chase the corpse in secret.

  The old man in black robe looked at the information sent back in his hand, and there was a little more smile on his tense face.

  A few days ago, there was news from Xiangxi provincial capital, Coffin Mountain.

  A young man came to Coffin Mountain with a warrant to drive away the corpse and bones.

  The black-robed old man knew that that person must be Lin Feng.

  Because no matter it is age, cultivation base, or token, it can be matched.

  Knowing that Lin Feng was also mixed with Shijian, the most famous Thunder and Lightning Dharma King among the younger generation of Maoshan, the black-robed old man not only didn't feel angry, on the contrary, he appreciated Lin Feng even more.

  Because of Lin Feng, he specially went to investigate the situation in Maoshan.

  The situation of Maoshan Sanmai and Lin Feng's past are very clear.

  Naturally, he knew that even though the entire Maoshan Mountain was chasing and killing Lin Feng.

  But in fact, it was Maoshan's main vein, the second vein, who was chasing and killing Lin Feng.

  The people of the three veins are all perfunctory and do not take this matter to heart.

  Even now, Lin Feng is still the pride of Sanmai.

  Terribly young geographer.

  The combat power is comparable to that of a Celestial Master.

  If it weren't for the immortality of Maoshan's food, this would be the hope of Maoshan's rise.

  It is a pity that Mao Shan abandoned such a talent.

  Sure enough, it is not a loss for the Daoist sect that has been promoting himself as a famous and upright sect since ancient times.

  Therefore, the black-robed old man likes Lin Feng the more he sees it.


  This alone is enough for the black-robed old man to fully support him.

  However, Lin Feng had never had any specific intentions to spread out, which made the black-robed old man a little uneasy.

  For fear that this good seedling that is about to grow up will be captured by other forces.

  After all, this is a seedling that has the hope of growing into a fairy.

   Moreover, the seedlings have almost grown up.

  It is about to bloom and bear fruit, and it is time to harvest.

  But now, he's not worried anymore.

  Because Lin Feng passed the message through Coffin Mountain.

  Let the corpse swarm get ready, and he will come to join the corpse sect after he is ready to live for a while.

  The black-robed old man guessed that Tim Lin Feng had already reached the pinnacle of Earth Master.

  To start, ready to break through the Celestial Master.

  From the Earth Master to the Heavenly Master, it either requires the accumulation of time or the accumulation of resources.

  For a monster like Lin Feng, the accumulation of time is really a waste of life.

  Young and vigorous, he was afraid that he would not wait.

  This should also be the reason why he chose to chase the corpse.

  Because, the corpse sect can provide him with enough resources.

  Immediately, the black-robed old man summoned his subordinates and asked them to start preparing the necessary things. .

Chapter 378

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