It is deeply rooted in this land.

  But Xiangxi.

  Wenxian, although bordering western Hunan.

  But in the middle, separated by a deserted mountain.

  It can be said that the two sides are basically isolated.

  It is difficult to get through.

  If you want to occupy, you don't know that you need to spend energy.

  However, as long as you have money and you are steady, these are not big problems.

  After all, no matter whether it is Gannan or Xiangxi, there is no unity, and all kinds of small warlords govern themselves.

  They only need to nibble step by step to get closer to the target step by step.

  "Ma Zhenbang, you know what?"

  In order to occupy these two areas, it is obviously impossible to rely on Gu Xuanwu and Zhang Xianzong alone.

  The power of the two is too weak.

  Even with the support of a large amount of money, it is difficult to expand rapidly in a short period of time.

  After all, in this day and age, fighting is not just about people.

  In fact, the most important thing is equipment.

  Young warlords like Gu Xuanwu and the others have limited channels and simply can't get in touch with very good weapons channels.

  However, Lin Feng had already made arrangements.

  "Ma Zhenbang!"

  Both Gu Xuanwu and Zhang Xianzong were shocked.

  "Sir, we used to be in Ma Shuai's army.

  After a battle, the army was dispersed, and we lost contact with Ma Shuai, so we packed up the remnants and returned to Wenxian. "

  Gu Xuanwu sighed.

  If it was that stop, Ma Zhenbang did not lose.

  Now Gannan will definitely be a different situation.

  Unfortunately, in this world, there has never been an if.

  "He is also my person. When the time comes, you must work together."

  Lin Feng explained.

  Ma Zhenbang was born in the National Army.


  There is a way.

  What is missing is money.

  Now, he can't touch the short board of money.

  Coupled with the cooperation of Gu Xuanwu and Zhang Xianzong.

  It is not a big problem to win Gannan in a short time.

  "Yes! With Shuai Ma, winning Gannan is not a problem at all."

  Both Gu Xuanwu and Zhang Xianzong shook their bodies.

  Unexpectedly, Lin Feng was still hiding such a hand.

  Ma Zhenbang was born in the national army.

  It is a time-honored warlord in Gannan.

  Many small warlords in Gannan came from his army.

  Now, he is not as good as before.

  But in Gannan, it is also a predator.

  There are only two forces that can be compared with it.

  He is like a ferocious tiger that is old and frail, and the sun is setting.

  However, the power of the tiger is still there.

  What's more, this tiger is not dead yet!

  At the same time, a sense of crisis arose in their hearts.

· · · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

  Because of Ma Zhenbang's appearance, their status in front of Lin Feng was naturally not as good as before.

  In the future, will they continue to be overpowered by Ma Zhenbang?

  Although they used to be Ma Zhenbang's old department, they have long since left Ma Zhenbang's team, occupying one side and making a fortune.

  Today's life is many times more comfortable than the days under Ma Zhenbang.

  Let them be put into Ma Zhenbang's hands again.

  Ha ha……

  I would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

  Naturally, they are very clear about this.


  However, immediately, Lin Feng dispelled their concerns.

  "You are independent, work together, and strive to win Gannan as soon as possible, and then cooperate with Luo Laowei and Ren Dalong of Xiangxi to win Xiangxi as soon as possible."

  Lin Feng's words sounded like thunder in their ears.

  Independently, work together.

  That is to say, they will not be annexed by Ma Zhenbang.

  able to maintain their status.

  And Luo Laowei and Ren Dalong.

  Although they were in Gannan, they had also heard that these two were both in western Hunan and had a good reputation as warlords.

  In terms of strength, he may not be as good as Ma Zhenbang, but he is many times stronger than the two of them.

  However, Xiangxi is more chaotic than Gannan.

  Therefore, even if Luo Laowai and Ren Dalong join forces and want to win Xiangxi, it will be difficult.

  However, if they can now unify Gannan.

  Then integrate the power of Gannan to help Luo Laowai and Ren Dalong.

  It is not difficult to pacify Xiangxi.

  At that time, there are two provinces of Gannan and Hunan.

  If Lin Feng is willing to reveal his identity.

  Then he looks at the world and can also be called the leader of the great warlord.begging.

Chapter 406


  Gu Xuanwu and Zhang Xianzong respectfully said.

  In their hearts, there is a flame called ambition burning.

  Since the two provinces have been swept away.

  Why can't that spark of fire start a prairie fire?

  In the past, they felt that occupying a county and making a fortune was already considered honorable.

  But now, they feel that this is not enough.

  The location of the station is different, and the scenery you see is naturally different.

  Now, although it has not yet started, they have begun to look across the country.

  "Gannan, Xiangxi..."

  Lin Feng sat in the main seat and felt his blood boil.

  However, these are just arrangements made by him.

  Now that we have come to this world, this era, we naturally have to contribute to this land within our ability.

  However, the general trend cannot be changed, and he never thought about sweeping the world or anything.

  That requires more than a gold mine.

  You also need air support.

  Weather, geography, and people are all indispensable.


  After some explanations, Gu Xuanwu and Zhang Xianzong left in a hurry.

  From then on, it is not the unrestrained life.

  However, they were happy.

  Gentle Township is the Tomb of Heroes.

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