"Focus on the Tao, and grab rabbit meat with me?"


Chapter 399

  It was noon, from the sun to mid-day, and the hot sun shone down on the earth.

  Outside Wenxian County, Qingzhuxuan.

  This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, deep in nature, and embellished with hot springs, but it is the most suitable for recuperation.

  After Yue Qiluo brought all the demons back to Wen County, she settled down again.

  In the forest behind Qingzhuxuan, Ah Li was running around in the forest.

  She likes movement or not, she rarely stays by Yue Qiluo's side on weekdays, and basically hangs out in the mountains and forests.

  The surrounding mountains and forests were all turned around.

  The mountain spirit beasts in the mountain forest were also subdued by him. As an eyeliner, it can be regarded as a contribution to protect Yue Qiluo's safety.

  Although, this force, in Yue Qiluo's view, is completely unnecessary.

  "A sparrow fell into the water, fell into the water..."

  In the forest, there is faintly sweet music coming out.

  Ali looked for the music and went forward, and saw Nintendo lying on a piece of bluestone, with Erlang's legs crossed, listening to the song while basking in the sun.

  "Zombies are still basking in the sun, which will kill you sooner or later."

  Ah Li muttered and rushed up: "Nintendo, is there any abnormality or movement on your side?"

  This is a daily anomaly patrol.

  Ali could not sit still for a day.

  Yue Qiluo handed over the security and guards of Qingzhuxuan to Ahri to arrange.

  Those mountain spirit beasts are just one of Ahri's supplementary means.

  The real guards are naturally arranged by the evil spirits under them.

  Dong Xiaoyu, Ren Weiyong, Nintendo, and Wu Fei were designated by Ali as the Sifang guards, and they were arranged in the Sifang of Qingzhuxuan.

  And she is responsible for patrolling the mountains and forests, checking for leaks and filling vacancies.

  However, he reluctantly turned this mountain forest into an iron barrel.

  The existence under the Celestial Master can't break in at all.


  Nintendo didn't get up either, perfunctorily, and listened to his songs on their own.

  In his heart.

  Lam Fung first.

  Yue Qiluo's safety is second.

  His song is number three.

  As for Ahri who is pulling the tiger's skin.


  If it wasn't for Yue Qiluo saying hello, he wouldn't even look straight at it.

  "You have to do your duty, seriously, don't hold your broken pocket watch every day, just one song, you listen to it over and over every day, is it interesting?"

  Ali akimbo and taught a lesson.

  But below, Nintendo was indifferent.

  Don't listen to her at all.

  "Hey, Nintendo, where am I talking to you?"

  Ali was a little angry.

  The other three guards, the one who is not polite to her, Lord Ahri.

  After all, don't look at her strength, but no matter what, she is the master's pillow beast, isn't she.

  Nintendo just ignores her all day long.

  This made the arrogant and arrogant Lord Ahri itch with anger.

  Ali originally wanted to leave after muttering a few words as in the past.

  Although this has no effect on Nintendo, at least I can vent my anger.

  However, today's Nintendo is a bit abnormal.

  His eyes widened, and his body stood up straight from the bluestone.

  Staring at Ali.

  "What are you going to do?"

  Ali was a little flustered.

  This Nintendo, but fly stiff.

  Moreover, I heard Yue Qiluo and Dong Xiaoyu say that he is definitely a strong person in the flying stiffness.

  If he has an opinion on himself.

  Take action against yourself.

  Teach yourself a lesson.

  That oneself did not even have the strength to resist.

  After all, he is only a little fox.

  To be able to make a fortune, rely on the majesty of the master.

  At this moment, a figure, silently, appeared behind Ali.

  Ali only felt the fur on his neck tighten before being lifted up.

  "Who is it that dares to attack me, Lord Ahri!"

  A raccoon suddenly froze.

  She is a monster.

  Being pinched by the back of his neck, he directly lifted it up.

  This kind of thing, except for the master and the hostess, anyone else who dares to do this will have to die.

  "I haven't seen you for a few months, your temper is rising."

  Lin Feng lifted Ali up high and looked into his eyes.

  Among them, his own face is reflected.

  "Lord...Master...you...you are finally back..."

  Ali, who was arrogant at first, was shocked and surprised.

  His limbs waved wildly with excitement, wanting to pounce on Lin Feng.

  However, Lin Feng grabbed the back of his neck and lifted it up.

  Limbs cannot be used.

  There is absolutely no way to break free.


  Nintendo snapped off the pocket watch.

  There was also a rare look of joy on the stiff face.

  Lin Feng let go and let Ah Li rush to him, and then nodded slightly: "In the later stage of Fei Zong, your speed of progress is a bit fast!".

Chapter 400

  When I left last time, Nintendo was still in the early days of flying dead.

  Although it is only one step away from the mid-phase of flying dead.

  Regardless, it is only the initial stage of the fly.

  In the past three months, even if his talent is extraordinary, he can break through a small realm, ~ that is not bad.

  After all, ordinary flying stiffness, breaking through a small realm, can be calculated in dozens or even hundreds of years.

  The reason why Nintendo, Ren Weiyong, and Royal Zombies can improve so fast is because of Lin Feng's help.

  In the past three months, Lin Feng did not help Nintendo at all.

  But Nintendo, or a breakthrough.

  Moreover, it is two levels in a row.

  Reached the late stage of flying dead.

  With its invincible supernatural powers, I am afraid that the supernatural powers of ordinary celestial masters will not fall on him.

  In other words, ordinary Celestial Masters are no longer a threat to him.

  Even to be suppressed by him.

  Only the celestial masters who have entered the Tao can overwhelm him.

  Unconsciously, there is another Heavenly Master's combat power.

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