
  Wu Zhenzhen couldn't be touched.

  Hit directly.

  He struggled hard, trying to break free.

  But he didn't want to hang upside down and fell backwards.

  The brain was held still.

  The inertia of the body, he let him twist his neck by himself.


  Wu Zhen is dead.

  Do not look down.


  The zombie sucked Wu Zhenren's blood madly, and the red light in his eyes became more and more intense.

  "what happened?"

  When Qian Zhenzhen heard the movement here, he hurried over.

  Seeing that the zombie was biting, he rushed to save the person.

  "Senior brother!"


  Lin Feng didn't look any further, he turned and left.

  But I don't want to spend more time here.


  The night is cold as water.

  In the wilderness, Ao Tianlong dragged the wooden cart slowly forward.

  Daughter Ningshuang sat in the car and babbled.

  "Do you still have braised rabbit meat? I'm so hungry! Dad, are you hungry?"

  Ahead, Ao Tianlong heard his daughter's long-winded words, and his stomach couldn't help but growl twice.

  He pressed his stomach, his expression was weird, but he was silent, unwilling to pay attention to the little witch behind him.

  Her mouth was so broken that she couldn't stop talking.

  Unexpectedly, Ningshuang's eyes lit up behind him, and he heard the sound of his stomach screaming: Dad, why did you answer me so quickly this time?

  "When did I answer you?"

  Ao Tianlong was angry.

  "I said no, I only asked you three questions, and you answered me."

  Ningshuang said happily.

  She is most afraid of boredom.

  So I keep talking.

  "There's so much to talk about with nothing to eat."

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Ao Tianlong was silent and complained in his heart.

  Suddenly, a fragrance came from the front, and the father and daughter twitched their noses uncontrollably.

  "Dad, did you smell it?"

  Ningshuang's eyes lit up, she suddenly lost her drowsiness and regained her energy.

  "I not only smelled it, but also saw it!"

  Ao Tianlong put down the car and walked forward.

  Ahead, there are several tents.

  Outside the tent, on the extinguished fire, there is a fat rabbit that has been roasted.

  "What did you see?"

...... 0

  Ningshuang hurriedly turned her head, looked forward, and immediately smiled like a flower: wow, dad, I can't die this time.

  Ningshuang jumped up and rushed up, bowing her head and sniffing the fragrance of the roasted rabbit.

  Reaching out, I wanted to tear off a piece to fill my stomach.

  Ao Tianlong slapped Ning Shuang's unceremonious hand: "Hey, ask the master first!"

  "Nomads are very hospitable, no need to ask!"

  Ningshuang pursed her lips.

  She grew up outside the Great Wall and was very carefree, but she didn't care about etiquette or anything.

  Ao Tianlong was different.

  He grew up in the Central Plains.

  After leaving the apprenticeship, because of emotional intelligence, I went far away.

  So I'm very interested in etiquette.

  "It's not surprising that there are many people, let's go!"

  Not far away, Lin Feng was also walking in the dark.

  Suddenly, he felt something in his heart and looked forward.

  In the mid-air, firelights gathered together.

  That fire is from demon to evil.

  Ordinary people can't see it at all.

  Only practitioners who have opened their eyes can see the entangled breath.begging.

Chapter 396

  "A fierce ghost who is about to turn into a ghost general!"

  Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

  The ghost general is already a character.

  Although he doesn't like it.

  But it was subdued and placed in the mountain gate, it was also a not weak fighting force.

  Moreover, every ghost general is the seed of the ghost king.

  There is a possibility of soaring into the sky.

  And the existence of ghost kings, even if it is a holy place, is not too much.

  Immediately, Lin Feng turned his direction slightly and walked towards the place where the vision was soaring to the sky.


  "Dad, you're all asleep, don't ask!"

  Ningshuang jumped out of the tent, and for some reason, she was so enthusiastic and unrestrained on weekdays that she suddenly hesitated.

  Instinctively I don't want to go in.


  Ao Tianlong shook his head.

  My daughter, everything is fine, just a little familiar.

  This, outside the plug, is no problem.

  Most of the girls outside the Great Wall are like this.

  But if you want to enter the Central Plains, it will not work.

  It's easy to get into trouble.


  Ningshuang was helpless, she could only endure the discomfort in her heart and opened the tent curtain.

  Behind the curtain, a young man stood upright.

  His eyes glared angrily, his body was covered in blood, and his face was covered in blisters that had been burned by fire. He stared blankly outside the tent, unable to rest his eyes.

  The tent curtains are drawn.

  There is wind flowing in.

  The corpse that had been standing could no longer be stable.

  Slowly fell forward.


  Rao is Ningshuang, who is well-informed, and can't help screaming at this moment.

  "not good!"

  Ao Tianlong's face suddenly turned ugly.

  This death, you can tell at a glance that it is a ghost harming people.

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