Lin Feng's eyes fell in front of him, in front of the somewhat restrained female ghost.

  To be honest, this female ghost is worse than Tingting, Zhuzhu, Qingqing and Qiluo in terms of appearance...

  No, it can't be said that they are inferior, but the styles are different and each has its own charm.

  Of course, these 24 are not the focus of Lin Feng's attention.

  What Lin Feng cares about is this female ghost. In the plot, she seems to be entangled with Lin Jiu.

  Now that Lin Feng is here, he will never allow this to happen.

  After all, Aunt Zhe is also in the provincial capital, and Lin Feng has to be optimistic about Lin Jiu for Aunt Zhe, so as to avoid being hooked up by the coquettish bitches outside.

  There is an old saying, let go of my brother, if you have the ability, come to me...

  Lin Feng came here to solve Lin Jiu's difficulty.

  Besides, he also took a fancy to the identity of this female ghost.

  A ghost who came out of the underworld.

  According to the rules, before dawn, it is destined to return to the underworld.

  Otherwise, it is breaking the rules.

  The current Lin Feng can be said to have stood at the pinnacle of Yang Shi.

  However, for high-level practitioners, although Yang Shi is good, it is also a cage and shackles.

  If you want to step on a higher level, sooner or later, you have to step out.

  And now, Lin Feng has only a limited understanding of the underworld, not at all.

  Also, generally speaking, those famous sects have blessed land in the underworld.

  But the corpse sect did not.

  The old battle.

  It is not only the major factions of Yang Shi who are doing it.

  In the underworld, the blessed places of the major factions are not idle either.

  Yin and Yang two worlds, that is to do it together.

  In the Yang Dynasty, the corpse-hunting faction still has its inheritance preserved.

  But in the underworld, none of the ancestors of the corpse sect escaped.

  After all, although the corpse sect is powerful, it is an emerging sect. In terms of background, it is still different from other holy places.

  And a force that wants to last a long time is more than just managing the forces in the Yang World.

  The power in the underworld is also unobtainable.

  So, if he wants to run the corpse sect well.

  If the corpse-hunting faction is to stand firm from now on, it is necessary to plan a blessed place for the corpse-chasing faction.

  In the future, the strong men of the corpse sect, whether they are flying up in the daytime or dying, will have their true spirits to rely on and have a place to live.

  It is still too early to consider this matter.

  However, taking precautions, Lin Feng always likes to make plans and then act.

  But it is preparation, taking this opportunity to plant seeds in the hidden world.

  Explore first to understand the situation of the underworld.

  And this female ghost is the ghost chosen by Lin Feng.

  In his eyes, the evil lotus rose and turned.


  The female ghost Xiaoli suddenly looked dazed.


  The green ghost fire rose from the female ghost's body, covering her figure.

  In her body, the slave seal began to condense.


  Aside, Qiu Sheng's mouth opened.

  I want to speak for this ghost.

  However, when the words came to his lips, he couldn't get them out.

  Because he knew that it was definitely a blessing for this female ghost to bump into the hands of the little uncle.

  After all, if he hadn't been reluctant to give up his life, he would have wanted to be a ghost under Lin Feng.

  Holding a thick thigh, isn't that better than self-cultivation?

  As for stealing female ghosts with Lin Feng.

  Qiu Sheng didn't even dare to have this idea.

  Wen Cai's expression changed a bit, and he didn't dare to say more.

  Soon, the ghost fire on the female ghost Xiaoli went out, and she knelt on the ground with a plop: "Master!"

  "Come on, go where you need to go."

  Lin Feng nodded and strode towards the Yizhuang where Lin Jiu was.

  Just now Lin Jiu sent a letter, and the ghost in the stage was the only female ghost.

  The other ghosts were suppressed by Lin Jiu himself, but he didn't need to worry about it. .

Chapter 383

  In the Yizhuang, Lin Jiu was entertaining the four ghost messengers who had just been suppressed by Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai with the ghost-suppressing talisman.

  A ghost is a ghost.

  These four ghosts are the most common ghosts.

  That is the devil.

  However, wearing the standard equipment in the hidden world, they are not afraid even if they are singled out for ghosts at the level of ghosts.

  Even get the upper hand.

  However, when encountering cultivators, they can't take advantage of it.

  After all, their standard equipment is aimed at ghosts.

  Therefore, just now, they learned the way of Qiusheng and Wencai, and they were successfully attacked.

  Although, the ghost got away with one.

  Others did not escape.

  And that one, the true biography of Maoshan in front of him also said that he had asked someone to arrest him, and he would be able to bring it back soon.

  However, being plotted against, they have to make a statement no matter what.

  This is related to the majesty of Hades.

  If it weren't for this Lin Jiu also serving in the underworld, he would be considered half of their colleagues.

  They must have turned their faces long ago, and they have reported to the underworld, asking the Yin soldiers to enter the Yang world and suppress the offenders.

  "Senior brother, I brought this female ghost back!"

  Lin Feng pushed open the door and entered.

  Behind, stood the timid female ghost Xiaoli.

  Although she really wanted to stay in the yang world, she didn't want to enter the yin world again.

  But Lin Feng's will is her mission.

  She couldn't tolerate it.

  "Fourth, this last one has also been found~々!"

  Lin Jiu nodded to Lin Feng, and then looked at the four ghosts on either side.

  At this moment, the four ghosts also set their eyes on Xiao Li who was behind Lin Feng.

  Then nodded.

  A strange wave surged.

  Underground, there is a force of devouring.

  Involving the bodies of the four ghosts and the female ghost Xiaoli, they kept falling.

  In an instant, their figures and breaths disappeared.

  A strange color flashed in Lin Feng's eyes.

  These ghosts obviously have the means to come and go freely between Yin and Yang.

  With this method, it was easier for practitioners in Yang Shi to open the gates of hell.

  However, this method should be the top secret of Hades.

  Not for ordinary people to use.

  Otherwise, Lin Jiu could be considered half of the underworld.

  Last time, I didn't have to work hard to open the gate of hell.

  "Finally sent these four guys away!"

  Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

  The appetite of these four ghosts is not small.

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