Suddenly, the paper crane flapped its wings and flew away.

  This is a small means of message transmission, the range of message transmission is not large, and it is only useful within a range of ten kilometers.

  And this paper crane festival is very troublesome to practice, so this communication method is rarely used if it is not coincidental.

  "Jia Le, you and Qingqing are guarding the dojo together, and Yixiu and I will follow along to have a look."

  After doing all this, Si Mu explained to Jia Le again.

  Then the two good friends and the guy chased towards the mountain.


  On the mountain.

  Heavy rain is coming.

  Qianhe and his party could only stop to rest and set up camp.

  Unexpectedly, before the tent was set up, the rain started to fall.

  "not good--"

  Seeing the ink dripping from the coffin, Qianhe's expression changed: "The ink bucket line has begun to melt."

  "It's not a big problem. The tent over there will be set up immediately. As long as the coffin goes in, it will be added after the ink bucket line is a little dry."

  Lin Feng comforted from the side.He naturally knew that this first tent, that Wu steward was absolutely impossible to give to the dead.

  After all, he needs to take care of his living master first.

  However, to see through and not to say, he wants to conquer the royal zombies in the strongest state, and naturally he will not be stupid enough to change the plot at this time.

  "This is the end of the matter, and that's the only way it can be." Qianhe nodded, feeling walking towards Wu Guanshi: "Wu Guanshi, let Shoucai go first."

  "Huh? Why?" Wu Guanshi's face suddenly turned cold.

  "The ink bucket line has already begun to melt." Qianhe said worriedly: "I'm afraid that the one in the longevity material will..."



  Qianhe was dumbfounded, and the worry on his face was even worse.

  "Senior brother, you are too sincere." Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head.

  "Hey, taking people's money and helping them eliminate disasters, we just help them do things after all..."

  Qianhe shook his head and circled around the coffin, feeling even more uneasy.

  Because the other side of the coffin, the ink on the ink fountain net, has been blown clean.

  At this time, another tent was finally set up.

  "Quick, push Shoucai in."

  Qianhe's eyes lit up and hurriedly greeted.

  Immediately, the southeast, northwest and several soldiers stepped forward and pushed the golden coffin into the tent.


  A strange color flashed across Lin Feng's face.

  Look up to the sky.

  I saw the sky was surging.

  The heavy rain that had been pouring just now suddenly disappeared.

  The whirring mountain wind was blowing, and it was a little scary.

  "Oh, the rain stopped—"


  "What's the matter?" Qianhe was also a little stunned, and the situation seemed to be a bit wrong.


  At this moment, a golden lightning ripped apart the sky and landed on the golden coffin.

  Ah ah ah ah ah--

  Several soldiers who directly pushed the coffin with their hands were first attracted to the coffin by the electro-optical light, and their bodies trembled wildly.

  Then suddenly it was blasted again by electric light.

  It was pitch black and fell to the ground, not knowing whether to live or die.


  Qianhe was startled, and quickly stepped forward to check the situation of the soldiers.

  "what happened?"

  In the tent on the side, Director Wu heard the movement outside, and also opened the curtain and stuck his head out.

  "After the lightning strike, the aura of this royal zombie suddenly became much stronger."

  Aside, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

  But he knew that this royal zombie finally got his chance.

  squeak squeak-

  There was movement in the copper-horned golden coffin, and the lid of the coffin was slowly being lifted up.

  The ink bucket net was hit by the corpse aura.The red light flashed, but in the end, more than half of the magic ink on the top was washed away, and the power was greatly reduced.

  Immediately torn apart. .

Chapter 56

  "not good--"

  Qianhe's face changed greatly, and a scorpion turned over and landed firmly on the lid of the coffin, and then pressed the lifted coffin down.

  "Quick, bring the rope!"

  After calming down, Qianhe shouted.

  Fortunately, they had been guarding against this kind of thing, so the rope was already prepared.

  Immediately, the ropes were served from the south, east, and northwest.

  Whoosh whoosh—

  The coffin was tightly tied with a rope like a child's arm, and Qianzuru breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Brother, let's go—"

  At this time, Lin Feng's voice exploded from the side.


  Qianhe was stunned for a moment, and instantly felt a strong force under his feet.

  But the coffin lid was lifted again, and it fell directly to the ground.

  The rope with the thick arm of the child didn't work at all, and was directly torn apart.

  Qianhe couldn't avoid it, and was directly pressed to the ground by the heavy coffin lid.

  Fortunately, he was lucky, the coffin lid just pressed the Taoist robe, not really pressing on him.

  "The power of the bronze armored corpse is indeed much stronger than that of the ordinary jumping corpse."

  Aside, Lin Feng's eyes lit up.

  As expected of the boss in Uncle Zombie, no matter in terms of momentum or strength, this royal zombie is not inferior to Mr. Ren.


  The royal zombie stood upright from the golden coffin, stepped firmly on the edge of the coffin, and roared up to the sky.

  Terrifying far away.

  Not like a beast.

  With great majesty.


  Its eyes were full of violence, and its eyes fell on Qianhe on the ground.

  Just now, it was this guy who was preventing himself from being born.


  The royal corpse roared, and its body fell straight down. The corpse's hand, which glowed with bronze lustre, was like a bronze sword, stabbing Qianhe.

  Qianhe's clothes were pressed down at this moment, and he couldn't escape at all.

  Fortunately, the apprentice A Bei on the side was determined, and he rushed forward with a peach wood sword, straight to the chest of the royal zombie.

  The royal zombie was immediately attracted to Abei, and a pair of corpse hands stabbed at Abei's neck.

  "Senior brother, this apprentice was not paid in vain."

  Naturally, Lin Feng would not watch his nephew being bitten by a zombie, and immediately moved his hand, and the chain of ghost fire roared out and slapped on the royal zombie.


  This ghost fire chain was formed by Lin Feng using the mana of corpse refining.

  The ghost fire chain formed by the condensed mana of the ghost shepherd technique restrains ghosts.

  And the ghost fire chain formed by the mana of this corpse refining technique naturally restrains zombies.

  Immediately, the royal zombies flew out.


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