It is good for each other to join forces with the corpse sect.

  However, he did not expect that Lin Feng was actually related to the corpse sect.

  The existence behind him that even he can't see clearly is the proof.

  As for the connection between them, the black-robed old man didn't think much about whether it was before or after Lin Feng practiced the corpse refining path.

  Because it doesn't matter.

  No matter what, today, the corpse sect will be handed over to this young man.

  And the rise and fall of the corpse sect will also be handed over to him.

  "Naturally satisfied." Lin Feng nodded: "If there is anyone else in the corpse sect who doesn't agree, you can call them out together.

  Today, I gave them the chance to challenge and won me, and he came to sit in the position of head.

  Don't dare to stand up, then, just obey me honestly.

  If anyone dares to violate yin and yang, I think, I will never feel that there are many zombies in the corpse-hunting faction. "

  Lin Feng glanced around.

  This is a warning.

  Also a warning.

  He has never been a soft-hearted person.

  "Those who have ideas are all here, but I believe that they will not have any more ideas now."

  The black-robed old man smiled and glanced around at the Su Laos with their heads lowered.

  After all, everyone hopes that the corpse sect will be better.

  And Lin Feng's strength and background have proved that it is the most correct choice for him to take charge of the corpse sect.

  At this time, if there are still people who dare to come out and oppose it, it is because they have a different heart and should be punished.

  "So, naturally, it's the best."

  Lin Feng nodded, knowing that the matter was settled.

  "Fourth brother, is it really you?"

  "Fourth brother, unexpectedly, you are still alive."

  At this time, the three mountain guards who did not care about Lin Feng and the black-robed old man spoke excitedly.

  The corpse refining technique of the corpse sect is an almost perfect way of refining corpses.

  The zombie kings that have been refined through this technique basically have a clear mind.

  At the same time, it is also the way of Taoism, practicing the power of Taiyin.

  Instead of being like those wild zombie kings, Ru Mao drinks blood, although he is also wise, he is affected by bloodthirsty and violence.

  "It's me. Unexpectedly, you guys are still alive."

  There was a strange look in the eyes of the old zombie, but he didn't expect that when he returned to the mountain, he would still meet the old man of the past.

  "Is it the fourth ancestor?"

  The black-robed old man trembled, a little excited.

  The gods who protect the mountain are also divided into three, six, nine and so on.

  In the past, when the corpse sect was at its peak, there were [-] mountain guards.

  And the old zombie is one of the most powerful ones.

  In the corpse sect, they are also respected as the "four ancestors".

  "Yes, it's me!"

  The old zombie nodded, and a mysterious and mysterious energy emanated from the unremarkable body.

  Everyone present trembled, and they only felt that the sky was dark and the sky was spinning, the sky was not the sky, the earth was not the earth, the yin and yang were reversed, and the world of Yang had turned into a ghost. .

Chapter 425

  All the existences present only felt that their eyes changed, and they were pulled into his domain by the old zombie.

  "This is, Domain, Four... Four Ancestors, have you cultivated Cheng Fei... Flying Yaksha?"

  Rao is the black-robed old man, as the Supreme Elder of the Corpse Extinguishing Sect and the Great Celestial Master, at this moment, he can't help but stammer.

  Domain, that is the existence of human beings and immortals, and can only touch things.

  Even if the person who has added a body to the domain is not a human immortal, it is infinitely close to the human immortal, and it is only a matter of time before stepping into the human immortal level.

  "Fourth brother, you have taken that step!"

  The other three mountain guards were also trembling.

  Above the Zombie King, Flying Yaksha.

  Above the Celestial Master, he is an immortal.

  It is extremely difficult for the Celestial Master to break through to the human-immortal.

  If the Zombie King wants to break through to Flying Yaksha, it will be several times more difficult than the Celestial Master's cultivation of immortality.

  However, correspondingly, the Flying Yaksha-Sha with the same realm is compared with the Immortals.

  The strength of Feitian Yasha is much stronger than that of Renxian.

  Of course, this is just a comparison of ordinary flying yaksha and ordinary human beings.

  In this world, there is never a shortage of monsters who can defeat the weak and fight against the ranks.

  For example, Lin Feng.

  All around, all the old zombies who chased the dead also set their sights on the old zombie.

  In those eyes, there is hope and longing.

  The corpse faction has been silent for too long.

  There are no superpowers in the door. Although they are earth masters, they are still like earth mice, hiding in the east and hiding from the sun.

  This is an insult to the geographer.

  However, the situation is stronger than that of people. The ancestors of the corpse sect wanted to rule the world.

  If you fail to capture the dragon, the younger generation will naturally suffer backlash.

  It is a blessing to be able to preserve the inheritance and make a comeback.

  Where, dare to ask for anything else.

  And now, the strongest, has appeared again.

  If it is said, what they see in Lin Feng is hope and the future.

  Then the old zombies brought them now.

  The future is unpredictable.

  But now, it is within reach.

  "No, I was suppressed by the Taoist "Breaking Army" for thousands of years, which hurt the source, and now it's only half of the flying yaksa."

  The old zombie shook his head.

  If he had not been suppressed for thousands of years, his origin would not have been damaged.

  You won't be caught in the embarrassing situation where you can't take that crucial step from now on.

  However, luck and misfortune depend on each other.

  If not suppressed for thousands of years.

  There is no precipitation for thousands of years.

  It is also impossible for him to glimpse the secrets of the Feitian Yasha realm.

  In the dark, there are certain numbers.


  Even if they are zombie kings, although they are not as good as reincarnation, they jump out of the Three Realms and are no longer in the Five Elements.

  However, as long as you are in this world, you cannot escape the fetters of fate.

  "Half-step flying Yaksha, the combat power is comparable to that of a fairy."

  "The Fourth Ancestor has cultivated into a domain, and it is no different from a human being and immortal."

  "God bless me to chase the corpse faction, I know, if it is extremely peaceful, I chase the corpse faction, there is a day when it will rise, but I didn't expect that this day will come so fast, and my old bones will still have another chance. See."

  "You're only [-] years old and you're old? Then if I'm a hundred and twenty, wouldn't I be immortal."

  "Shut up, the fourth ancestor and the three old ancestors have lived for thousands of years."


  The old people were talking a lot, and their faces were full of enthusiasm.

  The strength of zombies is already overwhelming the cultivators of the same level.

  Half-step flying Yaksha is not necessarily weaker than Renxian.

  "Fourth brother, the door has accumulated a lot of treasures for thousands of years. There are also some treasures from thousands of years ago. I believe it should be able to solve the problem of your origin."

  There is a mountain protector who will open the mouth and say.

  Zombies don't live or die.

  There is no way to pass on these.

  At their level, what they long for is nothing more than a breakthrough in their cultivation.

  The stronger, the more free.

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