Although he can't say that everyone betrays relatives and leaves, he is also in deep danger.

  Now, resources and strong backing are needed.

  And now, the other party has already sent goodwill.

  His attitude in the mountain of coffins has already explained everything.

  Therefore, the black-robed old man asked his subordinates to prepare some resources, waiting for Lin Feng to overcome the calamity.

  After he successfully transcended the calamity and stepped into the Celestial Master, he could discuss the matter of the corpse sect's comeback.

  At that time, the corpse-hunting faction will surely dominate the world again.

  He can also comfort the ancestors of the past generations in the spirit of heaven.

  Suddenly, the dark room was illuminated by firelight.

  However, the flames of the brazier in the secret room rose, and among them, there were mysterious fluctuations.

  This is someone, communicating here.

  "Bone Command, that kid in Coffin Mountain has contacted Lin Feng."

  The black-robed old man's eyes lit up, he suddenly stood up and rushed towards the altar.

  He is old and senior.

  Zhang Hu of Coffin Mountain, despite his age, is indeed a kid in his eyes.

  Flame beats.

  Reflecting the scene thousands of miles away.

  The young man he took a fancy to was really on that side.

  Immediately, the black-robed old man's thoughts moved, and the divine light surged on his body, and a sun god walked out of his body and stepped into the flames.


  The flames soared.

  The sun god that came out of the black-robed old man disappeared.

  Coffin Mountain.

  The brazier in front of the old Taoist priest Zhang Hu, the flames soared.

  The sun god of the black-robed old man walked out of the flames.

  There is a Qi machine belonging to the Celestial Master, which diffuses out from his body, and is released once it is released.

  The entire Coffin Mountain trembled.


  A trace of solemnity flashed on Chu Renmei's face.

  But soon, it eased off again.

  He looked fiercely at Qiusheng and Wencai who were fighting against zombies.

  The master's task is to train these two boys well.

  Except for this matter, even if the sky falls, she won't care.

  "What a horrible smell."

  Liu Yuting was also careful with her liver thumping.

  Although she is at the ghost general level.

  But in the face of the Celestial Master, there is still no resistance.

  As for Qiusheng, Wencai, and the zombies who were besieging them, they didn't notice it at all.

  Because the black-robed old man did not deliberately release his own breath to suppress the Quartet.

  It didn't specifically target anything.

  With their strength, they couldn't sense the aura of that aloofness at all.

  "Disciple Zhang Hu, meet the Supreme Elder!"

  The old Taoist knelt down with a thud.

  The sun god came.

  And there is no doubt that the real person will come.

  He had never seen the real man in black robe.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  But I have seen the portrait of the old man in black robe.

  I also felt the breath of the black-robed old man from the decree.

  In addition, the black-robed old man walked out of the flame of the altar brazier.

  And that fleeting coercion.

  It was enough for him to determine the identity of the black-robed old man.

  "Get up, you're fine."

  The black-robed old man nodded.


  With a strong force, Zhang Hu was lifted up.

  Zhang Hu was trembling with excitement.

  Respectfully stand aside.

  "Old man, we meet again."

  Lin Feng looked at the black-robed old man.

  The Sun God of the Celestial Master, in terms of combat power, is not much different from the real body.

  However, the celestial masters who are still in the flesh generally do not easily dispatch the sun gods.

  Because it could put the real body in danger.

  However, when he thought that the black-robed old man had been dispatched many times, he suddenly realized.

...... 0

  This black-robed old man must have a certain degree of Yang God, and he has cultivated the technique of incarnation outside the body.

  Therefore, the Yang God dared to dispatch at will.

  Lin Feng was also very envious of this kind of secret technique.

  "Boy, you..."

  The black-robed old man smiled and looked at Lin Feng.

  Then, as if he had seen a ghost again, his eyes widened, and his face showed horror.

  His mouth was slightly open, but he couldn't speak.

  But at a glance.

  Just one month.

  Lin Feng had already broken through and became a Celestial Master.

  In vain he has prepared so many treasures...

  This kid, behind his back, still has support.

  The big eyes of the black-robed old man shrank.

  But he recovered from the shock.

  "good very good……"

  The black-robed old man was very excited.

  Lin Feng's potential is even greater than his.

  "Old man, what are you looking for me for?"

  Lin Feng looked at the black-robed old man.

  "Boy, what did you think about what I said last time?"

  The old man in black robe was expressionless.

  However, the hope in his eyes could not be concealed.

  "You prepare everything, three months later, I will come to chase the corpse pie."

  Lam Fung did not bargain.

  After all, when the time comes, the real corpse sect will be under his control.

  Bargaining now, that's not digging your own walls.

  "Okay, in three months, I will hold a corpse removal ceremony. When the time comes, I will help you to take the position."

  The black-robed old man could no longer control his expression, and his face showed ecstasy.

  The corpse sect finally looked forward to the time to see the sun again.begging.

Chapter 386


  Chasing the Corpse Sect, in the secret room of the ancestral land, the corners of the black-robed old man who took back the Yang God raised slightly.

  "Those old guys originally questioned my decision, but I would like to see what they say then..."

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