However, this is already amazing.

  The flame goes out.

  The bloody eyes of the wild zombie were even brighter, and there seemed to be a drop of blood diamonds in them.

  The breath on his body is also more evil and pure.

  "Thank you sir!"

  The wild zombie thumped and knelt on the ground again.

  But he knew that the one in front of him was a thick thigh.

  The opportunity is right in front of you, so naturally you have to hold it hard.

  "Let's go, I'll take you for a day, and tomorrow night, you can go for revenge!"

  Lin Feng waved his hand and walked into the darkness, but decided to stay here for two days to see if Taoist Wu was really as in the plot, in order to fight against Taoist Qian to win or lose.

  If it is true, he doesn't mind clearing the door for Maoshan.

  Although, he is no longer the true biography of Maoshan.

  However, in his heart, he has always regarded himself as the true biography of Maoshan.

  The contradiction in this is difficult to understand without me.

  The wild zombie's eyes lit up and quickly followed.

  He, whose intelligence is not weaker than others, knows that he is lucky.

  This is your own chance. If you seize it, you will avoid many detours in the future.


  Wang Cai took advantage of the chance that the zombies were entangled by the two Taoist priests and ran away.

  He can't get away.

  After all, he is penniless, and he won't leave now. When the Taoist priest finishes cleaning up the zombies, he will have to clean him up.

  He shuttled through the dark night, and soon, he retracted into his shack.

  It was an abandoned house, barely able to keep out the wind and rain.

  In fact, here, it does not belong to him.

  The owner of this place, in the past few years, suffered a tragic disaster, and the whole family died...  

  The valuables in the house were also evacuated.

  The house under him was abandoned because it was disliked because of bad feng shui, and it became a place to live for prosperous wealth.

  He ran to the well, drank a belly of water, and temporarily suppressed his hunger, then got into the room and fell asleep.

  "Although it has reached the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, he still sticks to his heart, neither stealing nor robbing. Moreover, people are also very clever, plus the character is hard enough, this guy, like this wild zombie, is also a good seedling!"

  In the darkness, Lin Feng quietly saw everything in his eyes.

  The corpse sect's exercises, to be honest, are not very demanding of qualifications.

  Because, that is an easy sorcery.

  As long as the heart is hard enough and the courage is big enough, you can achieve something.

  Therefore, Lin Feng felt that the most important thing to test is the cultivator's mind.

  People can't be seen.

  Although Lin Feng was powerful, he couldn't read people's hearts.

  At least, from the current point of view, Lin Feng feels that this prosperity is very pleasing to the eye and worth cultivating.

  However, Lin Feng did not immediately stand up to recruit him.

  Because in the plot, he should have a chance.

  struck by lightning.

  Then move the soul into the corpse.

  In the eyes of ordinary people, it was definitely bad luck.

  However, in the eyes of a corpse refining master like Lin Feng, this is a great opportunity and great fortune.

  As long as the corpse is refined into a zombie, it is not a zombie like an arm.

  Lin Feng wanted to see how far such a person could go on the road of chasing corpses.


  The night passed quickly.

  In the evening of the second day, Taoist Qian received a big deal and took his apprentice A Fa out of the town in a carriage.

  And the prosperous wealth that had spent another day in the house was dispatched again by the moonlight. .

Chapter 392

  "Today is a cloudy day in a cloudy year and a cloudy month. Before it's overcast, look at the moon."

  The carriage slowly moved forward, and Qian Zhenzhen looked at the moon in the sky and was moved.

  "It's so beautiful."

  Ah Fa perfunctoryly looked up at the moon.

  After all, he was a young man. He had been busy all day, and now he had to travel at night, so he couldn't bear it anymore.

  "If the moon tonight shines on this corpse, it will change."

  Qian Zhenzhen sighed and said that people who were born in a cloudy year, a cloudy month, a cloudy day, and a cloudy day are most likely to change into a corpse after death.

  This guy did a lot of evil in his lifetime, and he was riddled with sinful karma, which is even more the seed of a zombie.

  "It's not magic, you can change it if you say it?"

  Ah Fa was weak and had nothing to do all night, he could still be lazy.

  If something really happened, he wouldn't want to sleep tonight.

  "Hmph, it's very easy for a corpse to become a zombie. It's safe to die in the ground. You have to remember that if you're uneasy when you go to the ground and you're not dying, you'll become a zombie at any time. You can't learn Maoshan spells half-heartedly. You've turned them into zombies."

  Qian Zhenzhen taught.

  He had no children, so he accepted the apprentice Ah Fa. Naturally, he valued it very much, and wanted to let him inherit his mantle and give him his retirement.

  It's just that this kid, although his talent is good, his nature is eccentric.

  Before this temperament is smoothed out, it is difficult to achieve something in practice.

  However, it will be a long time to come to Japan. He is in the same year, and sometimes it is time to train his disciples.

  "It's all corpses anyway."

  Ah Fa was absent-minded. Right now, he just wanted to lie on the bed and have a good night's sleep. How could he have the heart to listen to Qian Zhenren's lectures here?

  "Dead corpses are posing. Walking corpses, just jumping and jumping. You must remember that zombies are different, with infinite strength, just pinch them like this."

  Qian Zhenren suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed Ah Fa's neck.

  Ah Fa shivered and instinctively pulled the reins, the horse was in pain, and the man stood up.

  Then Zhenren Qian said slowly: "So, I told you to nail the coffin firmly."

  The car kept going.

  The two taught and taught knowledge, but they did not know that Wu Zhenren had already stolen into the carriage from the bottom of the car, and pulled out dozens of coffin nails that could trap even a dead body in a coffin. , thrown out.

  "Hmph, be firm."

  Wu Zhenren sneered and opened the lid of the coffin, and shaved off the corpse's beard with the knife that had been prepared.


  The knife stabbed and pulled at the roof of the car, and the bright moonlight suddenly fell down.

  "Suck it, suck it, suck more moonlight, fresh, don't need money, you're welcome."

  The corpse began to come alive, swallowing its moonlight.

  "It's done!"

  Wu Zhenren's eyes lit up, he took an opportunity, jumped out of the carriage, and plunged into the darkness.

  "One drink and one peck, it's self-determined!"

  In the darkness, Lin Feng took the wild zombie and watched it all quietly.

  He didn't stop.

  Walking in the rivers and lakes should be cautious.

  That Qian Zhenzhen was careless.

  Now that people have moved customers and caused trouble, that's what they deserve.

  As for Wu Zhenren, because of personal grievances, he violated the rules by touching customers from the same family.

  However, Lin Feng was not ready to take care of him himself.

  A mere mage, where is it worthy of him to take action in person.

  There is still a chance later.

  At that time, let him suffer the consequences.

  In the dark, there is God's will.

  If you let the dead corpse in the back of the carriage continue to suck in this way until the corpse is completely deceived, then it will be a big trouble.

  However, when the carriage passed a deep pit, the body shook. .


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